This guided meditation is to rise consciousness and expand love on this planet. This is free for humanity to rise and come together. This meditation will create a huge wave of love, as we, sisters and brothers of Earth, come together daily, at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm or 9pm in your respective time zones, open our hearts and meditate. Each time you go through this meditation you will expand and the connection will strengthen. Please share this with your loved ones and lets create an unstoppable wave of love, that will create a platform for us to rise as divine sovereign beings and take the necessary action in this physical world. Compassion. Love. Divinity. Unity. The guided meditation is to bring humanity into a space, where we can elevate consciousness and really send huge waves of love into our worldly and cosmic environment. Its a 20 minute meditation, that you and your loved ones can engage in on a daily basis. either at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm or 9pm, your locaal time. When we encourage others to use this transmission, it continually builds in energy and more and more love will be sent out into the consciousness stream of humanity and right now on earth it is needed. I have uploaded the meditation onto YouTube. there is no talking before and after, its simply the transmission. Please use it and share it far and wide. The more people that engage with this at the said times, the more the power of our Global Human Connection will send waves of Divine Love out into the Planet. I can’t stress the importance of us engaging this way right now. There is so much potential chaos but we can balance it with our hearts, as long as enough of us join forces. Let’s do this.
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Close your eyes, take some nice long deep breaths, feel your body, breathe deeper and longer and slower and come into this space with me. Breathe into your stomach, breathe into your hips, breathe into your buttocks, breathe into your groin. Feel your body. We are humanity. We are one light, one source, one code. Breathe into your body feel your heart as you’re breathing into your body.
You’ll become aware of a diamond light that starts to move in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor this powerful diamond frequency moves towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it in a clockwise direction over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger swirling around the outside of your physical body like a diamond tornado. You feel the energy and then you start to breathe this frequency. You breathe in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head to your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest, and back. It flows through your spinal column and each one of those 33 vertebrae lights up.
This diamond frequency flows through your middle back, your lower back, into your buttocks. It flows through your heart chakra, ribcage, lungs, down through your vital organs. It flows through your large and small intestine, down through your hips, your groin, through your legs, swirling through your thighs, your hamstrings, your knees, and your calves, past your shins into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It flows through your shoulders down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful frequency until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing. We are humanity, we are one global family. Feel this in your heart, beautiful soul.
As you continue to breathe and vibrate into your powerful body, the home of your soul in this reality. You become aware of every cell in your physical body vibrating on this diamond frequency, all seventy-five to a hundred trillion cells dancing like a happy family a happy community vibrating inside of your body dancing and smiling. You start to rise, your light body starts to rise through your crown, up through your shoulders. You start to flow, getting lighter and lighter you flow up through your crown, up through your shoulders, up into the space above your physicalness. You rise ten meters, 20, getting lighter and lighter. You look back down at your physical body and that community of high vibrational diamond cells dancing and smiling as one you rise higher and higher up through the space. 30 meters, 40, 50. You rise through the empty space and as you do you look around at your sisters and brothers of Earth. You see their diamond lights you realize that inside their bodies there are small communities of cells vibrating as one. those cells are dancing and smiling inside the bodies of every man woman and child on planet Earth.
As you rise higher and higher you see more diamond light all over the planet. You rise higher and higher in two spaces at the same time, a powerful undefinable multi-dimensional being. You rise towards Mother Earth’s atmosphere getting higher and higher. You get within 300 meters of her atmosphere, 250, 200, 150, 100 meters, getting lighter and lighter expanding and expanding 50 meters, 25. You start to flow up through Mother Earth’s atmosphere and into space. You continue to rise and then you come to a stop. You look down, you see diamond light all over planet Earth. You look left and you look right. You see the light bodies of your sisters and brothers all vibrating in the empty space up above Mother Earth looking down at that green and blue ball you call home for a short while whilst your essence experiences being human. Whilst you experience being human you carry these multi-dimensional faculties. They’ve never left you. Your heart is a Stargate, the magic, the key to the question and the answer.
As you look down at those diamond lights all over the planet you become aware that back down on earth the diamond light inside your physical body is expanding. It expands past the boundaries of your physical body. It quickly flows and fills up your room. It flows out through the boundaries of the space your physical body is in and it starts to travel through your local community, your town or city, and it quickly joins with the diamond lights that are flowing through the towns and cities from your sisters and brothers. These diamond lights they increase the power, the force, the energy, the light codes. These diamond lights they start to fill up your country. You look down. There are other countries from up above and you see those diamond frequencies flowing through countries and continents. At the same time, you feel the unconditional love pouring out from your heart in your physical body racing through our planetary environment. Unconditional love is an infinite supply. Joy, divinity, oneness is flowing out from your heart faster and faster. You realize you are the centre of your own universe.
