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You start to magnetize the life that you want, and money starts to chase you. When money starts to chase you, you are going to be so full that you do not even want that money. You do not even need that money. But we live in a world now where money is useful. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? And this question, how are you feeling right now, is an important question.
Based on what we are going to talk about and discuss in today’s video, we’re going to talk about money, the relationship with money and how you get money to chase you because money will chase you. If you have got a good relationship with it and you’re only going to have a good relationship with money. If you have got a good relationship with yourself and have a good relationship with yourself, you will fully and wholeheartedly love who you are. You have to have a lot of self-respect. You must know your worth and you have to create 24/7, three, six, five. This emotional charge, this congruency with the fields, this energy that is like a vortex of consciousness that you open, and it is not that you open it. You are it and when this vortex that you are is open and the energy is just cascading and straight, not through you, but out from you, 360 in all directions.
This wave of love, this wave of energy, this wave of joy, this wave of passion, when that energy is emanating from the depths of your soul, from the fabric of your very essence, from your physical body, from every cell. Those biophotons, which contain data and information when they’re streaming out from your consciousness, you naturally communicate with the quantum field in a positive fashion and the energetic connection that goes beyond the physical form that links you into the building blocks of the universe. The very mathematical geometrical fabric that is flowing through all things starts to create this network of communication and this frequency that you’re emitting starts to magnetize people, circumstances, events, situations in your immediate field based on the same frequency as you, a frequency that marries your frequency. A frequency that dovetails your frequency. This is how amazing things start to accumulate in your life: money, health, relationships, business, whatever it is.
If you want to have more of it in your reality, you’ve got to become at one with yourself and not want for it. When you want something and you need something, you’re going to push it further away to show up through natural lines of transmission, like I said, through people, circumstances, events. You know, you’re a human being in motion, but you’re moving through this reality, and as you move through this reality, things are going to begin to come into your awareness, things are going to come to you, into your path. All you have got to do is reach out and say thank you, thank you.
Okay, because the work is really done behind the scenes, the work is energetic. Okay. when you innerstand that the whole physical world that we play this game of life in on is a very small sliver of what makes up the fabric of everything. And what makes up the fabric of everything is like the iceberg under the water, the big bits underneath the water. That is the quantum field. That is the building blocks of life, the world of the galaxy, the solar system of the universe, the multiverse, the little tip of the iceberg above the water. That is your physical reality. If you were to change something, you are never going to change it by focusing on the tip of the iceberg above the water, you have got to dive deep into your cosmic heart, into the labyrinth of your own inner workings, and you have got to make changes. You make a change on the inside, in your own inner geometry. When that changes your own mathematics, then everything changes in your external reality, and you start to magnetize the life that you want, and money starts to chase you.
Now, when money starts to chase you, you are going to be so full that you do not even want that money. You do not even need that money, but we live in a world now where money is useful. It helps us buy things; it helps us travel. It helps us create businesses that can help more people. So, money is useful. Okay, we have not reached that stage of evolution yet where we’re exchanging energy for energy. Material goods for material goods, which is just energy, a haircut for some apples, a massage for some reflexology, a new scarf for a bag of potatoes, whatever it might be. Right. Okay. We are not there. We are moving towards that, and it will happen but right now we must play in this physical reality with what we’ve got and what we’ve got is powerful.
We have a heart, we have a mind, we have a brain. Okay? We have neurons that fire. We have an electrical system in our body. When you start to weave all these things together and you start to think in a certain way, you start to feel in a certain way, you start to fire neurons in a certain way. You know, creating new neural pathways link old all neural pathways. You start to signal new genes, create new proteins, and you start to create these epigenetic fields within your own local environment that become your new reality and you can feel that reality 24/7, 365, before it has even happened. You’re so in love with everything, this flowing into your reality, even if it’s not there yet that you feel the gratitude, the love, the joy. You emanate it 24/7, 365. You’re so in love with yourself. You are so in love with the magic in everything within the flower, within the tree, within all things.
Then life starts to give, and you have just got to open that heart and receive, and as you open that heart to receive, you can give back. It just becomes a fluid, cyclical stream of frequency that goes out and comes in, it goes out and comes in and life becomes fluid, easy, fast, efficient, joyful, expansive, loving and just totally flipping amazing man. Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go.
You are a powerful quantum architect and if you want to truly know how to get to grips with your own inner workings, then take our 7-day meditation challenge right now. Click the link under this video. Go and take the challenge. Amplify your frequency and start to get money to chase you. You are amazing, wonderful. Blaze a new trail and the others walk next to you. Remember to check out our website, I’ll see you soon, beautiful soul.
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