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Quantum Addiction | Access The Body’s Chemical Supply To Manifest


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“It will be like a drug that you want to consume 24/7, 365 and I encourage you to get addicted to this drug.”

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So, there are some chemicals that you want to get addicted to. bliss, ecstasy, bliss, joy, gratitude. When you’re bouncing around in an elevated state and your frequency is exploding in the most positive way, you become a manifestation machine. Your frequency is everything when you are experiencing wholeness, and this is magnetized into your life. We can bring energy and frequency down through our crown and into our hearts.

We can bring energy and frequency from the earth up through our roots and into our hearts, the male comes down, the feminine comes up. When you bring that positive and negative charge together and zero point in your heart, you create the most phenomenal magnetic fields. When you combine that with elevated emotions, focused, intense, and your mind-blowing imagination, you can start to create wonderful things when you go into meditation, and you start to breathe deeply and consciously into your body. You start to become the observer and you start to become aware of how you are and what is going on in the world when you start to connect to the building blocks of the quantum field through this mystical little pinecone in the centre of your brain.

You start to access knowledge wisdom and data. You start to connect to electrical fields and when you start to connect to these electrical fields and your body itself has become a magnet my bringing in the right energies and unlocking the right energy from within you literally can create anything and everything in a split second. You can create anything. You are powerful and inside your body is the greatest pharmaceutical factory on this planet in this world. You are the CEO, and you get to activate these chemicals when you start to breathe deeply, and you bring your awareness and your consciousness into your heart, and you start to open your hearts and you start to feel the gratitude the immense joy for just being here in this moment right now alive on this planet.

When you start to feel the joy and the gratitude, when you start to raise your levels of consciousness and build your energy field, you start to catalyze something radically unique and it’s a chain reaction of chemicals in your body.  When your heart is open, you activate the trust hormone oxytocin. When you hug another human being, you activate oxytocin. When oxytocin is released, it triggers nitric oxide, and the nitric oxide flows through the arteries in your body. It expands it releases more chemicals and the heart starts to grow and swell and when the heart starts to grow,  you’re feeling these elevated emotions and you’re focused on something very specific like what it is you want to create in this world. You have this coherent state of this coherent field between the brain and the heart, and you become a manifestation machine.

Something triggers in your field that is very important. Around the outside of us we have this invisible field of light. To most people’s eyes it’s called a Merkaba field. You have a top tetrahedron and a bottom tetrahedron. These are two four-sided shapes, and they Interlink and spin the top one spins clockwise, the bottom one spins anti-clockwise, the bottom one’s female the top one’s male. When this merkaba field spins and your heart is open, and this magnetic charge is being put out through the fields an oxytocin is Flowing around your body what happens is the oxytocin flows into the Reptilian Brain the amygdala and it shuts it down. Fear, guilt, anxiety, any survival emotions. They are zero pointed. They’re gone and when you can’t feel those emotions that most people are feeling, those feelings of anxiety depression guilt anger fear whatever it is.

There’s more room for love,  there’s more room for joy, there’s more room for ecstasy. This flows out into your Merkabah field. Then you start to focus and create inside of your mind, and you start to live the reality that you want to create inside your mind right now. Your Merkabah field starts to communicate with the quantum field at large, the building blocks of the universe, and what happens is the minds the hearts of the souls of men, women, and children all over this planet are influenced and they become unconscious agents of the universe working to help you manifest your dreams. The whole universe conspires to bring into your reality that which you want to step forwards into which has already been created somewhere in the field. It’s just not aligned right now but as your frequency elevates and your consciousness expands and your heart opens.

You start to live here in your chest in your heart and you start to follow this magical heart. This cosmic heart in the centre of your chest. It’s your life compass. It will lead you in the direction of your dreams and the direction of your dreams aren’t out there. They’re in here. So, it will lead you deeper and deeper into this labyrinth of magic. You might look like a physical human, I might look like a physical human, but we’re just energy. We’re like waterfalls or whirlpools in streams.  When you go and look at a whirlpool today tomorrow the next day, it always looks the same. The Niagara Falls always looks the same but its new water flowing through. I look like Jerry today. I might look like Jerry in three weeks’ time but there’s new energy consistently flowing through my body, new atoms, new molecules, new chemicals, new energy. It’s impossible to become ill. It’s impossible not to be wealthy it’s impossible not to be abandoned it’s impossible to have poor relationships.

When your heart is expanded when oxytocin is flowing, when you’re bouncing around on the frequency of ecstasy joy and bliss, you become a formidable human, a superhuman, but the problem is human beings think too much about negative things and those negative thoughts trigger negative emotions and we’ve become addicted to them like a crackhead one in his or her pipe. We become addicted to the chemicals that are released when we experience traumatic situations and to become unbonded and unaddicted from these chemicals it takes a little bit of practice. That’s why you’ve got to dive into your cosmic heart and take that inner path into the centre because you will find so much about yourself when you close your eyes, and you go within, and you remove yourself from your external environment you start to notice things. You start to become aware of how you function how you operate how you respond and then you can start to make different choices you can un-bond yourself from that which you’ve been bonded to for a very long time.

Everything is energy and choice is the most powerful weapon that you have along with love of course when you open your hearts, and you feel huge amounts of love when that oxytocin is flowing when the amygdala gets shut down and all that low vibrational emotion is shut off and there’s only room for the good stuff. Your life is going to change but you must make the decision and the choice to be dedicated and to do the inner work to get up early in the morning, to do your meditation, to do your breath work. You are amazing and you have so much potential locked inside of you.

Thoughts drain 80% of your energy. Imagine if you weren’t having those 80 to 90 000 thoughts every day draining 80% of your energy. Imagine if you could be an observer living in your heart walking around with zero judgment your life would change rapidly. So, my question to you is this are you ready to make the change are you ready to take that deep dive? Do you really want to do it do you want to take the path that is a little bit more challenging a little bit more difficult because it’s not easy to change because when you start to change you enter the unknown and the unknown is comfortable for most people, but we all know that fortune favours the brave and we all know that the unknown is where the magic takes place. But no one can throw you into the unknown. It’s a decision you must take, a step you must make. Are you going to do it? You’ve asked the question or are you going to sit on the side-lines watching everyone else get involved doing the work wondering I might start – tomorrow maybe next week maybe next year. Let me tell you this beautiful soul. Tomorrow Never Comes. Tomorrow is a dream. Tomorrow is a mystery the only moment that you can make changes right here right now in this present moment.

Be here and follow your life compass. Hug other humans, go into meditation and allow yourself to become nothing, and when you allow yourself to become nothing, by going beyond your thoughts, your emotions, and your physical form into the emptiness into the void space. You will connect with an energy source so potent and powerful that you’ll become addicted to it. It will be like a drug but a positive drug that you want to consume 24/7, 365 and I encourage you to get addicted to this drug. This drug is the love drug. This drug is the drug that will catalyse a chain of reaction. This is the drug that will catalyse a chain of events, an unfolding of circumstances that will catapult your life into depths of beauty and magic that you never thought possible.

Wherever you are on this planet, go and enter this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly, release that oxytocin, and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule. If I give you beautiful so you know that go and check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. You can get free access to our seven-day meditation challenge right now. I’ll see you real soon.