Psychic protection is mission-critical for your health and well-being. This is true every day and especially just before, during, and just after energy healing or psychic work. When you are unprotected you, are an energetic hoover that sucks in all the energy around you whether it serves you or not.
Adopting a regular energy cleansing and protection routine will help you free up more energy for spiritual work and strengthen your light body. Read on to discover more about how you can protect yourself from psychic attacks.
Psychic attacks happen when your aura or energy field is infiltrated by negative energy. In other words, psychic attacks occur when disruptive energy is sent in your direction and received by your light body. This happens when you leave yourself open or vulnerable to negative energies of others and your environment.
Psychic attacks often occur unintentionally when you unconsciously absorb other people’s negative energy as you go about your day. You can ‘pick up energy’ from a stranger you meet on the street without their knowing, or from your environment like you would catch a cold or flu.
Sometimes, harmful energies are intentionally directed to you by another person or being. On these occasions you may feel strong emotions that trigger you. For example, sudden anger or jealousy may be related to certain memories from your past that have an energetic link or chord to a person, event, environment, creature, or memory. Other forms of psychic attack may be intentional such as influences of ‘black magic’, sorcery, or enchantments, and infection from shadow parasites that drain your energy, impede energy healing, or feed on your addictions.
You may be experiencing a psychic attack if you feel more ‘under the weather’ than usual, are experiencing a streak of bad luck, or having unusual or strange things happening around you. You may even see a ghost or a presence, experience multiple negative events in quick sequence, or encounter unexpected issues with your technology. Emotionally you may also feel overwhelmed, and physical symptoms include strong feelings of nausea, dizziness, and aches and pains. Other symptoms of psychic attacks and the effects of black magic include nightmares, fatigue, exhaustion, headaches, paranoia and mood swings.
It is important to learn how to identify an actual spiritual attack and know the difference between random events and a psychic attack. Some bad events are simple coincidences or the result of a path or challenge that you have chosen. You can watch the frequency of bad events including the time between them and how often they occur. A run of totally unexpected little incidents and negative feelings one after another without any obvious cause is likely a psychic attack.
A psychic attack can harm you at several levels of your being and affect the quality of your life. It may last for minutes to months depending on the duration and intensity of the attack. You may feel physical illness, aches and pains, emotional anxiety and depression, or mental fugue, hallucinations and suggestive thoughts. You may also feel like you are hypnotized or ‘under a trance’ or enchantment that you cannot quite pin down. Also, watch out for unhealthy addictions, attachments and overwhelming thoughts that take your power away and deplete your energy.
Psychic protection is all about setting and maintaining strong energetic boundaries between your personal energy and the energy of other people. You send a clear intention to setup and maintain clear boundaries and you can ask your guides to show you what is your energy and what is their energy.
The vast majority of spiritual practitioners and energy healers use their intuitive skills for good out of love and to help others and the world. Be proud and fierce when shining your light, speaking your truth, and living life in your power. Say no to the energies that do not serve you and adopt a robust and powerful daily psychic protection routine will give you your energetic armour and shield. This is also like putting on a coat and using an umbrella to protect yourself from stormy weather.
Energy healers, psychics, and spiritual channels are far more susceptible to psychic attacks than other people. This is because they work more intimately with energy and are more vulnerable to the subtle energy of their environment and energy changes around them. Psychics and energy healers often discover that it is easy for them to feel and be receptive to other people’s energy. They are also vulnerable to the psychic energy of physical and non-physical environments. They become aware of their psychic abilities and the potential of using energy in a conscious way.
Psychic attacks are real and you can minimize their effects or avoid them entirely. There are many ways you can protect yourself from a psychic attack. The most powerful tools in your possession are your own body and your intention. Look after your body and it will look after you. Always have a positive intention to facilitate healing when doing energy work. Remind yourself that you are the one that truly holds the power to protect and use your energy wisely.
A great way is to fill your entire body and aura with pure love, like the protective love a mother has for her child or the divine love of your angels and healing guides. Clear your mind of thoughts and emotions and surround yourself with pure love and positive energy. This will protect you from spiritual attacks and it also protects others from any attacks that you may transmit subconsciously.
Before healing you can prepare your sacred space and cleanse yourself and your environment before you do any energy work. Clean and clear yourself and your environment of all of the energy that does not serve you. You can use sage, crystals, incense, chanting and meditation to help you let go of all disruptive thoughts and feelings. You can also take some deep breaths to clear your thoughts and emotions. Then from the blank canvas of your mind you invite protective geometry, angels, healers, and ascended masters to surround you. Then you set your positive intention for your energy healing, psychic work, or journeying.
Crystals, gemstones, and essential oils can also help cleanse your aura and space, ensuring you’re surrounded by positive energy. Good crystals that are used for psychic protection include clear quartz, smoky quartz, pyrite, black obsidian, black jade and Smithsonite. For example, clear quartz is a dynamic crystal that responds well to strong laser-focused intention. It is helpful in both deflecting negativity and attracting positivity.
Essential oils and natural incenses contain the vibration and collective energy of the plant, tree, or flower they come from. Sage is often used to clean your aura and protect you. Sprinkle some of the oil or incense around you. Call upon its energy consciousness and a powerful elemental ally will protect you from other people’s negative energy. With your third eye, picture a glowing high-vibration elemental shield forming around you. With your physical eyes closed, meditate of the bright light of the shield until you can feel the safety, warmth, and protection of the shield.
Geometry and Rainbow Light
Protective geometry is very powerful and you can use geometry with any of the techniques described above. Many forms of geometry can be used such as pentagons, platonic solids, and spheres. Krystal geometry connects you back to source energy and to everything else too, toroidal geometry around your light body with spiral rotating flows that will boost the power and flow of energy and light through your light body, and pyramids and Merkabas which allow a more robust spiritual protection. These can be combined together as fractal nets and vibrating membranes of love and divine light. They can also be programmed for protection from psychic attacks at all scales of reality, all timelines, and all realms of existence.
The rainbow ray is a high frequency multi-spectral light that is available to all living beings who want protection. The rainbow light raises your vibration so high that you don’t attract negative people or energy in the first place. It is usually bestowed by the unicorns. Ask your unicorn guide to shower you with rainbow light emanating from its horn. You can feel this pure rainbow light entering your body through your chakras and aura. This light is conscious and you can ask it to raise your vibration or protect your energy. With a strong intention feel in your heart and know in your soul that you are protected from psychic attack and unwanted interference.
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