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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, I invite you to come into this space with me and experience this profound guided meditation. It’s going to be a DNA Activation. We’re going to go to an ancient galactic ceremonial space and have a medicine experience. Remember you are the medicine. You have so many chemicals inside of you and activating them is deeply healing and lifechanging.
So, wherever you are on this planet just take a moment to centre yourself, to relax, to stand, to sit, to lie, to close your eyes to settle down into this space and to come on this journey with me. Close your eyes, settle, get ready, and I challenge you, beautiful soul, to go through this journey now and every day for nine days. Each time will be different you will go deeper. It will be more expansive. Enjoy the ride.
Close your eyes, breathe into your body. Close your eyes and be in this space with your sisters and your brothers. Know that you are amazing and how together we are unstoppable when unified here on this planet. One frequency, one love. Breathe deeper and longer and slower. Feel your body, feel your energy, feel the space. Breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out slowly. As you’re breathing into your body, your powerful magical body. You become aware of a high frequency electromagnetic crystalline translucent emerald light full of diamond spheres flowing in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor. This powerful high frequency electromagnetic crystalline translucent emerald light flows towards your physical body and starts to swirl around the outside of you in a clockwise direction over your head, underneath your feet, around your chest, around your back swirling, getting brighter, and strong swirling around the outside of your physical body like a power high frequency electromagnetic crystalline translucent emerald and diamond tornado.
You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it in through your nose, up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat through your shoulders, chest, and back. It flows through your spinal cord, middle back, lower back, into your buttocks. Through your heart, your lungs, your rib cage, down through every vital organ, through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings down through your knees, up past your shins, into your ankles through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing as the light flows through every cell, every atom, every molecule, every fibre of your entire being. Your cells, they dance and smile communicating with each other like one big happy family.
Your heart expands and expands and expands filling up your chest expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the space as the light from your own soul illuminates your environment and the love from your own magical mystical heart flows and dances freely 360° in all directions. As you vibrate those two Pleiadians to your left and right. They open their hearts reconnecting with gold and crystal blue codes spiraling from their hearts into yours. That Crystal white and rose gold dragon behind you opens its third eye and a powerful crystal white laser penetrates your pineal gland. Light codes stream from the dragon into your third eye as Mother Earth opens her heart. A beautiful platinum and blue sapphire light flows from her seventh dimensional grids up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet, up through your body and into your higher heart. Boom, there’s an explosion of energy the light travels from your higher heart up into your throat and switches on a multi-dimensional Merkabah that spins in your throat, and ten tetrahedrons whizzing creating a powerful field of light clearing your throat so you can speak your truth always.
The light codes streaming into your third eye from the dragon are downloaded into every cell in your body. Those eight luminous magenta Merkabah Fields spinning in a circle around you open once again, two of them plugging into your genesis cells, two of them your crown, two of them your higher heart, two of them your earthstar. as these Merkabah fields stream codes into these transmission centres you look up in front of you and you see an emerald panther in its feline form with incredible golden eyes staring at you. The panther steps forward and sits before you. The panther introduces itself as Arhena from the planet Avion. Arhena opens its heart. A beautiful emerald and diamond light spirals out from its heart through the space and connects with yours. There’s an explosion of light and energy. These codes stream through your physicalness out into your Merkabah field up and down your spinal column as the Pleiadeans open their hearts wider, the dragon opens its pineal gland wider. The panther connected to you as you vibrate Mother Earth streaming in these celestial magnetic divine goddess codes, your physical body vibrating.
