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“57 years and I haven’t been able to run and now i think I could do a marathon. I woke up to do a marathon.”
Hi everyone, I’m Mary Hitchcock from Australia. I have been blessed enough to discover Star Magic and attend level one facilitator training which was amazing, and then went on to facilitate a training too. Oh my god what a difference!
During the facilitated training there was an exercise where we had to do a deep breathing and all my life, I have had issues with my lungs I have not been able to breathe effectively. I only breathe to the top third of my lungs and to breathe any deeper there was a lot of pain and to exercise I ran out of breath. I love to walk in nature, I love walking mountains. I love just being out in nature and it was difficult for me because I just kept running out of breath
I have been to so many specialists, doctors, naturopaths, you name it. I’ve been to it trying to figure out what was wrong with my lungs and there was nothing that anybody could find wrong with my lungs other than I had a very low oxygen count in my lungs and they couldn’t figure out why I had so much pain in my lungs and it was just for me, it was just a part of life even though that I had been to the doctors and been to specialists in regards to my lungs was my spo2 levels, or my oxygen levels in my lungs was normally around 86.87 which is considered quite low but there was no known cause for my oxygen levels to be that low. My tests came back and there was nothing wrong.
I was labelled as making it up and I was good to the point where people just didn’t believe what it was that I was saying but the spo2 levels were low which indicated that there was something. Since having my energetic lung transplant my spo two levels now sit at between 97 and 98 and that’s the only thing that has changed is the work that Jerry did on me. During the breathing exercise I mentioned to jerry that I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t breathe through it to do that exercise and it was difficult for me and I felt that I had missed out on a key component of the course because I wasn’t able to do the breathing.
Jerry had a look at my lungs for me on an energetic level. I don’t know how to say what the transformation is but energetically Jerry gave me a new lung. Weird as that sounds to many people that is what happened and during the course, he also found a past life which I’ll tell you about in just a second. But with my lung, what has happened since then I haven’t been able to run or jog or do anything like that because I ran out of oxygen it was like walking through mud because there was no oxygen in my lungs.
I now can run nearly a kilometre. I know it’s not much for most people, but I couldn’t even run five meters, 10 meters, before without pain in my lungs and gasping for breath because it hurts so much to be able to breathe. I don’t know how jerry didn’t, but it was completely life-changing for me. It really was an experience that I can only just say. I’m indebted to Jerry and his amazing ways of being able to do to do what he did.
During this session, Jerry also found a past life of a gentleman who was in a village, and he was beaten badly by the village, and he was so sad and so depressed that he just walked around hunched all the time, had no energy, no life, and was sad. All my life I have felt this deep sadness and I have not been able to get to the bottom of it. I thought it was due to trauma that I had as a child and all through my teen years I had quite a bit of trauma that I went through and just put the deep sadness down to that.
Once jerry cleared that timeline for me and looked at that past life, I can now experience joy. My body posture is now upright. I’m not bent over into the fetal position, my shoulders aren’t hunched my, my chest is expanded, and I can feel joy and sing and laugh even though I can’t sing to tune. But at least I’m singing whereas before I’ve always felt so sad but not knowing why. So, to be able to breathe fully, to be able to do breathing, exercise, and to get a full belly breath of air is amazing and to experience joy and laughter and happiness. It’s just life changing.
So, if anybody is looking at doing anything do star magic. It’s just phenomenal and I really appreciate Jerry and all he does to be able to put this out into the world for people to be able to heal themselves and if you’re doing the facilitator training to heal other people as well, and animals. It’s amazing.
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