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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I just had to share this quick message with you about sheeple and certainty. It came about after I went to watch the new matrix movie yesterday. It came out in the cinema in the UK, so I went with my daughter and my girlfriend. We went to watch it. We were the only ones in the cinema without masks on. We had to start with dangerous places, these cinemas, but you know we thought we’d chance our luck.
Anyway, the movie, you know movies are all about telling the truth, about pre-emptive programming telling us what’s coming, giving us the opportunity to speak our truth and say no. We don’t agree to this, but we don’t say anything. We go along with it because people think that it’s just movies, etc., and so your kind of contracting into that way of the world being at some point in the so-called future. This new matrix in movie was no different. At the end of the movie the guy said, his words were the sheeple they don’t want freedom.
Sheeple like certainty and when you contemplate that, that’s one of the problems because people are conditioned and they like certainty. They don’t like change. They like to know what’s happening even if what is happening to them is going to kill them. They like to go with the with the monopoly with the mainstream, with the majority, queuing up to get those magical potions, their fourth mobile phone. Remember that number four one two and three didn’t work but you know number four well.
In the movie, Neo, and Trinity, they’re on a motorbike and it’s like near the end of the film and they’re trying to escape. They’re being chased and what happens is, all the other humans inside the matrix they have their computer code switched on and activated. Now you know the magical potions are changing our genetic code, our god code, our god molecule, our DNA, and kids that are being born onto this planet by genetically modified mums and dads patented through this new DNA enhancement, through the code that’s going through into their bodies inside the magical potion. Now what is happening to humans here on this planet is they are being genetically modified; their computer code is being altered because DNA is like computer code and this computer code is linked up through whatever is inside these magical potions to satellites to computer houses all over the planet where people are there, and they can be changed. They can be made to be angry made, to be sad, made to do certain things because they’re literally becoming semi-human hybrids, half robots through this computer code that’s injected.
Now in the matrix when Trinity and Neo are being chased on their motorbike, you’ve got men and women like asleep in their apartments. Now they’re being chased through a city, big, tall like tower blocks 20, 30, 40 stories and they’re everywhere. They’re racing through the streets, and they switch on these humans. They just wake up out of bed, their eyes go green like that black and green computer code like you see in the matrix. They jump out of bed, and they run to the window, and they jump through the glass, and they just fall to the ground. Loads of people are just jumping out the windows and the reason they’re doing this is because they’re getting them to fall out the windows to create obstacles for Neo and Trinity. So, all these humans like zombies diving out of the windows landing on the road and they’re having to weave around them on their motorbike.
You’ve also got loads of men and women there in the streets, their eyes have gone green and black like computer code and they’re chasing Neo, Trinity, and some of the other members of their crew. They’re just hunting them down like zombies, they don’t even know what they’re doing, they’re completely controlled and again it’s just Hollywood showing us what is coming. We’re going to be dealing with these zombie-like humans. I mean I’ve seen a couple of videos of a few odd people here and there losing their minds and just diving into cars and going a bit nuts. So, it’s starting to happen. They’re testing it with certain individuals, treating them like non-humans, running experiments to ensure that their computers work and the patents they own are in place. Those that have been magical potions, sad, crazy but true, but this is coming. So, you’ve got to prepare yourself for this stuff. You shouldn’t be scared. No, you should just be aware of it. It’s why it’s so important to take care of yourself. it’s why it’s so important to be fit and healthy and strong, to eat clean foods, to exercise, to run and jump and meditate, to know how to handle yourself and punch back. Go and get some boxing lessons, kickboxing, wrestling, whatever. Maybe you need to get yourself a weapon but this stuff’s coming and you know there’s a part of me that thinks, man this is crazy.
There’s a part of me that is kind of excited about it as well because I like a challenge and I want to know how we as a species are going to adapt to this. How those that have still got their marbles intact and their DNA sequences in place, that God code still firmly installed in their biological computers. Okay, these avatar vessels that we get to interface with humanity, through our souls, to our spirits, our essences, do. How are we going to come together and navigate this one and when you’ve got zombies all over the place like don’t know what they’re doing attacking you and stuff I mean it’s not funny but at the same time man if you don’t laugh about it what you’re going to do, cry? I’d rather laugh about it and see it as a challenge. Know that it’s happening and just prepare myself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually because if you’re prepared then when the time comes, you’re going to be in a much better state of consciousness to handle the situation.
Lots of people are going to be freaking out but those that are prepped mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually will find their way through the situation. The sheep will like certainty, the badass ninja Jedi warriors like us, we step out of our comfort zones and into the unknown because we know that’s where the magic happens, that’s where the truth is, that’s where the wisdom is, that’s where the growth is, that’s where the opportunity is. Playing the game and being the same old same old that’s not going to get anyone anywhere. You’re enslaved in the system. Those that are rebellious, those that are disobedient, us, the chosen ones, the game changers, we’re the ones that put our middle finger up to the system and create our own ways of being in this world. It’s on you. It’s on me. It’s on us, and there’s lots of us. So, let’s unify beautiful souls.
Have a relaxing time over Christmas but keep your wits about you. Just because you’re intelligent not because you’re scared. Stay focused, contemplate, meditate, relax, chill, have fun with your families. 2022 is our year. Every day we’re clawing back control of our planet, our home, our celestial mother, and those demonic forces are being relegated to the depths of despair with sovereign soldiers, galactic titans, laughter, joy, harmony, love. It’s our medicine, it’s our fuel, it’s our weaponry. Know this beautiful soul. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go.
May all the divine blessings rain down on you and your family and your loved ones through this festive period and into 2022. I trust that abundance and magic, inspiration, all the goodness flows through your life in miraculous ways and elevates your soul, your frequency, your life, your everything.
You’re amazing. Remember to check out our website where we’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet for raising your energy, your frequency, your vibration. Also, check out our new telegram group, spiritual gangsta one, and gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I’ll see you on the inside, beautiful soul, wherever that is, in here in your hearts, in my heart because here we’re all joined, connected. There’s no separation. We’re one. I’ll see you soon.
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