If we do not wake up now, start taking action, this world is going to become a very different place. Its time to be sovereign and to take massive action in creating a beautiful new world. The golden age awaits us but only when we make the choice to be sovereign and free.
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This planet is crazy baby. It is so flipping crazy, beautiful soul. It is way, way worse than I originally thought so, so beyond what was in my reality, the reality that I created inside of my head. We’ve got to act now. We’ve got to act hard; we’ve got to act fast. We got to get our skates on, beautiful soul.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? This planet is crazy baby. It is so flipping crazy. I just had to share this message with you. Last night or yesterday afternoon I flew from London to Bucharest in Romania and it’s the first time that I’ve flown since the flights have opened. Now when I went to the airport. I kid you not there was me and a few children that didn’t have masks. Now there were hundreds and hundreds of people at Heathrow airport going on flights all over the world. Everyone had a mask on. I saw one lady or man I can’t remember. They had their mask around here because they’re eating a sandwich, because they are eating a flipping sandwich, but everybody had a mask apart from a few kids.
Some kids had masks and you don’t even need to put masks on your kid in England, but some kids had masks. There were women making sure their kids were washing their hands. They were pulling kids away from you and their partners away from other men and women because they were getting too close. It is nuts. When I got on the plane everybody had a mask on apart from me and I was the last person on the plane or maybe the last two or three people on the plane. When I walked down the aisle everybody was like this, looking at me with their eyes. It was like being in a zoo. It was like being in a zoo, but I was the wild animal, and all these people were like looking through the through the bars that the lion or whatever kind of animal it was, and they were a little bit freaked out because this animal was a bit weird and dangerous. It was the weirdest experience that I’ve ever had, and I’ve had some weird experiences man, but this is like so surreal.
Now they even on the channel say everyone please put your masks on, everybody you’ve got to wear a mask, you’ve got to wear a mask, and I just didn’t put a mask on. I didn’t have a mask. I had a scarf with me, and I thought you know what, worst case scenario I’m just going to put my scarf at hand here because I had to be in Romania. I had to get on that flight. Now no one came and said anything to me, no one came and said anything to me going through security. Being on the plane everybody told us to put our masks on, but I just didn’t, and nobody said anything. What does that tell you? It shows me that people just do what they’re told, and they don’t even think well what will happen if I don’t listen. They don’t even think that they just do it.
I’ve stopped a lot of people in the streets over the last few days. Not since I’ve been here in Romania but beforehand and just asking people why you are wearing a mask? Oh well its law isn’t it mate. No, it’s not law mate. You don’t have to wear a mask. It’s crazy. I’ve heard all different excuses but anyway the point I want to make today is this. You know I speak to a lot of high vibrational people; I speak to a lot of clients that are raising their levels of vibration and have come to me for a bit of assistance on their spiritual journey. Most of the people I speak to, they’re kind of they’re half-awake or woke and I’m kind of like in a bubble really. Even though I speak to lots of people all over the internet as well that kind of woke.
What I’m saying is this beautiful soul. We got a lot of work to do. We got a shed load of work to do. I mean going to the airport I thought I might have seen like maybe 20 percent of the people not wearing masks or 30 or 15, you know at least five percent of the people. Not just me or my Jack Jones, and the other person eating this sandwich. They were going to put it back on afterwards. I got so many funny looks in the airport like I was a blue green, pink, yellow alien. It is so weird, it’s so weird.
Now here in Romania, I tell you that they’ve got it even more buttoned down than they have in England you know. You go in a shop in Romania without a mask, they scream at you to get one. If you get in a taxi in Romania, they scream at you to get out of their taxi if you won’t put a mask on. It’s ridiculous. They give you a 1 000 euro fine, a 5 000 run fine, which is their local currency, which is about 1 000 pounds, 1 200 euros if they catch you on public transport or in a shop without a mask. I went into the bank today. The reason I’ve come to Romania is because we’re building a healing centre and I’ve come here for three weeks to get some stuff organized today.
I had to go to the bank. I went in the bank and this guy’s got up and he said, look he said to me – “maska, maska, maska!” I just said to him, “I’m exempt from wearing a mask, you got, mascara, masker” Oh, it went like that. I said I’ll come in like this, oh my god I had to get the money at the bank man because I had to go and buy some stuff, but I did this, and he was a little bit pissed off by it. But I just went like that, boom, went home.
