Yes, all of the recordings are infused with the Star Magic Frequency. Jerry harnesses the group energy from the live calls and combines it with the Natural Frequency of Star Magic – together this is powerful. You will get to Experience the Feeling when you listen to either one, some or all of the Guided Meditations. You will FEEL THE POWER during the meditations. Every journey is Unique, as Jerry guides you through the Cosmos, venturing beyond time and space to experience worlds and YOU-Niverses beyond this one. Emotional, physical, mental and spiritual benefits of meditation are vast. You will experience:
- Increased level of awareness
- Deep & loving connection with you
- A natural flow of abundance
- More confidence
- Heighten creativity & enhanced brain function
- Happy becomes your natural state and you become more compasionate towards others
- Ability to manifest your hearts desires
- Live in the flow of life
- Anxiety/worry dissappears
- Success becomes your new normal
- Re-Connect with your inner-child
- Sense of wonder and well-being
- Positive thoughts and feelings increase
- Lower stress level
- Increased vitality
- Ability to tune in to your body’s natural inner guidance
- Stronger sense of control over your emotions and your actions
- Gateway to your divinity and inherent divine guidance
- Release past trauma and heal emotional wounds
- Stronger sense of connection with other
- And many more that go beyond words…
When you commit to meditating regularly, you’ll open a doorway to your inherent and divine creative abilities, the inner wisdom of your soul, the blessings of your body and a sense of peace that offers bliss and profound & transformational healing.
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