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Our brain, our mind is like a canvas and when we empty our mind and clear our minds, we can start to paint works of art on. We can start to create our so-called future inside and on the canvas of our minds. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being.
How we are feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, the only way for a human being to become truly, truly successful, to truly find themselves, to truly unlock the magic within. It’s to take themselves into such an uncomfortable position, situation, space where everything is completely new. The ego mind fights like crazy with the conditioning of the body from past experiences from this lifetime and others start to rise to the surface and the addiction that the body has to certain chemical reactions that are induced by certain emotional experiences in the external world. The body goes through pain, the mind goes crazy. Most people in this world are running programs on some level, and for you to get to where you want to go dancing, which is nowhere. It’s all because you’re already there and that’s part of the deal.
However, for you to get to where you want to go, would seem to reach the next level, whether it’s up there or in here, you need to go through a process. That process starts with you taking a deep dive into the centre of your heart and to observe your inner workings, and to start to observe them without analysing, just to observe them and to become familiar and conscious with what is taking place. Your mind starts to think things. Your body starts to feel things, and most of these things are unconscious. Even if the body isn’t feeling anything, it will get the mind to start thinking things to trigger a chemical reaction. So, the body gets this face because we as human beings are addicted to certain traumatic events that have taken place in our reality. If we’re not experiencing them, we’re going to create them repeatedly in our minds. So, we can keep re-experiencing these chemical flows, these chemical reactions, these chemical releases.
The body is like a crack head getting its fix. A heroin addict gets on its fix, an alcoholic gets in its fix. There are people in our accident or reality, who say things and do things, and we have something inside of our brain called the reticular activating system. That goes and hunts down certain scenarios and circumstances, or re-experience them, to keep getting those chemical fixes, keep getting those chemical releases. The body is like an addict.
I remember a couple of years ago I was meditating on a on a clifftop in Madeira, and I’m just observing in stillness and my girlfriend pops into my head, and I watch my brain. I had this whole scenario where she goes to a bar and meets a guy, and they go off together. I was just watching and seeing how far the brain and the mind would go to get me. Jerry Sargeant, a human being that has experienced a lot of rejection in his past, abandonment, things like this, my greatest triggers. So, the body is looking for its fix, so it starts to get the brains to go on these little journeys internally.
The thing is the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s not, but we can use this to our advantage. We can start to create positive scenarios in our brain. See, our brain, our mind is like a canvas and when we empty our mind and clear our mind, we can start to paint works of art. So, we can start to create our so-called future inside and on the canvas of our minds. Then we can live out that reality and feel the feelings of what it’s like, and then we start to give off magnetic and electrical charges and we start to magnetize that which we’ve been thinking about and creating internally into our external field through natural lines of transmission, through people, circumstances, and events. All we’ve got to do is reach out and see them reach out and step inside. But this process is not easy.
Before you can get to that, you’ve got to go through this whole world of adaptation where you start to observe all the unconscious behaviours and patterns and thoughts and emotions that the body and mind are creating. As you sit still and don’t engage in them, you’re going to be very, very uncomfortable, decluttering the minds, detaching the body, decoding the body energetically from all these external experiences and all these internal experiences. Therefore, most people fail on their journey to success because they cannot accept losing their mind. But losing the mind is a beautiful thing because on the other side of the chaos is order and the order of the universe is mathematical, geometrical, fluid. It’s just patterns and numbers and codes, and it makes no sense to our logical mind, our left brain, our male brain that processes seven bits of data per second.
Our right brain, that experiences love, non-conformity, understands the order in the chaos. You go to the jungle, you go to the woods, into the forest, to the plants, in the trees, everywhere, and it looks chaotic. But there is older in them. You don’t see the oak tree fighting with the silver birch. You don’t see the flowers fighting with each other, scrapping for space. They just grow and weave and flow and when we move into the space of our hands and we create space between us and what’s happening around us, that space gives us opportunity. Within that space and that opportunity, we can create magic. But you’ve got to get comfortable within that space when the mind is trying to trick you and the body is trying to control you, you’ve got to say, no, I’m in control me. The consciousness inside the body, the spirit, the salt, the essence, the frequency, not the label, not the name, not the identity, not the body, not the brain.
You’ve got to exercise willpower, discipline, commitment. You’ve got to stay calm, and you’ve got to trust the process. When you start to become conscious of your unconscious habits, when you start to become aware of your unconscious habits and you shine your light, then you get the opportunity to make different choices in the space that you create between you and what’s happening internally and externally. That space is minimal. There is a 0.25 second window between stimulus and response but that space is colossal. That mining period of 0.25 seconds, there’s a whole universe in that. Self-control is strength, right? Master your thoughts. Calmness is power. Say into your heart, peace be still.
You are amazing, beautiful soul, and the commanding master resides inside of you, in your heart. Go in there, connect with him. It’s the essence, the truth, the wisdom, the knowledge, and start expressing yourself in different ways, in unique ways, by making different choices, by exercising your willpower. Wherever you are on this magical planet, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Become aware of your unconscious habits, thoughts, feelings, emotions. Start to make conscious choices and you will move into new realms of vitality and health. Formidable business opportunities will present themselves and relationships will be fluid and easy. I love you. You’re amazing.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet and you can get access right now to our Seven Day Free Meditation Challenge. I’ll see you soon, beautiful soul.