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Dianne: “Where the f*** is this coming from?”
Jerry: “Just breathe sister.”
Dianne: “So much anger and frustration.”
Jerry: “I’m going to rewind the timeline.”
Dianne: “Oh my God!”
Dianne: “So much anger and frustration and like entrapment and where the f*** is this coming from because these meditations are so healing and make me feel so good. You know like all the cells of my body are dancing and singing and so much kundalini runs every day that lifts me up but there’s this part of me somewhere that I was even gagging and choking, and I don’t know. This is what’s happening like I’ve been going at this so hard for so long Jerry.
Jerry: “So, just close your eyes just breathe just be. Just chill breathe into your belly and just centre yourself. Get focused, get relaxed. So, I’m seeing as soon as you started talking, I could see a prison cell and the prison is like in a in a wet like it’s like a stone-like structure. I’m not sure whether it’s a castle or a cave or something but the bars look like they should be housing like a dragon or something. It’s like one of those really old-fashioned prisons, just bars, and there’s something in it and when I’m looking, I can’t see whether it’s male or female. It’s very dirty, very black and it’s obviously whatever you were in this other reality and at first, I thought you were like some kind of other like being or mythical being or maybe something winged but you’re a human being and you got no clothes on. But you’re so dirty. I just can’t really see whether you’re male or female. So, I’m asking. I’m being told male. Okay, so you’ve got really long hair as well I don’t know whether your hair was long anyway, or you’ve been in this prison cell for a long time.
When I ask why you’re here I was told because of control could not be controlled it wasn’t you were doing anything wrong. But you couldn’t be controlled and subdued and put down. You wouldn’t be in your place. So, you wanted to speak your truth and you wanted to share wisdom and whoever has put you here did not like that. So, I’m just going to go in and just speak to you in this reality and because your kind of curled up with your head and your arms and it’s freezing cold in this place as well and you got no clothes on, I’m just going to create a fire and warm you up in this reality and just let you know that I’m here to help in this other lifetime and ask if there’s anything that you’d like to share with me because we’re here and this is coming up for a reason. When you look up at me, I see rage in your eyes like your eyes are like red like it’s just red rage and I’m being told your brother, my brother, put me here. My brother put me here so I’m explaining that even though you know you you’ve got the blame on your brother right now. Your brother was just playing his part in in the play. It’s part in the game. It’s part in the story and I know it’s not been very nice, but we can choose to be here in this pain, or we can release ourselves from this.
So, I’m just asking if there’s anything else that I need to do so okay. Outside of this prison cell I can see like a cupboard. In this cupboard there’s a book. There’s a book of spells. This is your book of spells, and they use this book of spells for the dark side. They see magic is magic. You can use it for good, you can use it for bad. You know the force is the force. So, I’m getting this book of spells. I’m bringing it back into the prison cell and giving it to you and you’ve calmed down there like you’ve literally just simmered because this is why you were enraged, because they’re using all these beautiful spells for ill purposes really scaling down. Now okay what I’m going to do is I’m going to rewind the timeline to before you even went into prison. We’re going to have to go back how many years. I’ve been told 17 years, okay. So, we’re going back, okay I’m just going back to this point. What I’m going to do is I’m going to change the reality going forward so you never went to prison and create a whole new piece of code out of this.
So, I’m just doing that right now creating a whole different trajectory on the timeline where you’re free and this never happened So, I’m just going to wrap that and turn it into code, turn it into light, and I’m going to just collect it in this USB I’ve got in my hand, okay. I’m going to stick this be on top of your head and just download the code now, so the frequency is coming in. Just let it run through your body. Just breathe Diane. Just breathe sister. Just breathe and let the frequency run through you and as this frequency runs through all of that feeling that you’re in prison just dismantle, just let it flow, and just let your heart open. Let yourself expand and become free.
As this is moving through you, I’m just seeing if there’s anything else that we need to do and I’m seeing a little like blue and purple coloured dragon, a tiny little dragon in the corner. They stole this dragon from you when they put you in prison okay. Because we’ve gone back in time the dragon is there. I’m just going to bring the dragon into your space now and just bring it in. Its right in front of your body now so you can reconnect with this dragon again. In this reality this dragon used to advise you and guide you and the dragon’s happy to be back with you as well. So, just be in this space for a moment, let your body just kind of recalibrate.”
Dianne (singing light language): “Thank you. I’m okay, good. Shaky and sweaty like I haven’t slept in 17 years. I get out of my prison sentence of my marriage in like a month and it’s been 17 years. Whatever number you said it was.
Jerry: “The number 17 yeah, you know I said in that other lifetime it was your brother that put you into this. it’s probably him. I was getting ‘my brother, my brother’. Well, the soul of your brother in that reality is the soul of your ex or soon to be ex-husband in this reality.”
Dianne: “Yeah, that’s why I said, “oh my God”.
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