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“By programming and reprogramming your DNA, deep, deep, healing is possible very, very, quickly and today I’m going to take you on a short journey where you are going to have the opportunity to reprogram your DNA and create healing inside your own physical body.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul. So today I want to take you on a short healing journey so you can reprogram your DNA and create healing within your physical body right now. So, what I want you to do is close your eyes and take some nice long deep breaths. Breathe into that magical body of yours and just be in this space. It doesn’t matter who you are. We all need a little bit of healing, beautiful soul, me included.
If we need some healing right now, the animals are sisters and brothers, and so are you. So, breathe into this beautiful body, this magical avatar vessel, the home of your soul in this reality. Breathe into it deeper and longer and slower and as you’re breathing into your body, I want to remind you that time distance and measurements don’t exist in the quantum field. Everything is now everything is in the same space at the same time. So, if i work on your physical body right here right now you feel the physical results and vice versa.
Breathe into your body and know that you deserve this time in this space to be here now to transform, to heal, to expand, to elevate your vibration and heal mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Continue to breathe into your body. I’m going to bring a diamond sphere up in front of my physical body in the space with me right now and I’m going to work inside this diamond sphere today. As you continue to breathe into your body, I want you to bring your awareness into your heart and I want you to consciously open your heart and I want you to see lights flowing out from your heart through the empty space and connecting with the sphere in front of my body. I also want you to see light flowing from your hearts up through your chest up through your throat. up into your mind.
As the light flows from your heart to your mind, you will see lights flowing from your third eye from your pineal gland down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, and down into your heart setting up a two-way communication link. As light also pours from your heart forwards into the sphere diamond light from this sphere is going to flow back through that electromagnetic stream of your heart and into your physical body. Just breathe and be in this space.
I am going to bring Mother Gaia into this diamond sphere as well as communicate with you directly. I’m also going to bring a dear soul sister of mine into this space, who goes by the name of Azu, who’s going through some health issues at that moment. I am going to bring her into my space too, I’m going to work on Azu, Gaia, and you right here, right now. As I’m working on you, I want you to work on yourself in a very simple fashion. All you need to do is breathe deep long slow breaths in and out of your body and keep your heart open. Allow that light to flow from your heart through the empty space and into the diamond sphere in front of my body.
As you’re breathing into your body, you’ll become aware of an inverted ruby red pyramid spinning 90 centimetres above your crown chakra spinning in a clockwise direction. As it spins it starts to draw in electromagnetic frequencies from the constellation of Leo, the constellation of Pisces and the constellation of Ophiuchus. These light streams they flow through space, through the cosmic fabric, down through mother earth’s atmosphere, down through the skies, through the roof of your space and into the base of that inverted pyramid which spins faster and faster. The apex of that pyramid opens and that starlight flows down through your crown, through your pineal gland, through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, down into your heart. Boom it explodes and the frequency starts to flow and race around the inside of your physical body.
As I open my heart into the diamond sphere, I start to pull light codes from my heart into the diamond sphere which starts to flow forwards through the empty space, through that electromagnetic stream and into your body mixing and merging with the frequencies from the stars. You will also become aware of a platinum light that starts to move up from the ground below you. It starts to flow up through the soles of your feet, a magnetic energy flows up through the soles of your feet, filling up your feet filling up your ankles flowing up through your calves filling them up flowing past your shins filling them up moving through your knees your thighs your hamstrings up into your groin your buttocks. This platinum light flows up through your waistline through your lower back up through your vital organs.
It flows up past your chest, through your heart, filling up your shoulders and your back. It flows down your arms into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. It flows up through your throat, up through your face. up to your crown. This magnetic energy starts to draw those electromagnetic frequencies from the stars down through your body. Even faster the pyramid spins faster, the apex opens slightly wider. Just be in this space, feel your body. If there’s a particular issue that you want to work on right now, I want you to bring your awareness to it, your attention to it. It could be a relationship, it could be something physical that’s taking place in your body now, illness, disease. I want you to bring your awareness to that space.
I want you to say in your own mind or out loud. It’s entirely up to you: “I release this trauma into the superconscious field right now, I release this pain to the universe right now, I release this trauma to the super conscious field right now, I release this pain to the universe right now, I release this trauma to the super conscious field right now, I release this trauma to the universe right now. I transmute it, I release it, and I create the space for the healing to take place and i do that now.”
Feel your heart expanding and expanding as the light codes flow from this sphere into your heart racing around the inside of your body, going to those places where the trauma is. Continue to repeat these words: “my body is healthy, my mind is healthy, my soul is healthy. My body is free my mind is free, my soul is free. I am that I am a powerful divine sovereign being. I love my body, I love my life, I love who i am. i honour myself, i respect myself, i love me fully wholly and unconditionally. Just be in this space and feel these energies.”