As you watch from above these diamond lights. They pour through oceans, rivers, streams, seas, mountain ranges, jungles, forests. These diamond lights all over Planet Earth they start to merge creating a powerful band of diamond light all the way around the planet. This diamond light flows down through mother earth, down through her heart. It flows up through mother earth’s atmosphere out into space, through your light body connecting your physical body, your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to the celestial beings in space, in suns, moons, planets, star systems. We are connected. You look around at the light bodies of your sisters and brothers in space. You realize we are one and everything is connected. Humanity is rising as one We are united by the most powerful measurable force in the entire universe, love as you vibrate up above looking down being the observer of this whole situation.
You’re also down on planet Earth and from that standpoint I want you to consciously open your heart wider. Allow that love to flow and say, “I love all beings, I am all beings, I am love, I love the trees, the flowers, the plants, the animals, the sea life, the insects. I love the mountain ranges. I love earth herself, I love the sun, the moon, and the stars. I love the cosmos”, and as you say these words you realize that you are the cosmos and everything inside of the cosmos exists inside of your own heart. We are humanity, we are sovereign, we are free. Every cell of your physical body vibrates like crazy. Your heart expands and expands. Mother earth starts to send high vibrational divine feminine frequencies up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet, up through your root chakra, your sacral, your solar plexus, into your heart and boom, they explode. Divine feminine energies flow up into your heart, magnetic and electromagnetic frequencies pour into your consciousness.
As you observed from above vibrating in this space, you become aware that your light body starts to descend back down through Mother Earth’s atmosphere, back down through the sky knowing that you’ve witnessed these events that we really are one universal code cut from the same fabric. There is no going back. It’s time to laugh, it’s time to be the high vibrational being that you came to earth to be. It’s time to see beyond the illusion, beyond judgments, beyond separation. These things are constructs, designs, separators, but now you know the truth that we are humanity, that we are loved, that we are sovereign and free, that we are immeasurable undefinable unquantifiable. There is no going back.
As you descend through the earthly environment, down through this space back towards where you left your physical body, you look around and you feel the love that you have everything and everyone. You feel connected and at the same time completely disconnected. It’s a beautiful feeling knowing the power that resides inside your own body. You have a soul; you have a light body. You are energy. Energy never dies. It transforms, it transmutes, it moves. There is nothing to fear. You get within a few hundred meters of your body, 200, 150, 100, 50, 25, 20, 10, 5. You stop just above your physical body looking back down. As you look back down at your physical body looking around in the diamond light, your crown chakra opens like a thousand petals diamond lotus flower. This diamond flower has a rainbow.
As you float down towards it you get within four meters ,three, two, one, you flow down for your own crown, through your pineal gland, your head, your face, your neck, your throat, down into your cosmic heart. Your light starts to expand and your crown chakra closes. Your light expands into your shoulders, chest, and back, arms, hands, fingers, thumbs, legs, ankles feet and toes. You expand through your neck, your head, your left and right brain. You start to feel the vibration in your bones, the tingling your cells, the frequency in every muscle as your light body integrates with your physicalness. You know beyond the shadow of a doubt that humanity is rising like lions and lionesses. We will roar fiercely; we will love ferociously. When the world around us creates distortions, tries to separate us, we will see through that, we will feel through that, and together we will rise as divine beings, divine sovereign beings, children of the stars who came to planet earth to thrive and to live and to play on this beautiful planet. Religion, race, class, colour, creed is non-existent.
We are humans with heartbeats, with blood coursing through our veins, with eyes, ears, and love these incredible bodies that we get to dance and run and skip and laugh and make love in. They must be cherished and nurtured and loved, and as we do that love will pour out from our inner being and our inner awareness into the world and we will love others just like we love ourselves. Just be in this space and feel your body, feel the love for Humanity, for planet Earth, for your human family. We’re going to spread this message of love and life, frequency, vibration.
Come back and do this meditation daily and share it with your sisters and brothers. Encourage your sisters and brothers to choose a 9:00 a.m. slot, a 12:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m. a 6:00 p.m. or a 9 p.m. slot to do this meditation. We will have groups of people sending out high vibrational frequencies left, right, and centre at these very powerful times during the day. It doesn’t matter what time zone you’re in. You do it according to your time zone. Many of us will meet in the empty space and the frequencies from our hearts will shift the vibration and expand consciousness on planet Earth. Do it for yourself, do it for humanity, do it in the name of love. We are sisters and brothers; it is time to unite. Beautiful soul, I love you unconditionally as my sister or brother. Go ahead to this world, love fiercely and ferociously, hug tightly and never be the first to let go. I’ll see you again real soon. Share it with your sisters and brothers.
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