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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul? Thank you for being here in this space right now and for giving me the opportunity to share with you, what I want to do today is to take you through a powerful transmission that’s going to activate your DNA, tap into your lymphatic system, activate your central nervous system and switch on your multi-dimensional Merkabah field.
Light is information. We are like cosmic instruments and the universe is always playing a tune through us, always playing a song. We as the divine creators of our own instruments get to choose that song. We get to choose the melody that plays through us. It’s just sometimes some of us are unaware of this. So, what I want to do today is to give you an opportunity to recalibrate this instrument using sounds, using light. Light is information, sound vibration is what you are at the core of your being, a bouncing bubbling cluster of tetrahedrons, your unconditional love, your geometrical codes.
So, I honour you, I respect you as my cosmic sister or cosmic brother. So, close your eyes, beautiful soul. Take some nice long deep breaths and come into this space breathing through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth. Take long slow deep breaths and settle down into your space. Be here in this present moment, just you and me and the energy. Breathe into your body deeper and longer and slower and feel your body, feel your heart, feel the cells inside of the home of your soul vibrating. Breathe into your stomach, breathe into your hips, breathe into your buttocks, breathe into your groin. Be here, be now, it’s all love. As you’re breathing into your body, I want you to become aware of a diamond light that starts to flow in through the walls down through the ceiling up through the floor.
This powerful diamond frequency flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of it over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back, swirling in a clockwise direction getting brighter and stronger like a powerful diamond tornado swirling around the outside of your physicalness. You start to breathe this frequency in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest and back. It flows through your middle back, your lower back, into your buttocks through your lungs, your rib cage, your heart, down through your vital organs, through your large and small intestine.
It flows through your hips, your groin, your legs, thighs, hamstrings, knees, down through your calves past your shins into your ankles. It flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. As this light passes through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of your entire being. It flows through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing deeper and longer and slower as this diamond light flows through your cells and communicates with your DNA, your cells they dance and smile, your lungs they’re happy, your kidneys are singing. Your body is lighting up like Christmas tree lights, bright, powerful, strong.
As you breathe into your body, you’ll become aware of an inverted chromium pyramid spinning 90 centimetres above your crown chakra. Kaleidoscopic chromium is the most powerful frequency in the universe, Andromedan lights. This pyramid, it spins in a clockwise direction faster and faster and as it spins it starts to draw in frequencies from Lyra, Alpha Centauri, Arcturus, Andromeda, and the star Sirius. These extra-terrestrial light frequencies flow from the stars, from the constellations through the cosmos racing through space flowing towards that green and blue ball that you call home. They flow through mother earth’s atmosphere down through the skies, through the roof of your space, down through the base of that inverted chromium pyramid and these light streams start to merge collecting the codes within. The frequencies start to communicate with each other. As this pyramid spins faster and faster these light frequencies, these codes they stream down from space. You feel the energy up above you. It’s strong.
We’re going to count from six back to zero. When we get to zero the apex of this pyramid is going to open and that starlight it’s going to flow down through your crown, through your pineal gland, through your throat,
down into your cosmic heart. Six five four three two one zero the apex of that pyramid opens that starlight flows down through your crown, through your pineal gland, head, face, throat down into your heart. Boom that light explodes, that combination frequency, the codes within it start to race around the inside of your physical body. They communicate with the diamond light; they communicate with those double helixes inside of your cells. They start to unravel untwist and unwind allowing the information to rise to the surface, ancient knowledge, ancient wisdom. The apex it opens wider, the pyramid spins faster, the light stream intensifies.
You become aware of a diamonds Merkabah spinning in your heart, the top tetrahedron clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise. As this energy streams into your consciousness, you vibrate faster and faster and faster. Every cell glowing brighter. Those double helixes they’re vibrating and glowing, seventy-five to a hundred trillion cells in your body working in harmony with each other. Mother earth she hears your call, her own Merkabah deep in the planet starts to spin. Her top tetrahedron clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise. A platinum light starts to flow from her bottom tetrahedron up through the rocks and the minerals. It flows up through the planet towards the surface getting closer and closer. It flows up through the surface of the planet up through your root chakra, sacral, solar plexus, up into your heart and boom. It explodes. The Merkabah in your heart starts to spin like crazy. Light flows from your Merkaba into Mother Earth’s heart and from mother earth’s heart back up into yours.
