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Morphogenetic Field | Light Body Potential


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

This is just a quick message as you do the inner work, and you activate your divine blueprint, harmonize your bio-energetic fields, and you synthesize and bring into balance and equilibrium. Your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies and you activate that congruence where you start to stay in this state of joy, bliss, and presence 24/7 365, in your whole physical body, your biological body and your light body.

Everything starts to activate and synthesize and blend and morph and wave in the most intricate fashion, the way that it is supposed to be. Now what this does when you bring yourself into harmonization in this way, you start to naturally influence the human morphogenic field. You start to influence humanity’s bioenergetic fields and just by doing the work you start to affect thousands and thousands of people all over the planet.

As more people feel this and tune into this frequency in this alignment, their own personal morphogenic fields start to balance and synthesize and blend with the morphogenic harmonized field of the collective and everything starts to balance out. So, this work that you are doing, and I know you are doing the work.  Otherwise, you would not be listening to this video. Right now, you are having such a profound effect, not just on yourself but the collective too. I just wanted to share that with you because it should inspire you to make better choices every single day. It should inspire you and motivate you to live with integrity, to stay on that frequency of love and compassion and respect.

Respect yourself, love yourself, respect others and love others. At the same time, use discernment as you move through the field and as you move through life because there is always an exchange of codes 24/7 365, and we need to be aware of that exchange as we are igniting our own bioenergetic fields and sending those codes out into the ether. There are codes flowing both ways and you need to be aware of this because not all codes are good codes. So, by raising your frequency, your levels of awareness amplify, and your consciousness expands.

You are going to be aware of the exchange of information always so just to give you a little something to think about, I love you, beautiful soul. You are doing an amazing job so give yourself a big pat on the back and say well-done, well-done jerry. Give yourself a big pat on the back and say well done wherever you are and remember to go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers, beautiful soul. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go.

Love fiercely and ferociously and remember to check out our website We have got some of the best ascension tools on the planet to expand your consciousness, activate that original divine Crystalline 12-strand DNA template, and just be a superhuman and bring online that divine potential that lies inside of you on a deep level.

Also, remember to check out our new telegram group, the spiritual gangsta one. Gangsta is spelt g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one go and be an awesome beautiful soul, shine that magical light, laugh, dance, have fun, be creative, and just express yourself however you feel like expressing yourself. I will see you again real soon.