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Teressa: “Don’t give a f*** about anybody else because of my back and my shoulder. My world is getting smaller, and I am worthy of the very best. My knee makes it hard for me to take walks. I can’t take walks anymore. My foot started hurting.”

Jerry: “Act like a queen, be a queen. You got to carry that goddess frequency. Walk like a queen, a fierce and humble one that was pretty powerful. Are you ready to say no?”

Teressa: “I’m doing what I want to do because I’m important because of my back and my shoulder. The motion is hard for cleaning, doing my art, being on a computer. My knee makes it hard for me to take walks. I can’t take walks anymore. My foot started hurting last fall, popping out, and so walking is really difficult. It limits what I can do and so my world is getting smaller.”


Are you ready to put yourself first? When other people in your life tell you to do this or that? Are you ready to say no? I’m doing what I want to do because I’m important. Are you ready to make that move, yes? Even if it upsets those that are close to you, yes? Take long slow deep breaths. We’re going to bring a chromium octahedron around your body. I’m going to rotate it clockwise, going to fill it full of chromium light and translucent violet light. Just be in this space and breathe that frequency and I’m going to bring up your hologram. I’m going to have that in my space with me and I’m going to work on this so when I’m asking, “where does the deepest trauma come from that’s affecting you right now”. I’m seeing sexual abuse. I’m seeing physical abuse, mental, emotional abuse in a number of different lifetimes including this lifetime. Just breathe. We’ve got your back. Just breathe.

I’m going back to a reality like ancient Turkey in a palace and there’s a hareem which is like where they used to keep the women back in those days and the women were like servants. You’re in your teenage years and I’m just seeing you on the floor like just completely enclosed and I’m seeing this this man a big like fat man with a silky robe on sort of bursting into the room and grabbing you and just kind of dragging you across the floor. This is the deepest point where we’re being shown. This has come from other realities too, but we’ll deal with this deepest one first. As soon as I connect with you on a deeper level, I’m seeing you, silk or cotton bits of material and you’re bound as I’m cutting those open just releasing you from those. I’m just also rewinding the timeline back to before you went in this hareem. You actually went into this this hareem when you were 9 years old so you you’ve currently been in there 5 years in this where we are in the reality fields.

So, I’m going back before you went in there and what actually happened is you were taken from your family. You were taken to pay a debt and you never saw your family again. So, I’m rewinding the timeline going back to before any of this stuff happened. I’m going back to where you are with your family. You had two sisters. You had a brother, mother, father, and I’m just seeing you happily in this environment. Just breath. I’m just communicating with you in this reality and I’m asking if between 0 and 9, if anything traumatic happened. I’m getting a known seeing and so I’m going to create a whole new piece of reality out of this point on this timeline and I’m going to create a new reality moving forwards where there was no debt, where none of this happened and changed this future experience.

So, I’m just doing that now and seeing the life completely unfold differently where you grow up with your family seeing you get a man that loved you and treated you well because in the other realities that I’m seeing men have never treated you well and the same in this reality too. So, I’m just creating this whole new reality. I’m turning it into light and I’m just downloading it now into a USB stick that I’ve got in my hand. I’m going to download this into your hologram and run this new frequency down through your crown. It is coming in. Just breathe long breaths. Don’t Force the breath. Just breathe long slow nice comfortable deep breaths and just relax. Breathe into your belly activating those calm receptors breathing into your belly. It’s really important. Just keep breathing in that chromium and violet light and let this frequency download. Just breath and be. It’s a lot of energy.

What I’m going to do is I’m just going to recorrect your whole bone structure okay. Your right ankle and your right knee are okay but your left ankle and your left knee, they’re out of place and there are two past lives that they are connected to. So, I’m just going to do your ankle, just turning it back in. Going to do your knee okay. The knees popping, shifting, turning, okay. I’m going to link the ankle and the knee together to hold them in place. I’m going to run this frequency up to your hip, the right hip and the left hip, okay. The right hips down a little bit so I’m going to run those frequencies through there, okay. Now I’m going to do your spine, okay, just in your spine running some frequency through and I’m going to heal on the table.


Teressa: “Like not literal fire but like did you do my arms as well because my right arm, my elbow and my wrist, it’s not cracking. So, yeah, I will be able to stand. I’m so excited. It’s a lot of energy. I feel good.”

Jerry: “Carry that goddess frequency, walk like a queen. Act like a queen, be a queen. You got to carry that goddess frequency. Walk like a queen, a fierce and humble one.”

Teressa: “ Yeah, that was pretty powerful, and I appreciate you taking the time.”

Jerry: “Love you sister. Thank you so much.”

Teressa: “Thank you”