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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, science versus spirituality, everything in this human game is kept separate. The whole human game has been designed to keep us separate and keep us divided and science and spirituality are no different. Why is that? You see if they took science and spirituality and merged them together, absolutely everything would make sense. Absolutely everything would fall into place, and everyone would get it.
We as physical beings are not physical but in this frequency band, in this dimensional space, within this density, we are physical. But there is a huge part of us that is geometrical and mathematical and if you go beyond the physical form and out into the world and into the structure of the galaxy, the structure of the universe, everything is geometrical and mathematical and so if you took all of this this geometry and all of this mathematics, all of this science, and you merged it with the subtle ethereal energies of this spiritual field, everything would blend together.
Humanity would wake up a lot faster because those that really tap into this spiritual work and they start to journey and they slow down the brainwaves and they open the heart space and they start to transition down through those slower brainwave states and so the third eye opens and they connect with the universal fabric and they start to see the truth, the wisdom, the knowledge, which is geometrical and mathematical light, vibration, sound they start to really, truly inner-stand that the science is in the spiritual and the spiritual is within the science. You cannot separate them.
However, the game has been designed in such a way that the two fields argue with each other just like supporters of football teams argue with each other. Supporters of different parties that control governments or within governmental structures argue with each other. People pick sides. People argue over their favourite colour, their favourite football player, their favourite tennis player. People argue over the silliest of things. And so, you know, scientists and spiritual leaders do not really get on and they try to put science and spirituality in completely different boxes, in completely different universes as separate and as far apart as possible and this is why we as a human species, we as a family must unite.
It is why we must see beyond the veil of illusion and look into each other’s eyes and realize that we are light, vibration, sound and the deeper you go into someone else’s consciousness, the more you merge with your own self, and you realize that someone else is just a reflection of you. Now, that does not go and mean, and it does not go to say that every human being on this planet is kind and loving and all of those things. It does not mean to say that within every physical vessel that there is a soul and something that you can connect to on that level.
However, if you go deep into anyone’s field of consciousness, you will realize that there is vibration, there is sound, there is harmonics, and everything originally came from this. This source of energy, this source of frequency. Now things split and things spread out and things expand, and things become separated and change their frequencies within this whole geometrical structure. But ultimately everything came from the same original source. Therefore, we must love. This is why we have to love fiercely and ferociously because there are many different frequencies within this universal fabric, within this worldly structure, this cosmic structure and not all of it is pleasant, but it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t love it or love them or love whatever is because when we open our heart and we continue to love, we start to break things down and we start to break things apart. And as we break things down and as we break things apart; things start to splinter and merge back into the wholeness and the fabric of everything. The oneness, everything starts to restructure.
So, it is mission critical, Beautiful Soul that we love like crazy, that we just love so fiercely and so ferociously that our fierce and ferocious love burns through everything, and it allows things to disintegrate, to fall apart, because there’s beauty and magic in the disintegration. There’s beauty and magic in falling apart. Because as things disintegrate and as things fall apart, they merge back into wholeness and then everything can return to love. It can return to truth and wisdom and freedom and sovereignty. This is the power that we have as humanity, to open our hearts and to love and to make that critical choice. Let us merge science and spirituality, let’s merge the quantum with the physical. Let us merge the structured with the unstructured, the ethereal with the physical, and let’s be happy and smile and be full of joy wherever you are on this magical planet
Beautiful Soul, go out and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go ever. Okay, that is the golden rule of hugging, you know that. Go and shine your magical light, stand in your power, speak your truth, and illuminate your world. Carve and blaze trails for your sisters and brothers to walk down. Let us walk side by side, in unity, baby. I will see you again real soon.
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