To step fully into your power you must harness your raw emotion. Once our mental armor is removed, this raw emotion can be nurtured and utilized to unleash massive authentic firepower. Most men need to raise their feminine nature and most women must raise their masculine energies. Bringing the masculine and feminine into perfect equilibrium is what gives every woman and man the wisdom to be fierce and compassionate, both at the same time, balanced but strong and decisive in their approach to life.
There is a beauty that illuminates the space of a fierce woman and a magic that exuberates from a gentle and compassionate man, when both are balanced in their feminine and their masculine energies. When you honor your emotions they can heal you and fuel you in the most positive way.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right in there, beautiful soul?
So, today I want to share with you a message about emotional men and that doesn’t mean women should stop watching this video because there will be messages in this video for everyone, men when they show their true emotions they step into a different space. The same with women. Some women from a slightly different perspective than men because women are mostly taught to love and to be nurturing and to be this woman that kind of looks after the man and the family and everyone else, so they have this compassionate nurturing nature but within that they often lose their fierceness with men. It’s opposite with men who are told to be tough and to be strong and to not show their emotions, to be tough in all situations, never to break bear, never to be vulnerable.
So, what men must do is to kind of lose some of their ferociousness and step into a more peaceful compassionate space and women must step into a fiercer space and lose a little bit of that compassion or bring the compassion and the fierceness into equilibrium whereas the man must do the same thing. To bring the compassion and the fierceness into equilibrium. As children growing up with suppressed emotions, big boys don’t cry, shut up, stop making a scene, stop doing this. Pull yourself together. So, we grow up and we think we’ve got to be tough, especially men. A man when a man takes off his armour when a man lays himself bear and that vulnerability is laid out on the table like you’re not behind, you’re not hiding behind anything, you’re just completely naked. There’s nothing else for you to show or to hide behind so you kind of cross a threshold. You come from that space where I’ve got to be this all-powerful fierce lion warrior that takes no s*** and take all that armour off and you lay yourself naked.
When you cross this threshold into a new space, you show you cross the threshold. Emotions you allow yourself to feel upset sad, you allow yourself to cry, you allow yourself to feel pain. It doesn’t mean that you wallow in that pity, wallow in that pain, wallow in that suffering. No but you allow yourself to experience it and then you move on. When a woman unleashes her inner lioness and starts to be powerful and take control and be kind of an authority in a business situation, in a family situation, it is incredible when a man unleashes his softness. Men and women must come into that space where they unleashed the part of them that has been pushed under the surface, compassion, love, joy, divinity, strength, courage, wisdom, knowledge. All this combined in a big mixing pot brought into equilibrium is the perfect magic composition to create a beautiful and magical life when someone is fierce and powerful. With no compassion they’re just going to crumble at the seams. When someone is compassionate and loving and they have no fierceness in them, no action no determination their boundaries are encroached on, and they often get walked all over.
None of these spaces are healthy. You’re a powerful being. Whether you’re a woman or a man it’s important for you to be strong and fierce but at the same time be compassionate and all-loving. What happens when you take off your armour and you step into that space of vulnerability as a man there’s nothing else to hide and you start to move forwards in life. You start to flow, you start to become non-judgmental, you start to become nonreactive, you move into a space where everything’s beautiful and you flow down the river like water, very fluid and in that fluid state your energy amplifies. Unconditional love flows from within you because you are non-judgmental, because you are nonreactive. You come into a space of pure acceptance and when you come into a space of pure acceptance that is unconditional love because you’re just being flowing, accepting, and allowing life to unfold. You don’t feel like you’ve got to step into the space and be this strong forceful person. You can step into that space and be that all loving compassionate person but there is just this underlying nature that you are for and people feel that when you know it inside people feel it outside a hundred million percent. No ifs, buts, or maybes.
Now, if you’re all-loving and compassionate person it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to fight because we live in a human world and sometimes situations arise. Sometimes you may have to fight physically. The aim is to fight with love to use that strong fierce determined nature that you have brought into perfect equilibrium and balance to guide you through any situation but there are times when you’ve got a fight on the flip side of the coin. Those times should be very rare because if your frequency, your energy, is on the money where you know you’re strong, you know you’re ferocious, you know your love, and you know you’re compassionate, you are feeling joy, you’re feeling bliss, you’ve got clarity and direction because there’s no judgment and no false perception. You’re just allowing life to unfold around you and you’re just carving and weaving your way through it in and amongst the situations and the people and the events that unfold. Life takes on new wings, beautiful soul.
