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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now Beautiful Soul? So, I am going to share with you a light language transmission, which is geared towards optimal vitality. It’s also to strengthen your immune system. The two go hand in hand, and for this process, we’re going to be focusing on what is known as the spleen energy centre, a vortex in the same space as your spleen. It draws vital life force into your body, not just your physical body, but your light body, too.
We’re also going to be focusing on your endocrine system. So, I invite you into this space with me. You can close your eyes, or you can keep your eyes open. It’s entirely up to you. Breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth and as you go through this process, I want you to take your right hand and place it just below the bottom of your left rib cage and just place it there gently in the same area as your spleen energy centre.
I want you to open your heart and connect with me. Light to light, heart to heart, soul to soul. Consciousness to consciousness. Be in this space and receive these codes. Allow them to work their magic You are amazing Beautiful Soul.
Light language transmission
Feel the energy, Feel the life force, streaming through your crown, streaming in through your spleen Vortex Energy Centre. Feel the energy flowing from Mother Earth up through your root and into your heart centre. As we recode your light body.
Light language transmission
As we bring in a blue sapphire frequency in through the back of your heart a diamond light spiralling down through your crown and a carnelian and golden frequency racing up from the planetary grids through your root, and into your higher heart centre.
Light language transmission
Allow these frequencies to work through your body. Just be in this space for a moment. Feel the movements, those subtle energies around your body, inside your body, through your body.
I recommend you come back and do this light language transmission daily for 21 days to truly amplify and strengthen your immune system. After that, come back and revisit it once a week to keep topping it up You are a multidimensional being. You are powerful beyond measure, and I love you so much. Thank you for choosing to be on the Earth at this time.
Go out into this world Beautiful Soul. Open your heart, shine your beautiful light, blaze trails for your fellow sisters and brothers to walk through. Let’s unify as a collective, as one human family, angelic humans running around this green and blue ball. We’re powerful, supersonic, extraordinary. Feel this and know this. Wherever you are on the planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go, ever. That’s the golden rule of hugging Beautiful Soul.
Remember to check out our website We have some of the best Ascension tools on the planet. Cosmic Yoga, meditations, light language transmissions, interactives. We have private groups where you can connect with your sisters and brothers. We run some of the most profound energy healing training sessions on planet Earth, if not the best. So go and check out and connect or reconnect with your tribe and I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart. One human family. Peace out Beautiful Soul.
“…and it’s very painful. So, I asked Jerry to help me with it. He put his hand in my lower back for probably a few seconds, and then the pain is gone. It’s really special. Everybody should come to attend this class.”
“I feel super amazing now.”
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