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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, let’s talk about your body, our bodies. Let’s talk about frequency, energy, and what’s happening on the planet right now like we all know we’re going through, this ascension process, this ascension cycle and our consciousness is expanding, our frequencies rising, our vibrations shifting, and as these new off-planet frequencies come into our environment they’re changing us at a deep subatomic level, on a DNA level and a lot of people when they’re on this journey, they’re flying around in the stars, they’re flying around in the ether and that’s great but not if you neglect your physical body because we are multi-dimensional beings in these physical bodies. It’s imperative, mission critical, that we take care of these vessels because ultimately our consciousness, our soul, is inside these physical bodies.
As we’re downloading these high frequency data streams, we’re re-engineering ourselves from the inside out, we’re activating our DNA. We’re bringing online ancient multi-dimensional faculties that most of us have forgotten but we are in the process of remembering, waking up, and starting to utilize again like the ability to communicate telepathically, use the third eye to see into the invisible world, to download information, that internal knowing, telekinesis. You see a lot of people now been able to move objects. These are abilities that we all have. Some of them are stronger in some people than others. You know we all excel at different things but ultimately, we can all utilize all of these abilities and as these off-planet frequencies are coming in, they’re waking them up in us. They’re expanding our consciousness; they’re helping us understand reality better.
We’re starting to perceive reality in a new way which is really the original way, which is love, kindness, compassion, understanding, humility, love, forgiveness, and acceptance stepping in into that space where we truly allow ourselves to be fully present in our own company and the company of others and so we’re shifting on so many levels. I mean mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. Things are changing and we must look after the home of our soul. These physical bodies are so important but as I said a lot of people are flying around in the stars, in the ethers, and they’re neglecting them. They want to play in the multi-dimensional playing fields and that’s great running around with our extraterrestrial sisters and brothers having multi-dimensional experiences which are fun and explorative and magical but if you don’t get the balance, like if you don’t get the balance in anything, whether it’s business, relationships, health, you tip one way. Things go right and you as the human being that’s in control of your reality, the one that is there to govern yourself to some degree, is making decisions.
So, we have to make decisions that are in congruent with our own human evolution and spiritual growth and if we’re going to expand and grow exponentially on this kind of spiritual playing field. We have to grow exponentially on this physical playing field so the two balance out and what that means is looking after your body and making it physically strong. Exercise, clean foods, swim, run, lift, weights, hit a punch bag, do some yoga stretching, qigong. All of these things are important. You don’t have to do all of them but looking after your body in some way, shape, or form, and making sure that you use a variety of different exercises because your body gets accustomed to its environment. It acclimatizes. So, you want to shock it so that’s why you play different sports, go to the gym, go for a run, go for a bike ride, do different things. Swim, hike, climb trees, be like a monkey in a kid’s playground on the monkey bars.
Make your body strong because if your body’s not strong, flexible, and able to handle these off-planet frequencies, your nervous system is going to struggle. I’ve met a lot of people that have been doing this spiritual work for a long time. They can’t walk, they’ve lost the feeling in one of their arms, shoulders, different parts of the body where their nervous systems fried because they’re downloading so much electrical energy, and we are electrical beings. We upload that magnetic code from the earth and download that electrical code from the stars and it’s a beautiful process but if our bodies aren’t able to handle it then it’s going to be a very painful process and maybe a stumbling block in the process.
So, what I’m saying is this, beautiful soul. We got an opportunity to really accelerate ascension. We’ve got an opportunity to really expand and move deeper into love, harmony. Enjoy. We’ve got an opportunity to live on a higher vibrational playing field where we can love and care about each other at a deeper level by opening this heart beyond measure and allowing the love to flow which is an infinite supply. It’s not limited. We shouldn’t hold on to it. We should just let it shine, let it flow, and in return ultimately, it’s going to find a way back to us into our centre because we are the centre of our own universe. So, the more you give, the more you receive, the more love you give out, the more love you’re going to receive. The more love you give out, the more love’s going to flow into the world and help our sisters and brothers. If we all do this together, we create magic and consciousness evolves faster and we step into that place of freedom and sovereignty much quicker.
Love’s the key, love is the question, love Is the answer. Love is where it’s at, but no one can make you love. You just are love but you have to choose to be still enough to experience that love that you are and by being present it’s the best present you could give to yourself, the best gift. You’re going to allow that love to shine and flow and permeate every cell in your body, permeate the space around you, and permeate the multi-dimensional playing fields and in return by default the universe is going to get that energy flowing straight back through your body, heart, mind, soul, and you’re just going to be turbocharged and it’s going to become cyclical. It flows in, it flows out. It’s a two-way process so get with the program, get in the game. Look after your physical body. Make it strong enough and able enough to download these off-planet frequencies and also frequencies that are coming up from inner earth, crystal cities, crystal cathedrals.
Different parts of the world are pumping up high frequency energy to help with the ascension. We’re getting bombarded from all angles but if you’re not ready you’re not ready. It’s like preparation. Preparation is the most important thing in life. Be prepared because you don’t know what’s going to happen. You might get an amazing opportunity. If you’re not prepared to take it, seize it, grab it, you’re going to lose it. So, be prepared for anything and everything and then when your opportunity comes, take it, and seize it. Be prepared. Every single day work on yourself. Meditate, exercise, cold showers, clean foods, intermittent fasting. All of these things are going to make your body stronger to handle these frequencies.
You’re amazing, beautiful soul, truly you are. We all are, and this is about us. It’s not about me. It’s not about you. It’s about us, we the human family. Love is what drives us. Love is what pulls us. Love is what steers us. So be present, give yourself that gift, move into the labyrinth of your cosmic heart and let the energy flow go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever, be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. You know that beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website. We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Go and check it out at Get involved. It’s free for 7 days. Check out all the tools, experience the magic, experience the energy, and I will see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Go out there and crush it, beautiful soul. go out there into this world. Be the awesome human that you are.
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