Private Healing Sessions with Tyler Bell

Private Remote Healing Sessions with Tyler Bell

As a child, Tyler was full of high energy and always questioned the conventional teachings about life. His innate connection to energy was evident, but he lacked the resources to understand the depths of his feelings. This dynamic, coupled with a disregard for authority and traditional education, led him down a path of intense exploration.

His journey into extreme sports eventually spiraled into a four-year battle with opiate addiction, which became a pivotal turning point in his life when he discovered plant medicine. This discovery planted the seeds for profound transformation in both his mindset and lifestyle. Everything in Tyler’s life began to align, allowing him to redirect his vibrant energy toward understanding his true self and purpose.

Training and Experience

Over a decade of experience facilitating plant medicine ceremonies, Tyler has pursued comprehensive training in spiritual psychology, energy healing, and became a Reiki Master. Recently, he has proudly shifted his focus to become a Star Magic Healing Facilitator after discovering that Star Magic is the most effective modality for transformation and healing he has encountered. In this new role, Tyler is dedicated to empowering others on their healing journeys, helping them access profound personal growth and spiritual awakening through the unique techniques of Star Magic.

Tyler is committed to daily self-improvement and guiding others in cultivating the skills needed to lead a life rooted in unwavering authenticity and love, no matter the circumstances.


To elevate the frequency of the entire planet in order to transcend separation.

How does Star Magic work?

Star Magic works on the energetic and quantum levels of existence, and therefore has no boundaries. There is not time or space between Star Magic, you and your Higher Self. Star Magic sends positive energy signals or packets of healing information that interact with your own energy signature contained within the intelligent light and sound codes, constantly travelling through the ether. This improves your immune response, realigns and increases your self-healing and self-recovery response and enhances self-generation potential.

Book your Session

Investment: £500


I scheduled a healing with Tyler as a last resort before going to a western doctor for an extreme case of Acid Reflux. I was scheduled to go in and have a procedure under anesthesia called a scopey. I was led to believe that my stomach spinchtor was not closing properly. The next step would of been a fundoplication.

Tyler did a Star Magic healing on me and to my surprise, I was 100% better almost immediately after, and my systems have never returned.

As a biochemist, what Tyler was able to do from across the country, was absolutely miraculous.

I can’t recommend Tyler and Star Magic healing enough.

Kevin Pardon

My sessions with Tyler have truly been some of the most transformative of my entire life! His knowledge of star magic as well as his experience with helping people overcome literally any challenge is exceptional. He is absolutely dedicated to your transformation and he has helped me change many facets of my life for the better! I trust Tyler and StarMagic with every fiber of my body and would recommend him to literally everyone!

Kaitlyn Cranor

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