The two of you beat together in unison in harmony, equilibrium, one consciousness, one code. Those divine feminine frequencies flowing from mother earth’s heart into yours communicating with the electromagnetic light codes from the stars. From this diamond frequency you’re breathing in from the cosmic fabric. Your whole body switches on. Light starts to flow from your heart into your higher heart and a sacred diamond rose blooms in your higher heart chakra. Your higher heart switches on and light travels from your crown to your root, from your root to crown, switching on your central nervous system. Your spinal column starts to glow, those 33 vertebrae, Jacob’s ladder, energy flowing up and down your system.
As you download electromagnetic and upload magnetic codes, your heart continues to expand out past the boundaries of your physical body into the empty space. You feel so much love. The love is incredible, the love is intense. Just be in this space for a moment, feel these frequencies, surrender to this experience, do feel the energy moving around your body, light codes, data streams. You are a cosmic geometrical mathematical equation, mesmerizingly powerful. Feel this. You are a galactic titan from the stars here on earth for a short blip in the vast ocean of time. Allow these energies, these codes, these frequencies to work their magic. As you vibrate in this space, I’m going to open my hat and send a multi-coloured frequency through the empty space into yours. We’re going to connect brother to sister, brother to brother in this place, in this space. My heart is open, that frequency is flowing through the empty space moving towards your heart three two one. Boom we connect heart to heart, light to light, consciousness to consciousness.
I’m going to share some very potent healing codes with you, star magic codes of consciousness, gold platinum, diamonds, emerald, and ruby codes are flowing from my heart into yours. You start to download these healing codes and your vibration shifts, your consciousness expands, your energy it rises and rises. Everything amplifying in this space. Your own Merkaba is spinning around the outside of your physical body ever so fast, the top one clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise, the male and female respectively. The bottom tetrahedron, the feminine tetrahedron, is spinning twice as fast as the male one. In perfect order your light body switches on.
You then become aware around the outside of your physical body in the empty space around the outside of your Merkabah is a dodecahedron, a 12-sided shape. Around the outside of that is an icosahedron, a 20-sided shape, part of your extended geometrical light body. The dodecahedron switches on. It starts to glow a silvery colour. It vibrates and 12 streams of light flow through the empty space, one from each side down towards your heart, two meters, one meter, boom. They penetrate your heart chakra. You vibrate faster and faster. The icosahedron then switches on and 20 frequencies light streams all a different colour containing different colours, different geometries, hieroglyphs, binary codes, they flow from the icosahedron, through the empty space, through the dodecahedron down towards your heart. Two, one, boom. Your heart explodes in joy.
That diamond Merkabah, the frequency amplifies, your consciousness expands, the love deepens. These 32 strings of light flowing into your heart communicate with the diamond Merkaba in your heart. The diamond merkaba it starts to change colour; it shifts frequency from diamonds to ruby to emerald to chromium. That chromium Merkabah spins faster and faster. It then lights up ever so bright. Light starts to flow from this chromium Merkabah into your spinal column, 32 streams of lights they flow from this Merkabah into your spinal column, your higher heart. Then lights up the 33rd stream, then flows from the higher heartm into the top vertebrae of your spinal column. The twelve lights from the dodecahedron, the twenty light streams from the icosahedron, and the single string from the higher heart make up the 33. Each one of the vertebrae in your spinal column on a quantum and a physical level. A 3 ,4, 5D and 6D frequency band.
They light up they activate DNA codes race up and down your spinal column flowing through your physical body, your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies. Everything switches on. As you vibrate in this space you start to become aware of your breath, the in-breath and the out-breath, and the space in between. You realize it’s the space in between the in-breath and the out-breath that keeps you alive like the space between the notes creates the music. You feel that breath moving in and out of your body as the inverted pyramid up above you start to descend and shrink. As it shrinks your crown chakra opens and the pyramid moves down through your crown and fits neatly around your pineal gland where it continues to spin. Your crown chakra closes. These extended parts of your geometrical light body are now activated.
You start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingling in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time. There’s no hurry. Five four three two one zero. Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. You are amazing, beautiful soul, you are extraordinary beyond measure, unquantifiable. Feel this in your heart, feel this deep in your cosmic heart. You are a starseed, a child of the universe. Enjoy your time here on this magical planet.
I’m so grateful to have had this opportunity to share with you. Please stay hydrated. These frequencies are going to continue working and now your light body is switched on at this level things are going to shift massively in your life in so many ways. So. give yourself the space and the time to recalibrate into this this new consciousness field. If you feel emotional over the next days and weeks honour those emotions. If you feel angry shout and scream. If you feel sad, cry. If you’re happy dance on the table. You’re human, you’re human, express your emotions. I love you; I honour you; I respect you as my sister or brother.
Wherever you are on this magical planet go out and hug tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go love fiercely and ferociously. I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.