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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of your entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, a message for humanity from our Lyran sisters and brothers. We must come together. We must unify and we must prepare. Your body is powerful, but you must switch your body on. You must be prepared. On Avion we fell, at the hands of the Draco reptilians. We are here again on planet Earth, reconnecting, divine, a band of sisters and brothers here on a human mission.
Loyalty. Respect. Divinity. We are here to protect you. We are here to protect you. We are here to protect you. We tried in Lemuria. We tried in Atlantis. We tried through the lands of Khem, dark and light. The battle is here once again. The battle is here once again. Last time it won and the time before it was better. This time we will fulfil what we laid down in the scripts and the scribes and the tablets from the stars. We must live with love. We must live in love. We must live being surrounded by love. We must live with love. We must live with love. Acceptance. No judgement. We must live with love. No isolation. We must live with love. We must be dissolved and we as humanity, must rebirth our ancestral origins.
Light language transmission
Our bodies must be strong. Our bodies must be balanced. Our bodies must be in divine alignment so we can handle the new crystalline codes coming down from space.
Light language transmission
There is manipulation embedded within our own genetic code and the crystalline codes coming down right now from the stars, from our celestial homes.
Light language transmission
They are coming through to recalibrate our physical bodies, to activate our DNA and enable us to move into divine alignment with the crystalline bodies of consciousness. They carry the electric blue, blue fire, and blue flame letters. To shift our consciousness and return us home to love, to freedom, to sovereignty.
Light language transmission
This human game is infinite. When we leave this planet, others will show up. We have an opportunity to leave this earth plane as a legacy so when new souls and new bodies of consciousness enter human avatars, they can have an elevated, upgraded experience. This is why we came here. To fulfil a purpose to bring peace and love back to this Christed planet to bring around this golden diamond age to rebirth Avion (Avalon?) on Earth, to bring the world back to this crystal planet. To bring around this golden diamond age to rebirth Avion on Earth to bring the original garden of Eden back to this planetary home.
Light language transmission
We are powerful beyond measure. It’s time to work on your physical body. To balance it mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, he four corners of the sacred cross, the rods and the staff balanced in proportion.
We activate cosmic energy in our own multi-dimensional Merkabah bodies.
Light language transmission
Do you remember? Do you feel it? Do you know you’ve been here before so many times. We all have. Do you want to make the same mistakes again?
Light language transmission
Or are you ready to make a stand? Draw a line in the sand. Step over and activate that goddess frequency and enable a true and thorough recalibration of all twelve realms embedded within the thirteen, that observational standpoint from the God Worlds.
Light language transmission
As we look there, three timelines, old and new wandering as so many times we came so close yet failed on our mission. This time the guardians, the sacred custodians are coming back together uniting the tribes once again on this earth plane for the final battle, the final game where we activate those rainbow light bodies and access our full superhuman potential by activating the God spark within every cell of your own genetics.
Light language transmission
You must be a vibrational match for the codes raining there right now. Having a body that is strong is mission critical. Look after this sacred template. The home of your soul. The home of your consciousness. The home of your soul. The home of your mind. The home of your soul.
This message is from the Ka-Ra New Tribe on Avion, our sisters and brothers. Feel it. Meditate on it.
Light language transmission
Bring your awareness into your spinal column, your sacred wand. Close your eyes and be for a moment and feel your heart expand.
Main light language transmission
Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes. Come back into this space. Wherever you are on planet Earth, beautiful soul, I love you. We are sisters and brothers. It’s time to express yourself. It’s time to be all that you are. Let go. Be your most extraordinary version and unite with your sisters and brothers. Collaboration, unification, oneness. It’s the way. It’s the middle way and the only way. The only way to true sovereignty, to true freedom. Where we go one, we go all. You are the original ‘I Am Presence’, omnipresent omnipotent. You are soul technology.
Wherever you are on planet Earth, go out and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. It’s a beautiful medicine. Smile, have fun, be a little bit crazy and enjoy this human experience. It’s why we’re here. Don’t take it too seriously. It’s a cosmic joke. It’s a game. It’s an experiment.
Remember to check out our website, We got some of the best ascension tools on Earth. We got mystery school teachings, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, breath work, high frequency nutrition, groups so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you 24-7-365. Everything is there. Guided meditations, you name it. We meet online every Monday and Wednesday and every second Sunday for healing, activations, meditations. Come and reconnect with your soul family and I’ll see you on the inside. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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