The aim is to bring the divine masculine and the divine feminine into balance, the woman who cares for her children and her husband or a partner her mother or father her family in general strangers, work colleagues, the woman naturally does that because balance the woman gives birth to life. It’s natural and inherent in women and we never want to take that away from a woman because it’s magical, it’s beautiful, it’s mesmerizingly profound that a woman brings life to this earth onto this planet into this world. At the same time when that woman becomes fierce and strong and knows who she is, knows where she’s at, she can amplify the compassion and the love and make everything in her environment a hundred times better. She can take control of her life; she can guide her children because she’s not just trying to care for them and she’s not trying to leave them. At the same time that’s powerful, not that we need to leave anybody, but we need to guide them and a mother or a father are in that perfect position to be the ultimate guides for their children and when the children grow up the children can go off into the world with a powerful strong solid authentic foundation because they’ve not been raised, they’ve just been watered, fed, nurtured, and guided.
The mother or father is an inspiration to the children and the children just grow and bloom like beautiful flowers with the most amazing aromas. When a man or a woman is not in balance the masculine and the feminine are out of whack, the man is either going to be too strict on the children or the woman is going to be too strict on the children. Or they’re going to be too soft and let the children get away with murder. Neither is healthy. Again, it comes back to balance. When a woman has that all-encompassing nurturing joy, compassionate self-combined and mixed in the into the potion of uniqueness and beautifulness, when it’s combined with that fierceness that big mixing pot of emotions have interwoven like a geometrical soup, like the most amazing dish that you’ve prepared over a hot stove that’s been boiling for hours and hours and then simmering and simmering, the flavours are rising within it, because the man and the woman, well the man on his own and the woman on her own have done the inner work. They’ve gone into themselves, they’ve discovered who they are, they journeyed, they’ve unlocked their heart, they’ve opened their heart, they’ve allowed that heart frequency to completely take over their whole environment, that whole being, their whole essence, and within that heart has guided them in the direction of their dreams.
When the heart guides you in the direction of your dreams it doesn’t always take you through pleasant experiences. It takes you through growth experiences and that is where the woman gets to unleash her inner lioness and where the man gets to share his vulnerability and his compassion. Men take off your armour, lay yourself naked on the table, lay it all out, cry, experience sadness, but then move on. Don’t hold on to it. Experience it, express it, move on. It’s great to cry, it’s an amazing release. So, let your emotions go. Women step into your fierceness, step your ferociousness. You know I feel the best leaders or the best guides on this planet are women because women take everyone into consideration. They look at everything. Men are quite often black and white, and they just look at the situation that’s in front of them, then they make snap decisions. Women often take longer to make decisions because they’re taking everybody’s feelings into consideration and that’s a beautiful thing. If we can bring more ferociousness and fierceness into the female, women should be showing us men how to lead, how to guide.
For many years women have been suppressed, told to be at home, the housewife, be in the kitchen, all that s***. Women are ferocious business leaders when they connect with their inner lioness and men are beautiful devoted loving fathers when they connect with their compassionate side. You see the divine masculine and the divine feminine, the woman and the man, which really is the masculine and the feminine inside the woman and the masculine and the feminine inside the man because both carry both components and equal measure. When this takes place, when this is allowed to flourish, the world is going to change. We’re going to carry such a powerful and significant light within our own consciousness that we’re going to spark something deep within our fellow sisters and brothers and once that spark is ignited there’s no turning back. What you’ve got to do is you’ve got to bring your masculine and your feminine to perfect equilibrium to allow us to be the catalyst to ignite the spark in another and you won’t even have to say anything. You’ll just have to be walking, moving through this world. Your frequency will tell the story, the way you carry yourself will tell the story. Your energy will tell the story. It will communicate with everyone around you on a deep, deep, level, and this combustion will happen in their consciousness. Electromagnetic and magnetic frequencies will be supercharged, and people will elevate.
Men take off your armour, women allow your inner lioness to rise to the surface. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks as you go through this metamorphosis. it’s a perfectly natural thing you know that you are amazing, you know that. You are extraordinary, you know that. You are this all-encompassing magical being. Let’s do this beautiful soul. You know what you’ve got to do. The key is here. This will always guide you, your life compass. Listen to it and follow it. You’re amazing. You truly are and I love you unconditionally. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being.
If you’re watching this on YouTube subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook, please like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our family, our soul family, our human family. We really are a tribe and together we can make this world a much more harmonious place, a beautiful place to live. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Check One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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