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“You can change it. All the spells have been cast but you have the power and the potential to remaster your consciousness and respell your life.”
I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul? Boy this planet is beautiful and so are you, magical beyond measure.
I want to share my perspective on spelling and consciousness because for so many years, beautiful soul, you, me, we, all of us, we have had a spell cast over us. We went to school. Most of us did anyway, and the teachers taught us to spell. Why do you think it’s called spelling because they’re casting a spell over you, and what has happened? We’ve been taught words and these words have been given meaning by someone or something and we’ve just accepted the meaning of these words and we say these words all the time and what is happening was we’re casting a spell like we’re in this field of black magic.
Now it’s also very positive too. This whole reality that we’re living in. There are amazing things going on but just this one tiny little facet. It is very important because with every word you take all the action, all the emotions. You’re creating your reality look at the word entrance. When you go into a courtroom you go in through the entrance, the n-trance, to entrance you because you’re going into a corporation, a public building that’s ran by a corporation or several corporations and they’re casting a spell over you as they entrance you into their place of business. The word education it means to impart knowledge. Imp is the devil, the devil’s arts, so they’re educating our children with the devil’s arts. Okay, it’s all in the words. Words mean so much more than what we’re taught.
These words mean I mean you just got to look at what’s been cracking on in this planet right now. This mad coronavirus. You start breaking that stuff down. You know c is three in numerology and you’ve heard me discuss this before, but I mention again in case you haven’t. Three in Hebrew is the angel of the abyss, ‘ovis’ means sheep and 19 in Hebrew is the slaughterhouse. So, the angel of the abyss is taking the sheep to the slaughterhouse. What a fun game to play not but we’re playing it anyway. But there are beautiful things that are going to come out of this game that we’re playing now through this chaotic period on planet earth. Whilst you’re playing this game it’s important that you know every single word you speak influences your DNA on a deep subatomic level. It’s affecting your consciousness and it’s time for you to respell your life and recondition your consciousness so that every single words you speak =, every single thought that you think, every piece of action that you take, every emotion that you feel is engineered together in this perfect sphere of beauty and intelligence to shape and mould your world in the best way possible.
So, whenever you communicate with yourself, “I am amazing, I am incredible, I am phenomenal, I am extraordinary, are you having a good day mate, it’s all right, it’s not bad.” It’s not bad if it’s not bad. It means it’s not far away from being bad and could be put into the same category as, so it doesn’t matter what is going on in your life. I’m having an awesome day you know, why I’m having an awesome day because I’m learning, I’m growing and I’m expanding and whatever I’m experiencing in my reality right now is perfect for this moment in time because there are lessons in this unfolding of events and circumstances. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to remember them, to learn from, to grow from them, like a tomato plant stuck in the soil gaining the nutrients, gaining the sustenance so the tomatoes can grow big and red and juicy and full of flavour not like those genetically modified things you get in the supermarkets. We’re talking about real tomatoes.
For you as a human being to get real sustenance you’ve got to put yourself in the soil of life and the soil of life is something that you create yourself with your thoughts with your feelings, with your emotions with your actions every single second of every single day. Okay, I mean words themselves are bonkers to me. I feel my way through life and if someone says something to me, they could give me a whole long sentence, a few paragraphs. They could tell me a story. I’m going to feel that information and if it resonates with me and it feels right in my heart, I’ll run with it. I’ll explore it some more but if it doesn’t my frequency is just going to get a fire out of my local space because my heart doesn’t lie to me and nor does your heart lie to you. None of our hearts ever lie to us. This is the truth. Our hearts never lie.
So, when you take a nice long deep breath and then you take another nice long deep breath and then another one followed by another one, you start to feel your body. You start to centre yourself. Your mind starts to empty, you gain clarity and then you can really choose the thoughts that you place inside your head, that you decide to think, and you can start to observe the thoughts that come into your head that aren’t your own because we are consciousness connected to everything else. 99% of the thoughts are not your own or their programs from the day before, on the month before, on the year before that you’ve been running for a long time. So, start to get the clarity by entering the present moment and seeing the thoughts inside of your head as is not your own, and if they are your own, you’ll know that because they’ll be congruent with how you’re feeling right now.
If your head is telling you to go to the gym or is telling you not to go to the gym you’ve got to ask, is it the best thing for me to go to the gym right now? Is it the best thing for me to rest right now? Is it the best thing for me to eat or not to eat. What should I eat? Does this protein drink feel right, does this pizza feel right? The protein drink does but the pizza that’s just going to slow you down, clog up your system. So, why don’t you go and have a pizza. You’ve not had any for three weeks. You deserve it, Jerry. Oh no, they’re not my thoughts because I’m going to feel crap the next day. Okay you might have 30 minutes of pleasure but you’re going to feel slow and lethargic and it’s going to take you a few weeks to properly burn off that pizza even if you train regularly in the gym. The human body isn’t designed to break down bread. It’s like sticking cement into a drainpipe so question everything inside of your mind.
Start to reprogram your consciousness in a positive way, feel your way through life and take the action that is going to raise your levels of vibration, expand your consciousness, bring you into harmony with nature, connect you to the codes in the soil and the codes in the environment all around you. You are energy, you are frequency, rhythm, vibration, and sound. So, connect to this truth and the words, the thoughts, the emotions, the actions they’re all guides, posts, or signposts that point you back into your heart so you can feel the truth and the deep frequency that you are, so you realize that you’re a galactic titan you came from the stars to planet earth for a short period of time, a tiny little blip, a droplet in the grand vast ocean of time. You my friend, my sister, my brother, you’re amazing. You are extraordinary. Feel this in here. I’m not lying to you and you’re not lying to yourself if you say I am extraordinary, I am incredible. Close your eyes and feel this in your heart.
You really are phenomenal. It’s amazing. Wherever you are on this planet go out into this world, hug your sisters and brothers real tight. Hug them so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging is never the first to let go, beautiful soul. Even if you’ve got to stay there for three days in the middle of the street, no sleep, you’re just hugging because you’re not going to let go. That’s magic okay you’ll lose yourself on each other’s arms and you may transcend through each other’s hearts into a different galaxy. You never know what’s going to happen trust. You trust your heart. Go out and love fiercely and ferociously beautiful soul and I’ll see you again real soon.
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