This light language reprogramming transmission will release you from negative conditioning, deleting all negative thought patterns in your subconscious mind. Many of us are conditioned into repeating the same negative programmes, subconscious programmes that stop us from growing and expanding and becoming whole, sovereign, free human beings that know who they are and unleash their inner wisdom. Open your heart and receive this Light Language reprogramming, allow the codes and transmission to communicate with you on a cellular level. It will raise your vibration to inconceivable heights, allowing you to step into your power. Once this negative conditioning has been released, you will have space within to download new, positive and empowering information streams that will transform your life, your world, your mind, body and soul. The question is: ‘Are you ready? ‘
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, today I want to share a light language transmission with you, and I also want to just quickly share my feelings and thoughts, you see. What we do as humans, it’s something crazy, but we do it. Not all of us but most of us, and all of us at some point, have done it. What we do is we tell ourselves a story and we tell ourselves this story to try and synchronize with the feelings that we may be feeling so something may have happened in our past and we have this kind of perspective on that situation. What we do is we tell people about this story, and we embellish this story, and we grow this story from a molehill into a mountain until it fits these emotions that we keep experiencing over and over in our life. We keep embellishing this story and growing this story so that we can tell it and it kind of backs up the way that we’re feeling, the original event or situation that probably took place in your life or the lives of whoever is making this stuff up to kid themselves, to trip themselves, to make themselves feel a little bit better in some weird and twisted way. It’s crazy.
What we must do is delete the programming from ourselves, from our body, because we’ve told these stories so many times. They’re ingrained in our consciousness. Now the body also becomes addicted to the chemicals that are released. These stories are told and the body itself is looking for excuses to produce these chemicals. So, it will take your mind on a trail of thoughts that lead from one thought to another thought and eventually you’re telling yourself this whole story all over again so that it backs up the feelings that you are having and potentially exacerbates those feelings and those chemicals and those emotions because the body is like a crackhead or a heroin addict. It needs those guilt chemicals, those rejection chemicals, those anger chemicals, whatever chemicals are produced from the original event. The body loves them.
So, today I’m going to share with you a light language transmission that is going to go deep into your cells and help you shift these programs. The language of light, or light language, is a direct communication from the universe. It’s a way of expressing light codes in a verbal format so you can hear them, take them on board. They carry a tone, they carry a frequency, a diamond than a chromium frequency which is extremely powerful. So many people email in and say Jerry that light language transmission it brought me to tears, it made me cry, open my heart, I’ve never felt such a deep connection to the universe, and that is because it’s resonating with your consciousness with your soul, with your essence, at such a deep level. A level of light and information, a subatomic level frequency vibration, code, geometry. You are geometry, the universe is geometry. When you align your energy with the extended geometrical flow of the entire world, cosmos, galaxy, universe, its totality, everything. It’s all code, it’s mathematics. So, this light language transmission along with any other light language transmission, it’s going to resonate at a deep level with you all. You’ve got to do is open your heart, listen, experience, be in this moment with me.
So, take some nice long deep breaths, open your heart, be in this space beautiful soul. Take some nice long deep breaths, breathe all the way down to the pit of your stomach. Feel your body breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and out through your mouth, long slow deep breaths. Continue to breathe and open your heart consciously. See it, feel it opening. Be in this space with me. I’m going to open my heart and connect with you heart to heart. Right now, you’re going to get some deep healing as this transmission flows into your soul. You are extraordinary.
Light language transmission
Feel these plasma frequencies flowing into your heart. Continue to breathe deeper and longer and slower as this light encoded streams of information flows into your cells, into those atoms, into those protons, into the vacuum that is always receiving and sending information out into the cosmos and receiving it back from the cosmos. These codes are going in shifting and changing and recalibrating.
Light language transmission
Breathe these codes into your body. You are amazing. Breathe deeper and longer and slower and just be in this space with your heart wide open receiving these powerful streams of high vibrational lights, diamond, chromium, light codes pouring into your consciousness, deleting, recalibrating the programming that has been holding you back anchoring you into a 3D, 4D space that stops you thriving as the 5,6, 7D being that you truly are at the core of your being, super consciousness. No boundaries, no barriers, no limitations, pure frequency. I love you beyond, beautiful soul. You’re amazing. Thank you for being in this space.
I recommend you come back and do this like language transmission every day for the next 13 days, miss three days then come back and do it for another 13. It will completely shift your consciousness into a higher vibrational paradigm. Go through it, experience it. I look forward to the comments. You are truly, truly, phenomenal. You came to this planet to rise, to shine, to thrive and to be all of you, your wholesome self, way beyond the physical which is just a slither of what you are. Journey deeper into your cosmic heart, unlock the mysteries and the magic that lies in every cell of your being.
Check out our website We’ve got loads of light language transmissions there and light codes to accompany them. You can stare at the codes and listen to the transmissions. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. If you’re watching this on YouTube, please subscribe and share. If you’re watching it on Facebook like it and share it. Let’s share these positive messages with our friends with our family, with our loved ones. We are a human tribe. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place. Teamwork is the key, tribe work. Let’s work as a family, beautiful soul. I’ll see you again, real soon.
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