Creating and manifesting your reality, your dream life, is easy, once you apply the right tools. Your energy is everything. Once your frequency is right all things become possible. The law of attraction is not the entire manifesting model. It all comes down to energy and vibration and how you operate your own frequency and ultimately what frequency band you are on.
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This is the only way that you are going to create the reality that you want and so rightly deserve, beautiful soul. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? This is a short video but a very important message okay if you really truly want to succeed, thrive, excel, you’ve got to know who you are, you must act like a god or a goddess, like a king or a queen and I’m not talking about some egotistical perspective on your own reality. Know what I’m talking about is in deep inside of your own heart that you have magic that you carry waves of wisdom that have the potential to flow out into this world and create the reality that you want, that you rightly deserve.
You did not come to this planet to be a beggar boy or a beggar girl. You didn’t come to this planet to be a slave inside of a system. You came to this planet to rise above all of that, be like an eagle rising above the storm, flying above observing the chaos underneath, and the eagle decides they’ll come back down when the storms cleared. Otherwise, they’re going to stay and remain vigilant, observant, flying above in their own reality doing what they want, doing what they feel is the best thing for them and their own life, their own energy, their own reality, they don’t get caught up in the chaos and the mayhem.
A god, or a goddess, a king or a queen knows without a shadow of a doubt that they are magical, that they are powerful, that they are in control of their own sovereignty and you my friend, my sister, my brother, are the one in charge of your own sovereignty. If you’ve forgotten this, why don’t you look deep into your heart and if you’ve forgotten how to look into your heart, why don’t you get high on life, why don’t you look around you, the trees, the birds, the animals, the sky, the sunshine, the clouds, the flowers, the birds, and the bees. There is magic everywhere. You can get high on life; you can get high right now okay. This is your choice, or you can be waiting for someone to come and dig me out of this mess, maybe in a few years things will change, maybe I’ll start next week or next month. You can carry that attitude if you want but that isn’t the attitude of a god or a goddess.
A god or a goddess, a king, or a queen, they take responsibility for their own actions, for who they are as spiritual beings having a human experience. They don’t get caught up in the chaos and the mayhem all the distractions in life. You don’t get caught up in COVID19 and black lives matter. They don’t get caught up in governments and elections and democratic and liberal parties. They don’t give a hoot about that stuff. They stay on course; they stay focused laser-sharp on their own mission and that is why they thrive. Every day is full of joy and bliss and you my friend, my sister or brother, you get to make that choice. So, what are you going to do? Are you going to sit back, relax, pray to gods, Jesus, Allah, whoever, but things are going to turn out maybe, or are you going to put your sword down in the ground and state your claim, draw a line in the sand, step over and say enough is enough. I’m a king, I’m a queen, I’m a god, I’m a goddess, I’m a lion, I’m a lioness, I’m a warrior. I’m going to rise and I’m going to take control of my own reality. It’s time. There’s something you can do to change it.
So go out into this world and discover who you truly are. You’re going to discover this magic. Anyway, you’re amazing, you’re incredible, and I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember if you’re watching this on YouTube subscribe and share. Share these positive messages together. We can make this world a much more harmonious place and check out our website We’ve got the best ascension tools on the planet. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Go and be your own magic. Hug tightly, never be the first to let go, love fiercely and ferociously, and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. We have life-changing meditations to heal illness and disease, enhance business performance and heal relationships. You can access them all at home or on the move. Your vibration will rise as you connect deeply. You have access to short yoga routines to activate you in different ways, cosmic yoga to activate your third eye, open your hearts and your crown chakra, help you sleep better and much more. The instruction is easy to follow and carefully explains that your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. There are a large variety of high vibrational recipes that are quick to prepare, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, dessert, shakes, and smoothies you can make for yourself or the whole family. The food is healthy, tasty, and fun to create. You can choose from a selection of light codes and light language transmissions. Light language is the language of the soul, and our super-powerful transmissions will expand your consciousness and turbocharge your vibration. At the same time the visual light codes will activate your pineal gland and switch on your body’s natural potential.
There are complementary healing sessions uploaded regularly. As a valued member you can access them 24/7 to heal. There are private healings geared towards different mental, physical, and emotional issues. Any deep pain will be brought to the surface and healed so you can live a happy life. There are also monthly interactive master classes where you’ll discover the latest information on healing and transformation and top tips for the month. New codes and frequencies are shared that you can apply in your life to go deeper on your journey. This is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. If you want to be a highly vibrational human and happy, full of joy, totally healthy, full of vibrancy and vitality, then infinity is a must. You get seven days free with unlimited access. See you on the inside, beautiful soul.
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