You feel lighter and lighter and slowly but surely your light body starts to rise up through your physical body, up through your shoulders, up through your crown, slowly rising up into the space above, rising higher and higher leaving your physical body behind. Rising up and up, knowing you are multi-dimensional, rising higher and higher. you glance back down into Arhena’s eyes. This fierce but gentle Panther King holding fierce and ferocious and immaculate space. we you feel the honour and the respect, the love. You observe the dragon, the Pleiadeans, loving you holding space for you, as you rise higher and higher. You glance over to the right-hand side 77 metres away, vibrating in the space you see a crystal white vortex vibrating, glistening, diamond shards, fractals flowing out from you. The portal starts to rotate clockwise and as it rotates clockwise it draws your consciousness towards you, magnetized. You flow through the space towards this portal getting closer, those fractals of diamond light whizzing through your consciousness as the portal rotates faster drawing you in quicker You get within 40 metres, 35 30 25 20 50 10 5, and whoosh!
You enter that portal twisting, tumbling, and turning, ebbing and flowing like liquid light. You look down, you’ve got no legs, left and right you’ve got no arms. Pure frequency traveling through the space faster and faster. You look around. You see these glowing tiny luminous mushrooms everywhere. These cosmic mushrooms vibrating in the space releasing powerful codes, different frequencies, different colours, different vibrations streaming through your light body activating as your heart expands and expands. Shooting stars explode inside this portal releasing waves of crystalline colours as you spin, as you spiral, as you ebb and flow racing through this space feeling so free as you fly, as you flow through the fabric of space-time on this never-ending intergalactic right with no start, middle, or end. Just a continuous flow of infinite energy infinite, infinite codes. As you travel faster and faster you see a light at the end of the tunnel 800 metres away, 700 600 500 400 3 2, 1, and whoosh!
You fly out the other side. You look around. You see a night sky. You look up. You see stars way above. You look down. You see these treetops. A midnight blue illuminates the light from the moon of this planet. You’re above a forest, above a sacred activation space used for eons by intergalactic wizards, intergalactic alchemists. You look immediately left, immediately right. You see your hands and your arms you look down. You see your legs and your feet. Your light body’s back. You’re about 90 metres above the tops of the trees. As you look down closely, you see there’s a clearing in the centre of the trees in the shape of an octagon, this eight-sided shape vibrating. The ground looks blue, the grass looks blue illuminated by the light of the moon. You start to descend down towards this clearing which is 30 metres below the tops of the trees descending down through the space. As you get closer to the tops of the trees, closer to the ground, you look more closely, and you see these luminous objects. They’re the caps of large cosmic mushrooms. This is an intergalactic ceremonial space used for billions of years. Y
You descend gently, observing, taking it all in. As you glance around the tops of the trees, they seem to smile and wink. These trees are alive now. You glance back up at the stars. Everything’s so peaceful. The closer you get to the ground, the brighter these luminous mushrooms get. You’re 10 metres from the tops of the trees, 40 metres from the ground. The energy builds. It feels like you’ve entered a different reality as you slowly move down through the tops of the trees. You feel your light body being activated by these mushrooms. You get 20 metres from the ground, 15 metres, 10, starting to slow down, 8 7 6 5 4 3, 2, 1 you land gently on this blue grass. You look around. some of these mushrooms are knee height, some of them are waist height, some of them are up to your shoulders. They are huge galactic cosmic mushrooms Intergalactic psilocybin.
As you vibrate in this space, you look up in front of you. You see a Pleiadean from the galactic council. Over to the left, you see a Sirian. To the right there’s an Arcturian. Behind you, a Lyran. All in their humanoid form, their human plasma form. Their bodies made of light. They stand a few meters in front of you, to the left, to the right, behind. The Sirian to your left-hand side communicates with you telepathically and lets you know the Galactic’s have been drinking Ayahuasca, consuming psilocybin and different medicines in their plasma electromagnetic forms for billions of years. This medicine is ancient. It’s why you carry it in your cells, in your DNA. The Sirian reminds you that we are the medicine. Everything we need is inside of us and we’re here in this space today to amplify that connection to the medicine from within. To reconnect to psilocybin in its original Intergalactic form. The Syrian asks you if you’re ready. Of course, you say yes. The trunks of the trees all around you light up and they form a powerful perimeter, a powerful field of energy which emanates from their trunks. Their roots stand below the ground, their branches reach over the top of the space and create this powerful field. The field becomes enclosed with electromagnetic frequency.