It’s so freaking weird man. What we’ve got to do is open our hearts and we’ve got to start spreading these messages. We’ve got to start thrusting these messages into the faces of our friends of our family and get them to share these messages. We’ve got to start putting this stuff out to everybody. Everybody needs to wake the f*** up. It’s ridiculous. We cannot continue like this. The world is too much asleep. I’m telling you there are people all over the planet that can’t wait to get Billy Gates’s injections because they’re brainwashed to the maximum. The police here in Romania, they’re brainwashed to a different level. I mean it’s like the gestapo in England. Here in Romania, they’re like SAS gestapo. They’re like the next level gestapo man and they are they are dishing out fines left right and centre, and additional outfits to taxi drivers if they let someone in their taxi without a fine.
They’re dishing out fines to shop owners if they let people in their shops without a mask on. It’s crazy. They’re got pure fear driven into the minds, the hearts and the souls of the people, the agents of the states here in this country or especially in Bucharest anyway. I’ve not been anywhere. I’m getting on an overnight train tonight to go up the north, go up into the mountains in Transylvania and I’ll see what it’s like then. I mean it’s absolutely nuts, beautiful soul. I don’t know what we’re going to do. I don’t know what we can do but what I do know is people have got to wake up fast. You might be the same as me. You might think you know. There are people waking up really, quickly but I was on a British airways flight. There were lots of English people on there. They were all wearing masks, they weren’t all Romanians.
I was at an English airport. Obviously, there were multi nationalities in the airport but predominantly they were English. it means the UK is still very fast asleep. There might be little pockets waking up here and there but it’s nowhere near what I thought. It was people who are still dumbed down in a massive. massive way. We’re talking Heathrow airport, one of the biggest airports in the world. Everyone had a mask on, every member of staff, every human being and some of the children. It’s crazy what are we going to do. This is crazy. I mean until you experience and witness and have this experience, it’s hard to kind of like put this into words. But this is serious. This is way beyond serious. What we’ve got to do as a species for those of us that are awake, share the crap out of this message. Let’s get groups of people together into deep meditation, open our hearts, and let’s raise consciousness on this planet.
Any videos that you get of other people sharing the truth, share them with everybody you know. Whether it’s to do with the vaccine, whether it’s to do with lockdown, whether it’s to do with masks, whether it’s to do with all of the paedophilia that’s coming out at the moment, whether it’s to do with whatever it, share the messages we have to share everything. If you see a video that has the truth in it and you don’t share it you’re just as bad as the people that are trying to get people to wear masks. If you see a video that has truth in it that can wake people up share it, if you don’t, you’re just as bad as the people that are trying to get people to wear masks. Are you hearing them because you’ve got an opportunity to share the truth on your Facebook page, on your Twitter, on your Pinterest, on your Instagram, whatever it is. You could share it to 30 of your friends on email, you could share it with your work colleagues. There’s some of them might turn around you and say you’re barmy you’ve gone crack crackers, you know, you’re nuts, you should be putting a straitjacket, who gives a f***.
We got to start sharing the truth okay. Listen, beautiful soul. I love you so much. You’re an incredible human being. I’m going to end this video now because it’s getting dark. It’s a full moon tonight. I’m going over the back of this lake to do a meditation, okay, before I go and get on this train, anyway. You are amazing. I love you with all of me and just raise the vibration as much as you can. Work on your own, self-clean, food, sun gazing, meditation, qigong, breath work. Get into nature with your shoes and socks off. You know the drill. Share this with your friends and family. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.
If you’re watching this on YouTube, subscribe and share and hit the notifications tab. Share the out of these videos okay, especially the meditation videos, the light language transmissions. They raise the frequency fast. They have light codes that will change people rapidly. Okay every video that I share I’m shifting your DNA on a subatomic level, on a deep, deep level, because my frequency is flowing out through the space which isn’t empty, and we’re all connected just like that. Rapid style, okay, no time, no distance, no measurement. In the quantum field we’re connected. So, beautiful soul, go out and love your sisters and brothers. Hug them tightly never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and remember check out our website starmagichealing.org. I’ll see you again real soon.
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