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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So today I want to share with you something extremely simple, yet extremely profound, that will help you elevate your life in ways that I have no words to describe. Now, this is a protocol that we do daily with our Infinity members. Okay. Members of the Star Magic Tribe. And this is a night-time protocol, yet you can implement it in into different stages of the day. We do different things at different stages. But this is our night-time protocol. Just before we go to bed.
Now, right now on planet Earth, things are a little bit crazy, okay. A lot of people think that things are kind of going back to normal and everything’s kind of weaving its way back into the way that it was before. That’s just an illusion. Okay. There are always things going on in the background, and the other side are always coming up with the next part of the plan and the next part of the puzzle to try and crush us down. Now, when you live life and you truly live life and you truly go for life and try to experience all that life has to offer and you raise your head above the parapet, and you come out into the world and you share your beauty, your magic, your gifts, whatever they are. There’re always people waiting to shoot you down. Okay. This is the way the game is designed. There are also other people that want to raise you up and help you Okay. So always a double-edged sword. It’s always both polarities. But what we’ve got to do is, as a species and as individuals within this human collective is be prepared for whatever gets thrown in our way.
This night-time protocol will keep you calm, de-stressed, focused, balanced, centred. It will keep your energy high. It will keep you healthy. Full of vitality. It will heal you. It will do so many things, it’s just it’s unreal. So, there are four components to this night-time routine. The first one is breath work. The second one is a cold shower. The third is the headstand, and the fourth is reflexology. Now, breath work, there are so many different types of breath work and what I’m going to do is just share with you a very simple way to breathe consciously. For 2 minutes. So, what you’re going to do before you get into bed? You know you’re going to bed in ten, 15 minutes. So, what you’re going to do is you’re going to go to where your shower is and you’re going to get naked because once you’ve finished the breathwork, you’re get in straight into a cold shower.
Now you’re going to breathe in through your mouth, down into the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth like this. So, it’s like a cyclical breath hitting the pit, the base of your belly and back out through your mouth. This is a trauma release breath. It’s going to tap your DNA; it’s going to invigorate you. It’s going to hit your central nervous system. It’s a powerful breath and you’re going to do this for 2 minutes.
Once you’ve done the breath work for 2 minutes, you’re going to jump into the cold shower. You’re going to get under the cold water again for 2 minutes. Now the benefits of a cold shower are amazing. I mean, first, a cold shower at night-time helps you sleep better. It’s scientifically proven. There are many other benefits when you get into a cold shower. Your adrenaline levels rise, and when they sink back down again, they bring your cortisol levels down. So, you get de-stressed. You enter the present moment. So, you’re not thinking about anything else apart from the cold. Okay. The cold brings you into that present moment. Beautifully. It’s great for your hair, your skin, your nails, your lymphatic system. There are many benefits to cold showers.
So, the cold shower coupled with the breathing, you’re already in an amazing state. Now, once you’ve come out the cold shower, you dry yourself, you get into whatever attire you’re going to wear for bed. Boxer shorts, knickers, bra, nightie, pyjamas. I don’t know. Thats down to you. You get dried, you get dressed then you’re going to go to a wall. You’re going to put your fingers interlock them placed around the base of your head. Your hands, forearms, elbows are going to make a triangle. Okay. So, you are going to put the weight on your tip toes. On your head and on your arms, and then you’re going to gradually walk your tiptoes towards the wall until you put more pressure on your elbows, forearms, and head and then you’re going to kick yourself up into a headstand and you’re going to stay there for 2 minutes and when you’re in the headstand, you’re going to breathe consciously down to your belly in through the nose out through the mouth whilst you’re upside down. Now, whilst your upside down, all that blood’s rushing into your head, switching on your endocrine system okay. Magical. It gives you one of the best facials that you’ll ever have, it’s great for your digestion. There are many other benefits, but you couple the breathing the cold water and the headstand together. You’re in an awesome state.
Now, if you’re not used to head stands, maybe you want to practice. Just put the weight on your forehead, your toes, your hands and just move your head from side to side, your neck from the side, just for ten, 15, seconds, and then gradually put a bit more weight onto your head and off your hands and your feet. Until you can take more and more pressure on your head, build up the strength in your neck, and then go up into the head stand when you feel like it, or if you feel confident and you feel you’re strong enough, go straight into your head stand. Now, once you come out of your headstand after 2 minutes, you’re going to get into bed.
You’re going to get under the covers but put the covers down because you’re going to do reflexology on each foot. Four to five minutes on each foot, start at your heels, work up to your toes on the right foot, start your heels or work up to your toes on the left foot, 4 to 5 minutes on each foot and you’re going to massage into your heels and work through your feet. Now, if you find a sore point, really work that sore point until there is no more sore point and as you’re doing that, be very still in your consciousness, still in your mind and feel your body because your feet, they link to body parts. Okay, kidneys eyes ears, gall bladder, different parts of the body. So, as you’re releasing the energy and healing yourself, you’ll feel the energy running up through your body, and you start to realize how interconnected and how special and magical you truly are. Now you’re doing this to open your heart and talk to your feet and I want you to say I love your feet, you’re the best feet in the universe and really open your heart and communicate with them because we get up in the morning, we put our shoes and socks on and then we go off and we just rely on our feet.
We take our feet for granted. We don’t show them any love, we expect them to run us in jumpers and skip us, bounce us, hold us, and support us. Yet we never give them any attention. So, this is your opportunity, okay? Your feet will appreciate it and they’ll give back to you a million-fold. So, this is simple. Okay. Two-minute breathing, two minutes in the cold shower, 2 minutes headstand. 4 to 5 minutes reflexology on each foot. Pull the covers over, turn the light off. Continue to breathe deeply and just you put on a meditation, or you can just drift off into dreamland it’s your call. If you start doing this every night and you are going to notice the benefits when you wake up in the morning and day by day, you are going to compound and compounds and your life’s going to get better and better and better.
Wherever you are on this planet Beautiful Soul, know that I love you. You’re amazing. Go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember, check out our website We run the best trainings for energy healing on the planet. We have a powerful meditation library, light language library, and cosmic yoga videos. There are so many tools to help you raise your vibration and become a more empowered superhuman. So go and check out and I’ll see you soon. One love, one heart, one human family.
“Now I feel like there’s a real journey ahead of me. If you’re looking for more than this is more, way more than you can ever imagine.”
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