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Decoding The Universe ๐Ÿงฌ | Pineal Gland & Connecting With Multidimensional Beings ๐Ÿ‘


Discover the pineal gland and decode the universe.


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โ€œYou are the sun the moon and the stars. This universe and multiverse is wrapped up into a bundle of bones, muscles, skin, with a light body and a soul and a spirit but youโ€™re not separate from everything else. You created everything else, and you created you to have the experience in this great big holographic universe.โ€

โ€œWhen youโ€™re tapping into the quantum field, when youโ€™re accessing information, when youโ€™re viewing beings or communicating with beings or observing beings you start to see and perceive these beings. Depending on your level of inner standing, depending on your level of awareness, and depending on the frequency of that pinecone inside of your head is vibrating at, that decodes the truth, that decodes that information. You have access to multiple layers of information, but youโ€™ve got to decide that you want to tap it.โ€

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. Life is amazing baby. Weโ€™re here on this green and blue ball to remember the truth. The space around you isnโ€™t empty, itโ€™s rich and bountiful and full of knowledge and wisdom just like my unicorn here, Alana. Sheโ€™s beautiful. Can you see her. Sheโ€™s black with multicoloured stripes, sheโ€™s got a golden horn with a diamond tip. Sheโ€™s always with me.

When you tap the potential in the fields you will connect with other energies and the thing is this, beautiful soul. The energies that you connect with when you tap them in their rawest form, their geometry, their mathematics. Nothing is physical, nothing has true structure in the way that we see true structure. It has a structure way beyond what we could possibly fathom and see with our logical conscious minds. When we start to operate out of this hemisphere, the right brain, the female brain, and we start to activate that pinecone in the centre of our brain, our pineal gland, our third eye, that stargate, we start to see so much. We start to feel so much, we start to know so much.

Some people say that there are 12 dimensions, 12 dimensional spaces. They say that within each of these dimensions thereโ€™s another 12 frequency bands or another 12 dimensions that would make 144 dimensions in total.  Iโ€™m not sure whether I buy that. I mean it could be true. Iโ€™ve got no way of you know proving it or disproving it and it doesnโ€™t really matter when Iโ€™ve journeyed through the field, through meditation, plant medicine, whatever. It is through my own healing practice. Iโ€™m always connected to the fields and there are multiple layers. There are layers within layers within layers. I personally feel there are infinite frequency bands or infinite densities, infinite what some people would call dimensions.

Referring to these spaces as dimensional doesnโ€™t really cut the mustard because weโ€™re talking about harmonics, weโ€™re talking about vibration, weโ€™re talking about frequency, and as you go up through the levels, youโ€™re dropping the density, youโ€™re dropping the weight, and things get lighter and lighter and lighter and as Iโ€™ve journeyed and Iโ€™ve expanded and Iโ€™ve seen it just goes on and on but maybe there is an end point. Who really knows. Maybe someday someone will truly figure it out but decoding the vibrational harmonics of this incredible multiverse is whatโ€™s important.

A lot of people see things in the empty space and when you see things in the empty space you decide what youโ€™re seeing. Due to your level of understanding and your ability to see feel and know information the faster your frequency the faster those little calcite crystals that are inside that little pinecone inside of your brain, your pineal gland, the faster theyโ€™re vibrating at the more access it gives you to the field and the more truth you can see. Someone might perceive something as an angel with wings or they might see a spider being or geometrical being.

However, you perceive it is down to your own level of perception and thatโ€™s okay wherever you are.   Now is perfect. Weโ€™re all on a journey baby and that journey goes at your own space at your own pace. Thereโ€™s no need to hurry. You donโ€™t want to take too much time but you want to chill on this journey and let it unfold in the most magical way so you can learn and remember what you need to learn and remember along the way. Donโ€™t try and hurry things up. Enjoy the ride because human beings want things now and sometimes, weโ€™re not ready to receive everything there. Sometimes weโ€™re not ready for what the truth is so the universe gives it us in bite-sized chunks.

As you start to develop and activate your pineal gland through breathwork, through pineal gland activation exercises that we share through star magic, light language, through meditation, by using frequency and sound, light and information. You can switch your third eyesight on beyond or measure, and when you switch it on you start to tap the field and the field is breathtakingly beautiful. Itโ€™s full of wild beautiful colourful information. There are beings, there are worlds within worlds. I can pretty much guarantee you right now in this space that Iโ€™m in, thereโ€™s other beings not just Alana, but other beings in this space with me. Some people are walking through the forest or through the streets and they might see out of the corner of their eye.

