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“The purging is insane, planetary, on a human level. Things are just exploding all over the place, but the beautiful thing is this is exactly the way that it should be.”
I love you with my heart with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? Oh boy is this planet magical or what. Right now, on this earth plane there is so much purging going on. We as a human species are purging on an individual basis but also on a collective basis, and on a on a huge kind of earthly and galactic timeline we are purging centuries and centuries and centuries of stuff. Things that have taken place throughout our human experiences and our galactic experiences on other planets, other celestial beings, different stars, in other universes because this whole system is so vast. There’s billions and billions of species out there and humans, they’re everywhere. We’ve had so many experiences, beautiful soul.
Also, Gaia herself. She’s had to watch century after century after century after century for millions and millions of years as humans have been down onto this planet, as other beings have been down onto this planet. They’ve had beautiful times here on earth. They’ve had traumatic times here on earth and right now we’re at such a pivotal point in human history that all these collective experiences are being purged by the planets and by us as individuals and I know for a lot of us the pain is quite incredible. There’s a lot of bodily pain. We’re feeling things, shoulders, stomach, elbows, joints, internal organs. Some of us are feeling a lot of mental anguish. The pain is phenomenal for some people.
Mother earth she’s going through the same stuff. She is purging. There are natural disasters happening, there are storms, there are earthquakes, crazy bolts of lightning coming down from the sky. People are being killed in the process. There’s been forest fires not too long ago. These things from a human perspective seem quite devastating. When we have pain in our body it’s very uncomfortable and there’s not many of us that sit here and think oh yeah got some shoulder pain today, this is awesome. We feel the pain. The earth is purging. Mother earth is a little bit more highly conscious and she’s doing what is necessary even though it’s hard for her sometimes to see human beings die in their physical form. At the same time the earth must purge. The earth must clean.
If mother earth has a volcano erupts, it’s like one of us having a cold. She’s just a little bit bigger than us. If we were the size of mother earth and then we sneezed what do you think would happen? Oh my god, snot would go everywhere. The whole universe would be covered in green. I know that sounds a bit disgusting but I’m just trying to put it into perspective here, trying to give you a good metaphor for this situation. What is important for you to know, beautiful soul, is that everything that is unfolding right now is perfect. You know we’re seeing all this craziness on the planet; people are fighting with each other because one has a mask on, and one doesn’t. You see them in the shops. I’ve seen it. It’s nuts. One of my friends phoned me and said she was in a shop and this lady just started screaming at her because she had a mask down here and it wasn’t up over her face.
Personally, I don’t wear masks. In the shop I go into the shop, and I say I’m exempt and if you want to question me, I’m going to sue you, okay, because people haven’t got the right to question you. That’s the truth okay. You don’t have to wear a mask. Even if you go onto our government website it says you don’t have to wear a mask. It’s not compulsory but the news stations have fed stuff through the media and the police have been given their briefs and they’re coming around trying to fine people. It’s all madness but all this chaos is part of the purge. All this stuff rising in the news about paedophilia, and all this this is all part of the purge, that the planet is purging, the human species is purging. We’re cleansing everything so we can move into a new time and a new space of sharing and caring and community living where we love each other with no judgment. This is coming. It’s happening, it’s unfolding right now. So, whatever you are experiencing please know that it’s just the way that it should be and that nothing is bad, and nothing is good. Just try and take yourself out of the equation, rise into the stars and look back down on the planet, and look at it from a third-party perspective.
It was time to clean this planet. It really was. We’ve been fed so much rubbish for so long that it just can’t go on any longer. The false programming is busting apart and collapsing and it’s quite crazy to watch because some people that have been through mind control programs, they’re starting to malfunction a bit like a robot. It’s quite sad on one level to see a human being going through this but at the same time it’s a beautiful experience. I love watching it because I know that we’re moving into new times, okay. When the programming is held steadfast and only a certain few people see the lies then it means the program is solid but the program isn’t solid anymore because so many people are seeing through the lies and the manipulation. You’re one of them. You wouldn’t be listening to me right now if you weren’t one of them.
You’re a seeker, you’re a magical being, a galactic titan and you know that this journey in here is the only journey that’s worth taking. Stick on your space helmet, buckle up, and dive into your heart because this is where the magic happens. Boom, inside your cosmic heart, as you’re going through these interesting times on the planet now more than ever it’s imperative to do the things that are going to expand you to do the things that are going to keep you solid and strong and focused, to do the things that are going to keep you cleansed and that are going to heal you.
Get your shoes and socks off and go and stand on the bare earth, 45 minutes to an hour every day and hug some trees. Leave your phone at home and go and do it. Okay you’ll connect to the soil; you’re connecting to nature. You’ll come back into equilibrium of the frequency of nature, and you’ll heal in a beautiful fashion. Do your chi gong, your deep breath work, exercise, yoga, meditation, eat the sun-drenched foods that are carved in photons from those supersonic plasma waves coming in from the galactic core, from the constellation of Sagittarius, the central sun. Also, our sun, our local star, is feeding us full of nutrition. Get out and sun gaze, activate that pineal gland. You’re amazing, no you’re not amazing. You’re extraordinary beyond measure and I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being as my sister or brother.
Wherever you are on this planet, go out and hug tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously because the world needs it right there. If you’ve not subscribed to this channel, hit the subscribe button, hit the notifications button so you’re up to speed with the next video and I’ll see you again very, very soon, maybe in the ether, maybe here on another video, maybe in the physical. Who knows. Maybe we’ll see each other whilst we’re riding our dragons tonight through the cosmic fabric healing some other galaxies because this is what happens at night-time baby. We don’t go to sleep. We’re working. Oh yes, we’re star seeds here on planet earth. It’s boring at night-time. We’re off doing our work man. That’s when things hot up, and if you’re feeling a little bit tired right now this is another reason why one of the symptoms one of the purges because we’ve got to do our esoteric work as well as our physical human work. It’s what we signed up for anyway.
I’ll see you again real soon. remember to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Peace and love, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.