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“Oh my god, oh thank you, oh thank you”
Amalie: “Hi, my name is Amalie, and I am from Hawaii, and I came to Star magic within seven days of ever hearing the name Jerry Sergeant or Star Magic and I was a little reluctant, but I just felt pulled to be here. I had no idea until Jerry led this 10-year-old boy through this amazing process and facilitated a healing of not only my spine but of traumas that reach as far back as you can ever imagine.”
Cohoy: “Hi, my name is Cohoy, I’m from Hawaii and I’m 10 years old. A lady named Amalie she had like a twisted spine that was like bent out of shape. When Jerry asked for a volunteer, I raised my hand and then he picked me. I thought I was raising my hand to say like oh I’m just confident in my healing abilities and like I had no idea I was going to do that, but I ended up fixing her spine.”
Amalie: “it came with a 36-degree curve in my spine that I’ve had since I was about 13. So that’s 25 years that curve has caused intense pain. I’ve had multiple hip surgeries because my entire body has been out of balance. I’ve had to relearn how to walk, and I haven’t been able to breathe very well because this curve not only is this way, but it twists and so my lung capacity has always been significantly less than it should be. I don’t know if it’s just the physical or if it’s the metaphysical but both healings that took place were so profound. Now it is completely straight. I can breathe and fill my lungs so full of air that it’s I mean parts of my lungs that never filled with air are getting oxygen and what that alone is going to do for the quality of my life and my longevity is profound. But the connection that I was able to make with this boy and with myself and the parts to me that were so deeply hurting. That’s going to change the trajectory of the entire universe not just my life. I am beyond grateful. I’m beyond words. Thank you. Thank you”
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