The Pleiadean opens its eye and a beautiful electric green light, streams out from its body and plugs into your heart. The Arcturian opens its higher heart, and a beautiful luminous pink light plugs into your higher heart. The Lyran opens its solar plexus, and a beautiful gold light flows out from its transmission centre in through the back of yours. The Sirian opens its third eye. A beautiful crystal white and sky-blue light penetrate your pineal gland. As these four beings activate you with plasma geometry, the codes race up and down your central column, your Merkabah field starts to spin, and then thousands of streams of light flow out from your heart and plug into the different mushrooms in the space. The mushrooms read your own vibrational signature and they start to glow. Waves of light flow from the ground up through their stems and into their caps and the caps start to rotate clockwise. You see the most incredible code, luminous. Different colours spinning and flowing in the caps of each mushroom. The vision is amazing. The feeling is indescribable. The ground underneath you light up and waves of energy start to flow up through your light body as the mushrooms glow brighter.
These incredible plasma psilocybin codes start to flow from the caps of the mushrooms, through these electrical streams and into your heart. You look down into your body and you become aware that in this light body form your blood is like plasma and then you remember in your original high frequency form your blood was always plasma. These plasma codes flow into your heart and are released into your plasma bloodstream. They start to flow through your body. Different codes from different mushrooms. Different strains of Intergalactic psilocybin entering your body now as they move through your blood, up into your brain activating your internal medicine. The Pleiadean, the Arcturian, the Lyran, the Sirian, they open their hearts, pineal glands, solar plexus, higher Hearts wider and your whole body vibrates. This luminous field of light surrounds you and your light body starts to melt. You start to dissolve into geometrical code pure. Pure plasma and these fractals of light that you become flow out into the space. You enter the different mushrooms, the stems, the gaps and you spread throughout this forest space into the trees, down into the ground, into the roots of the trees. You become this field of energy holding space for you. You become the mushrooms. You become everything, and you realize the power, the alchemical expansiveness of your own consciousness. Just be in this space.
As the mushrooms glow brighter, you vibrate faster. As you flow, let go. As you flow, as you alchemise, as you expand, being nothing and everything as the psilocybin takes over your soul and your soul alchemises with the psilocybin on a multi-dimension intergalactic level. You become aware of your own genius, the ability to create anything. As your consciousness flows, the alchemical nature of these incredible cosmic mushrooms gets stronger, brighter, amplifying everything. As you heal at a supersonic level, the frequency of psilocybin is running through multiple timelines, multiple dimensional fields. Just be in this space and surrender to your own magnificence, your own co-creation.
As you vibrate, being, expanding, flourishing, you become aware of this magnetizing vortex in the centre of this space that starts to magnetize your consciousness, your own code, out from the trees, the roots, the grass, the mushrooms, the sky. This field of light back into the centre, back in between the Pleiadean, the Lyran, the Arcturian and the Sirian, holding space for you, as all of your energy. All of your code is pulled back into the centre, you become aware of your light body once again. It feels different, expanded, shifted, empowered. The Pleiadean looks into your eyes, deep into your soul, and places a crystal white and electric blue octahedron into the space in front of your heart. The Pleiadean asks you in this elevated and empowered state of consciousness, of presence, to set a huge intention for your own abundance in every way to flow into your reality field with ease and grace. Place this intention into the octahedron there. As you place this intention into the octahedron, the Pleiadean reaches out, places its right hand on the geometry and runs some activation codes into the intention. It moves the octahedron with its mind through the space into your heart where the octahedron rotates clockwise. A stream of golden light flows up into your third eye, down into your perineum, into your genesis cells where the octahedron continues to rotate releasing these codes into your body.