Thereโ€™s another density, another frequency band another dimensional space bleeding through and they catch a glimpse of it. Theyโ€™re not going crazy; theyโ€™re just seeing the truth. Maybe thatโ€™s happened to you. The best thing to do is to work on yourself, high vibrational foods, breathwork, light language, yoga, getting out into nature, drinking lots of water, staying away from chemicals, smash up your TV. All that stuff that pours negative frequencies into your space. You want to get rid of it and all the stuff that pours goodness into your space and elevates your soul, expands your heart and your consciousness. You want to pour it into your space, you want to consume it, the photons from the sun.

All this stuff is going to activate your pineal gland, itโ€™s magical. Once your pineal gland is activated you will get access to a whole tapestry of knowledge that just goes on and on, and the more you download and recalibrate and work the more, youโ€™re going to get and youโ€™ve just simply got to set an intention open your heart go into meditation and decide Iโ€™m going to connect with the field, observe your body and let things flow just see what happens. you and I might go into the same space, and you might see a being that looks kind of humanoid. I might see it as geometrical form, I might see it as mathematics now. Both of us are perceiving something correctly. Itโ€™s just that Iโ€™m seeing its rawest form because everything is geometrical, everything is mathematical, me included, you included.

The screen that youโ€™re looking at right now is a geometrical equation created in the quantum field and bought into this physical existence. When I see a tree, I see energy I see vibration.  I donโ€™t see solid bark although I can if I switch into my third density sight and decide to go and give that tree a hug. But if I want to connect with that tree at a deep level, Iโ€™m going to see the truth beyond the physical illusion. The same when I work with the clients. I donโ€™t see their body as physical. I see their biological computer, the body, and the brain, and all the information thatโ€™s feeding into it, in the quantum field. The best thing you can do is use frequency sound light information to tap your DNA through meditation, through light language, through all the tools that are available to you, qigong, breathwork, deep breathwork.

You are an amazing being and you have the potential to tap into what you want. Youโ€™ve just got to decide to do it, beautiful soul. Youโ€™ve just got to decide to do it, thatโ€™s plain and simple. Some people say that if Iโ€™m traveling out in the universe, I might get a bit scared because I might see a negative being, you know a being can only affect you if you decide that it can affect you. A program can only affect you if you decide that it can affect you. It depends on your level of compliance with the program, it depends on your level of compliance of the energy of the being that wants to infiltrate your consciousness. Nothing can affect you if you decide. So, the thing is this some people donโ€™t know about this other world beyond the veil of illusion and theyโ€™re being affected 24/7 365. But once you start to tap this wisdom and tap this knowledge, raise your vibration, expand your consciousness, and come to a deeper level of understanding, nothing will be able to affect you.

There is no being in the universe more powerful than you. There is no human being on this planet more powerful than you. You are the sun the moon and the stars. This universe and multiverse is wrapped up into a bundle of bones, muscles, skin, with a light body and a soul and a spirit but youโ€™re not separate from everything else. You created everything else, and you created you to have the experience in this great big holographic universe and you can create and recreate reality however you wish.

Youโ€™ve got to be willing to take that in a journey, youโ€™ve got to be willing to explore the labyrinth and the depths of your own consciousness because this beautiful soul is where the magic lies, oh yeah. This is where the magic lies. You are the magic. Donโ€™t tell anyone else itโ€™s top secret but you are the magic yes you are, but you got to know this. Thereโ€™s no point me telling you. You got to feel this, youโ€™ve got to know this. Donโ€™t believe it. Those things are dangerous. Get rid of those belief systems and go deeper to that space where you know because nothing trumps knowing but knowing trumps believing every single time.

Go out into this world. Hug your sisters and brothers so tightly and remember never ever be the first to let go of a hug. Thatโ€™s the golden rule of hugging. Love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously because right now on planet earth we need that we need to support each other fiercely and ferociously to burn through the bs. Remember check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, star magic healing, light language, qigong, yoga, meditation, all the goodness. So, get yourself over and check it out.

Remember to share this video with your friends and your family, with your loved ones. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place. Remember to hit the notifications tab, hit the subscribe button and if youโ€™ve already subscribed check youโ€™re still subscribed because YouTube are unsubscribing a lot of our subscribers and censoring this channel because we activate you so much. We pop this thing open.  So, the love can flow anyway. Youโ€™re magical, I love you beyond measure. Go out into this world, shine your light, never dampen your sparkle for anyone, and say bye to Alana. Iโ€™ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.