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When these neurons are not functioning properly it can cause autism. It stops human beings having empathy. This is a direct attack, a psychological attack on humanity trying to dehumanize our species.
I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, this is a very important message, this is some crazy stuff baby. Just to add on to all the other crazy stuff that’s going on in this planet, but I want to make you aware of this because a dear friend of mine, Lara okay, a star sister who I dedicate this video to share some really important information with me. In the study of neuropsychology, they study these little things in the brain called mirror neurons and mirror neurons enable human beings to have empathy. When mirror neurons aren’t functioning properly it can create autism. It can create other symptoms because we’re not expressing our emotions the way we should express our emotions.
Now look at what’s happening on the planet right now. People are wearing masks. All you can see is their eyes. Can you see my emotions right now? No, you can’t. What is happening is people are not expressing their emotions. They can’t smile at someone and even if someone does smile the other person doesn’t see it. The other person doesn’t feel it. There’s no emotional engagement. We’re like robots. All those people that are wearing masks are like robots, drones. You’re not human anymore. Mirror neurons are being attacked and destroyed and what’s happening is stopping human beings feeling empathy. It’s stopping us expressing our emotions and this can lead to disease, autism, massive dysfunction in the human body and brain. This is an attack on our humanity. This is attack on the essence of what we are.
We’re conscious beings, we’re spirit inside physical form, we’re energy light and frequency inside these avatar bodies, and we’re supposed to be expressing our emotions whether it’s joy, bliss, divinity, anger, whatever is. We should be expressing ourselves fully. We should not deny our emotions. Those that want us to wear masks they know this. It’s a direct psychological incremental attack. Everything is done really, really, slowly in increments. So, people don’t realize that they’re getting fu**** up, people don’t realize that things are happening to them. Their consciousness is being shifted and morphed and warped and changed. This is some crazy stuff, beautiful soul. If you wear a mask, get it off. If you can’t buy something in a shop don’t go to that shop. What we should start doing is not going to the shops that want us to wear masks. Let their business go down until they get a kick up the ass and say you can come in. Then when all the shop owners start to do that, we start to create a wave, a strong wave.
I’ve been into lots of shops where shop owners want you to wear masks and I’ve been into lots of shops where they don’t want you to wear masks. Yesterday in Romania I wanted to go and get some mosquito nets for windows. They wouldn’t let me in without a mask so I said I’m not going in. No way they said. You can buy a mask in the shop. I said no I am not coming in your shop. You know I’m just not going to do it; I’m not going to be a slave; I’m not going to be humiliated. I’m not going to wear a nappy over my flipping face. I’m a powerful human being. I’m not going down that road, beautiful soul, and neither should you because you are a powerful human being too. What we’ve got to do is realize with our real eyes the real lies and we’ve got to share these messages and help people wake up and those that don’t want to wake up, that’s cool. Let them ride their timeline. We’re going to ride our timeline into the golden age of freedom, but we’ve got to come together we’ve got to unify, we’ve got to realize that this is a direct attack on our psychology, a direct attack on our health as well. Wearing these masks and breathing in the carbon dioxide and all the crap back into your system. You’re also being humiliated.
It’s an attack on your mirror neurons. This is crazy man. This is wild and I’m so glad that my star sister put me on to this piece of information. I love you Lara, you’re amazing, and those of you that out there that you’ve studied neuropsychology you’ll know this information. So, let’s share this. Let’s come together as a human race. You’ve swallowed your red pill. There’s no going back, you’ve opened your eyes, you know the truth. Now you’ve got to stand in it. It’s one thing knowing the truth, it’s another standing in it because loads of us can know the truth but only those true warriors stand in it, authentic speaking their truth, living their truth, saying no to what we don’t want and yes to what we do want.
We’ve got to start doing it on mass. This world is changing, morphing, and shifting. There are many beautiful souls out there doing real good work. Make sure you’re one of them and make sure everyone in your environment knows the truth so they can choose whether they want to be one of those spiritual warriors too and at the same time smile, laugh, have fun amongst the chaos because laughter, joy, fun, they’re some of the best remedies. When you’re laughing, when you’re having fun, when you’re joking around, when you’re not treating it so serious, even though this is a serious message that I’m sharing with you. I’m so happy, life is so good. Whatever happens is going to happen. I’ve got zero fear about anything coming into my space. I’m not scared of death, I’m not scared of being hurt, I’m not scared of anything.
You know what I am scared of? I’ll tell you what I’m scared of. I’m scared of not living my values, I’m scared of not living my truth, I’m scared to not be an empowered human and do what feels right for my heart and soul. I don’t want anyone in this world to tell me what to do and I am not going to bow down to rules and regulations. I’m going to do what I want to do when I want to do it with whoever I want to do it and for as long as I want to do it. You should do the same, beautiful soul. So, take those nappies off your faces and try and educate the people that are wearing them, and if they don’t want to listen don’t lose any sleep over it, move on, carry on down the golden age timeline and let them fall by the wayside, let them stay in these lower vibrational spaces.
Anyway, you’re amazing, you truly are phenomenal, massively phenomenal and you came to this planet to live a huge, gigantic, large life. So, live it get out into nature, chi gong, meditate, do deep breath work, eat clean, eat mother nature, hug those trees, get your shoes, and socks off, get on the earth, raise your vibration, smile. When you smile you release these little valves in your face called tourniquets. It releases a higher flow of oxygen to the brain, gives you more clarity and focus, raises your energy levels. Get to the gym, exercise, run, yoga, whatever it is to move your body. Anyway, you’re amazing, okay, so go and be amazing.
Wherever you are on this planet, go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and if you haven’t subscribed to this YouTube channel, subscribe now. Hit the button, Hit the notifications tab to keep up to speed with all the latest videos They’re empowering, they’re high vibrational videos. Every time I’m speaking to you, even if it’s not healing or a light language transmission, I am transmitting light codes. You are changing on a DNA level every time you engage in one of my videos. They’re all healing even if you think I’m not sharing a frequency with you. I am the frequency just as you are the frequency. So, open your heart and feel it, open your heart, and elevate, open your third eye and expand your consciousness. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. I’ll see you again real soon.
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