Your light body communicates with your Merkabah field, your extended multi-dimensional architecture, your mental, emotional, and physical bodies, and other versions of you on other the timelines. The Pleiadean, the Arcturian, the Lyran, and the Sirian step forwards and they all place their right hands on your body, over your chest, your back, and your shoulders. They all run in several sets of recalibration codes, rainbow plasma and blue flame letter codes. They run them through your system, your body vibrant. As you vibrate faster your Intergalactic allies take their hands off of your light body. The mushrooms still running codes into your consciousness. You feel such a deep sense of gratitude, a deep connection, otherworldly. You feel at one with the whole universe. The Pleiadean smiles and turns to you. You look into the eyes of the Arcturian and the Sirian. They smile, salute you, turn and disappear into the mushrooms. You turn around to the Lyran. It steps forwards, wraps its arms around you, and hugs you tightly. You hug the Lyran back. The Lyran whispers into your consciousness, “Remember you signed up for this. You’ve done this on so many planets, so many stars. It’s a formality and remember we’re always watching, always guiding. We love you. The Lyran lets go of the embrace, takes a step back, smiles, places its hands over its heart, and turns and disappears into the
As you vibrate you become aware that you’re rising slowly up from the ground. Your internal medicine activated to a whole new level. You rise up and up above the caps of the tallest mushrooms. You look up in front of you. You see a portal 13 metres away, multi-coloured, luminous, ever so bright. It has the number 13 vibrating in the centre and 13 Merkabah fields spinning around the outside of it. It starts to rotate clockwise, and it draws your consciousness towards it. Magnetized, you flow through the space towards the portal, deep gratitude emanating from your soul. As you get closer, 5 metres, 4 3 2, one, and whoosh! You enter that portal, twisting, tumbling, and turning, ebbing and flowing like liquid light. You look down. You’ve got no legs. Left and right, you’ve got no arms. Pure frequency traveling through the space faster and faster. Your consciousness flowing and expanding, knowing there are no boundaries, no limitation. You are alchemical, expansive. You are consciousness. Death is an illusion. Your energy will always flow, will always continue to travel. Be, remember, experience these multi-dimensional playing fields.
As you travel faster and faster you see a light at the end of the tunnel, 800 metres away, 700 600 500 4 3 2 one, and whoosh! You fly out the other side. You’re completely still. You look down, you see a light. You see your physical body, the dragon the Pleiadeans, the panther. Those luminous magenta Merkabahs all working creating, holding space, loving you. You start to descend down toward your physical body getting closer. Your crown opens like a thousand petalled multi-coloured lotus flower and you descend down through it, down through your crown, your head to your face, your neck, down into your cosmic heart. Your crown closes. Your light starts to expand into your shoulders, chest, and back, arms, hands, fingers, thumbs, legs ,ankles, feet, and toes to your neck, your throat, head, face, left and right brain. You start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, open your eyes, come back into this space and just be, as the Pleiadeans, the dragon, the panther, close down their hearts stepping back into the space. Five, four, the luminous magenta Merkabahs retreat closing down their fields of light. Three, two, one, zero.
Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Feel your body, feel your energy, feel the space. Be here now knowing there’s no need for a new life. Knowing there’s no need to rush back to the world. Be in this space. Take your time. The world will always be waiting for you when you decide to return. This is your time. I love you, beautiful soul. Thank you for being me. thank you for showing up on planet Earth. Beautiful Soul, thank you so much for traveling with me on this journey. I trust you found expansive energizing healing. Remember, nine days. This is day number one. You’ve got eight to go. If you miss a day, you’ve got to start again. Trust the process and if you want any more meditations like this, let me know in the comments, share it, hit the bell ,and I’ll see you real soon.
Remember to check out our website where we’ve got hundreds of guided meditations just like this. Longer one’s, shorter ones, on all different subjects and topics. Light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, breath work, mystery school teachings, so many tools so you can grow, expand, raise your vibration, and be a powerful human. I love you, beautiful soul. Thank you for being on Earth. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for walking tall and being strong and standing in your power. I’ll see you soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace and love, beautiful soul.
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