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Light Language Transmission | Diamond Light Codes


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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?  I am here in a beautiful Redwood Forest in Santa Cruz, and I have just encountered one of the most phenomenal beings that I’ve ever had the honour of being in the  presence of. This tree behind me is extraordinary. The frequency is so high.

So, I wanted to stop in this space and share a short light language transmission with you to elevate your frequency expand your consciousness to offer you some healing and just to be in this space and reconnect to what is pure and what is true and to allow this old grandfather/grandmother tree because it has two trunks grounded into one unified root at the bottom bringing this sacred masculine and feminine into unity to transmit the frequencies from this majestic being behind me deep into your soul.

So, wherever you are on this beautiful green and blue ball, just close your eyes and breathe into your body and just settle down into this space. I’m going to open my heart and connect with you. We’re connecting this space heart to heart, light to light, consciousness to consciousness, soul to soul.

Just be in this space. Breathe into your body, settle down into this space, and allow the frequency from this sacred being to move into your space and envelop your physical body. Feel the energy, feel the frequency, allow yourself to be in this space and settle.

Allow these codes and frequencies to work their magic. Just be here now. Let go, surrender.

Light language transmission

As you vibrate in this space, allow these frequencies to move through your body, through your energetic field

as this incredible being transmits these codes through my heart into yours. Allow this sacred essence to nourish your mind, your body, and your soul as your Merkaba field switches on. The top tetrahedron spinning clockwise, the bottom one anti-clockwise, as your own cosmic heart expands and expands and those incredible magnetic feminine divine celestial motherly codes flow from this sacred green and blue planet up through your perineum, through your sacral, your solar plexus, your heart, up through your higher heart, your throat and into your pineal gland.

As Mother Earth locks and plugs into your third eye, that stargate in the centre of your brain and back slightly,

she transmits divine feminine frequencies into your third eye as the master cell in your pineal gland distributes these codes into every cell in your body.

Light language transmission

Feel your heart expanding and expanding and expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the space as the frequency of this sacred celestial tree hugs you and nourishes you like a child.

Light language transmission

Breathe these frequencies into your body, absorb them into your soul, and allow these codes to work their magic. You are amazing, beautiful soul, a powerful supersonic celestial god, goddess in this human body. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes come back into this space with me and just be.

You are divine, powerful, beyond measure. Go out into this world love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go. You truly are phenomenal.

I invite you to come back and do this light language transmission again and again. Each time we’ll be a new and unique experience taking you deeper into the labyrinth of your own cosmic heart. Go and shine your light, express your divinity, and remember to check out our website here. We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. I’ll see you again real soon.