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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, we require, it’s a must to have people, souls, powerful warriors, and goddesses in our inner circle that will challenge us, pull our card, force us to own our own shadow. We need souls that are strong enough in our Inner circle that will challenge us to look at what we really don’t want to look at, to face what we really don’t want to face. Those kinds of people are gold dust. They are gold. They are vitally important to our evolution. When you’ve got weak people in your circle that aren’t strong enough to stand up to you and show you, tell you when you’re going right, when you’re going off course, it’s dangerous. You don’t need those kinds of people around you. You want strong souls that will add value to your life, to your mission, to your journey.
It’s easy to move through life having weak people around you but you’re going to make mistakes. You’re never going to really truly understand and recognize the truth of who you are unless you allow those strong, powerful mirrors into your life to reflect back to you exactly what you need to work on, the holes in your armour, those souls are worth their weight in gold. They’re incredible. When they enter your reality keep them, love them. Even though they’re the ones that will press your buttons. They might spark the anger, they might spark the rejection, they might spark the fear and that’s beautiful because every time those little sparks go off in your body, when you feel those feelings, you know you need to pay attention, and those people that are strong and bold and steadfast in your inner circle they need a great big thank you.
You should be oozing and emanating gratitude for these souls because they will help you grow. They will help you refine who you are. It’s like a sword. A sword is welded and beaten in the furnaces, in the heat. It’s not welded and smashed in the cold. It requires fire, it requires courage, determination. You want to surround yourself with the elite, the best of the best calm, composed, intelligent, strong souls that will call you out on your s***. That’s where it’s at beautiful soul. Invite those people into your life. Set those great big intentions for those alchemists, those masters, those weavers of reality, those strong pillars of light and darkness blended and alchemized into wholeness into your life to support you, help you grow, and in return you can reflect to them what they need to work on. Between your inner circle you can carve the very best team, unstoppable un-fuck-with-able legends, giants, powerful beyond measure.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever, be the first to let go. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Meditations, light language transmissions, nutrition, cosmic yoga, exercise, breath work, everything you need to be a high vibrational being and live your very best life. Shine your light, speak your truth, make up your own rules of this human game and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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