You are an amazing being and right now you are self-healing. You are designed to self-heal. You are created to be powerful, created to be sovereign. Feel your body getting lighter and lighter as trauma falls from your physicalness. It falls from your light body, it dissipates from your mental and emotional bodies, spiritually on the quantum level. Everything dissolves, blends, transmutes into light, into positive energy. As your heart expands out through the fields and you become one with all things, all creatures great and small, as you become one with the sun the moon and the stars, the jungles the oceans the rivers and streams, the mountains. The energy flows freely. There is no place for it to be stuck. You release it out into the superconscious fields and allow the universe to turn any of these lower vibrational frequencies, these stuck emotions into light, into positivity, into love to be used for good in the universe wherever it’s needed.
Energy can’t be destroyed, beautiful soul. It can only be transmuted and exchanged. Breathe into your body, feel this energy. As your heart expands and expands, I open my heart wider. Feel the field of my heart radiating through your presence. We are one, one light, one code, one frequency, one energy, source. it’s all love, baby. Feel this. Be in this magical space, feel the energy, feel the vibration as you expand and expand and expand. Communicate with your hands talk to your heart, bring your awareness into your heart, and say: “I love you; I love me, I love you, I love me. My body is healing, my body is expanding, my cells are communicating, my vital organs are clear. They are cleansed, whole, and free. I love my kidneys, I love my liver, I love my gall bladder, I love my pancreas, I love my spleen, I love my large and small intestine, I love my lungs, I love my heart, I love my mesentery, I love all of me I love my bones, I love my muscles, I love my organs.”
As you communicate with your body your words are reprogramming your DNA to be a healthy superconscious being of light. Feel this, beautiful soul. It is all love. Just be in this space for another two minutes and allow yourself just to surrender to this experience. As that platinum light, that magnetic frequency that gives you eternal life flowing up through your feet gets stronger and stronger those electromagnetic codes from the stars they pour fast and furious down through your crown into your heart racing around your body. The Merkabas in your energy centres they all come into perfect harmony, perfect equilibrium, the top tetrahedrons all spinning clockwise in every energy centre, the bottom ones anti-clockwise, the energy flowing freely from your crown to your roots from your root to the stars from your crown to the centre of the planet.
Everything is flowing. Your alpha and your omega, the masculine and the feminine. You are a divine being of light. Allow your heart to expand and expand throughout the empty space. Become one with everything. You are nature. You are not separate from your environment. You are not muscles, bones and organs wrapped in a bag of skin and separate from everything else you are the universe. Every planet, every star, resides in your own being. You are a mirror image of Mother Earth’s grids, a mirror image of the cosmos, more powerful than you truly realize. Feel this in every cell of your physical body, every bio photon of light in your light body.
Continue to breathe as you release everything that does not serve you. You feel lighter and lighter and lighter and, as you do you, start to become aware of your body. The vibration in your bones, the tingling your cells, the frequency in every muscle. You start to become aware of your breath, the in-breath and the out-breath and the space in between. You realize it’s the space between the in-breath and the out-breath that keeps you alive like the space between the notes creates the music and the space between the bars that cages the lion. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes come back into this space and just be. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes come back into this space and just be.
That pyramid is going to stay spinning up above you for another few hours. It will dissolve on its own. I recommend you come back and do this as often as you like. Every time will be a different experience taking you deeper into yourself. You can use this to heal whatever you want: relationships, abundance, business issues, physical illness, mental illness. You just must decide to follow the instructions. Go through the process. You are incredible, beautiful soul, and I love you with all of me. You’re a powerful divine being of light that came from the stars to the earth. You were deployed for this moment to have these earthly experiences, to go through this interesting process, to remember what it’s like to be a metaphysical being in human form and to realize this is the gateway to all things. I love you so much. Come back and do this as often as you like.
Remember to share it with your sisters and brothers. We all need a little healing right now so share this with your friends, with your family. Remember to hit the subscribe button on this channel hit the notifications button and if you’re already subscribed check that you’re still subscribed because YouTube have been unsubscribing lots of our subscribers recently. They’re also not showing our videos because these videos heal people and there’s an agenda. So, keep coming back and check the channel. Make sure you keep up to speed with all the latest videos. We all need a little healing. I love you so much beautiful soul. Go out into this world and hug your sisters and brothers and remember the golden rule of hugging is to never be the first to let go ever, ever, ever. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.
Remember to check out our website starmagichealing.org. We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. If you want to truly raise your vibration, get yourself over and check it out. I’ll see you again real soon. Go out and shine your light and dampen your sparkle for no one.
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