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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. So, I just wanted to share a message with you about accessing that divine wisdom. You came from the stars, you were birthed from stardust and there is one constellation in the cosmos that really brings forth those goddess energies, and that is the thirteenth constellation, the constellation of Ophiuchus.
When I wrote the book “Healing with Light Frequencies: the transformative power of Star Magic” and shared how the body is connected to the constellations and how you can use these constellations to heal mental, physical, emotional, ailments. No one else was really talking about it and now it’s kind of everywhere. Loads of people are talking about Ophiuchus on YouTube.
Not long after i published the book there was some magazine in America that came out and was saying about this constellation that they’d found but it’s been around forever. Why there is only 12 constellations in our zodiac in our calendar year because they changed it, they manipulated it. Each one of these constellations has a link to a body part. Pisces is the feet, Ophiuchus, this is the nervous system, and then all the other zodiac signs fit body parts in between. Leo is the heart and the back; Virgo is the belly area. You’ve got Scorpio, the genitals, Aquarius for shins and calves, Capricorn for the knees, Sagittarius for sides and hamstrings. All body parts are linked to zodiac signs, to the constellations to the light from these stars.
Now why did they take Ophiuchus away? Because it’s number 13. What does number 13 represent? The number of the divine goddess, the divine feminine power. Number 13 is so important, 49 days after conception, DMT appears in the womb. Also, eight little cells appear in the womb which form a Merkabah. Four and nine, what does it equal? Thirteen. Thirteen is one of the most powerful numbers and everything is code, geometry, mathematics. What the dark side fear the most is you connecting with this divine energy this, divine essence, that you are they don’t want you to discover, to unleash the magic that lies within you when you stream those goddess frequencies through your body. When they merge with the masculine and the masculine and the feminine, they come into divine equilibrium, divine harmony, divine balance.
When you find that centre point and these energies flow through you, when they emanate from your cosmic heart, you become unstoppable, you become untameable. You can no longer be manipulated, beautiful soul, you are powerful. I invite you to connect with this constellation and stream her frequencies down through your crown, into your nervous system, and allow your nervous system to fire up with that crystal white diamond light from all for you. Feel those codes streaming through your system they’re firing through you right now. As I’m talking to you, I’m sharing with you, as I’m being in this space with you. Feel them. Just close your eyes for a moment and allow these energies to stream through your crown and elevate you mentally physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Allow that heart frequency to expand as that light and that potent DNA activation code flows through your system.
You are amazing as this energy flows through your body allow yourself to connect to the magnetic energies of the earth. Again, this celestial ball that we play the game of life on, her magnetic energies allow them to flow up through your body and into your heart. As those feminine energies flow down from the skies, from the stars, through the cosmic fabric, from space, energize your soul, balance, and harmonize. When you connect with this goddess energy no one can stop you. You fear nothing. You are a magical wizard, a magical witch. You’re both. You’re heaven and earth, the mother and the father, and the divine child. They do not want you to stand in your power so stand in it, stand tall, speak your truth, be authentic, raise the vibration, elevate your frequency, expand your consciousness, and be the un-fuck-with-able being that you are, the lion, the lioness, the god, the goddess, the rainbow warrior, the galactic titan, the earth angel.
Ophiuchus has so much to offer, sacred number 13, be with this power, beautiful soul. Connect daily and feel the shift, the change, the expansion. Allow your heart to expand as you breathe these codes into every cell of your human body, as you download them into every bio photon of light in your light body. Connect daily, be powerful, shine your light ever so bright. Never compromise, never sacrifice. Dive into that beautiful heart of yours, that cavern of mystery, that labyrinth of magic where all the answers lie.
I love you so much beautiful soul. Be your power, be your divine light and I’ll see you again very soon. Laugh like crazy, glow that diamond brilliance, and go out into the world and hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again very soon. Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Go and check them out and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one. Gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. Connect with the tribe daily. There’s magic everywhere. I’ll see you real soon.
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