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Hey there, beautiful soul. How are you feeling? So, today I just wanted to share a little bit with you about light body activation and receiver crystals that switch on in your body in your energy fields and how you can kind of help this process or assist yourself in making this process easy for you. To keep this process uncomplicated if you google ‘light body activation’ or read up on light body activation.
There are so many kinds of theories, concepts, ways that people kind of tap this knowledge and explain this knowledge and a lot of it is too much right, it is a complex process, but we do not need to make it complex and complicated. Now you have got your physical body okay here in this reality, you have got your mental body, your emotional, your spiritual bodies. You’ve got extended components of your light body in different geometries, some very close to you, some that extend out through the field, several different geometries, and shapes. We don’t need to go into those. It’s unnecessary although I have discussed it in previous videos, but I want to make this simple.
You’ve also got transmission centres running through the centre of your body. They are also up above your body and down below your body, and all these components they naturally switch on because we are here on earth to go through this so-called ascension process where we become less dense, lighter, higher in our frequency. Our light body switches on now. Our thoughts are electrical, and our emotions are magnetic.
Now we all talk about love and how important love is. Love is important for healing. Love is a powerful energy that transmutes all things. Anything negative can be transmuted through the power of love. Any negative vibration emotion, any kind of low vibrational negative circumstance or event can be changed and shifted through love which emanates from the heart space through meditation and simple intention.
So, what we can do is as a human species as individuals here on this planet waking up is simply open our hearts and just set a very simple intention to allow the love to spill out from our hearts and to activate and magnetize and pull all the components of our light body into the right space to be activated. Now, within your field, within your physical body, and within your energy field. As we like to activate our light body, these little crystals switch on. There are crystals within the boundaries inside our physical body but on an etheric level around this area there’s crystals in our energy fields.
There is one crystal which is in the right-hand side of your brain. I put a video up about this about five years ago talking about the different components of the light body. You can google it. I think it is called fifth dimensional extra-terrestrial light bodies several years old, but I will talk about this crystal and all the components of the light bulb. It is worth going and watching. It’s an old video, but the information is still relevant.
Now this little crystal that’s inside your brain it’s an etheric crystal where your ear is here if you go up a couple of inches in its right in there about an inch and a half into your brain. Now there are a lot of people that go and go to the doctors because they think they’ve got a brain tumour, or they go to the doctors because they’ve got some seriously crazy headaches. What this little crystal does when it switches on it picks up and receives information. It is a little bit like the pineal gland. It’s like a satellite dish. I mean the pineal gland does so many other functions this thing is just literally a receiver of light, a receiver of biophotons, a receiver of data, or information.
When it switches on and activates it pulls in energy and photons from our celestial sisters and brothers and as these photons are pulled in through this kind of receiver they are downloaded into your DNA. This information also comes in through our eyes. We pick it up through our pineal gland. It comes down through our crown and in even the axial toner lines that kind of flow through the external matrix and blueprint of our physical body. They pick up these information streams too and they download it into our DNA, and this helps us activate that divine knowledge and wisdom inside of us.
Now a lot of people will tell you that you need to do this to bring up to activate your marker, but you need to do this to activate your light body. You need to do this to bring your transmission centres online. You have got an alpha up above an amiga way down below the endpoint, and the exit point where we kind of download sacred codes and we give birth to them into the planetary grids, and to switch these things on people will say you need to go through a certain process. There is a process and we kind of dive into it deeply in our facilitator level 2 training. Through the simple conscious expression of your own divine love coming from your own heart space that magnetic frequency can simply flow out through the boundaries of your body out through your energy field and starts to amplify the love in your space.
Sit and bring all the components of your light body into action. The higher you vibrate the easier this process is, and love is the catalysing factor. So, instead of getting caught up in this whole kind of systematic approach to activating your light body, you can just simply open your heart and you can just allow love to spill out from you and catalyse that intention by that simple choice, “I want to activate my multi-dimensional light body right now!”, and you open your heart. You feel the emotion, the love, the joy just emanating from your heart space out into the field. As it does you just become very settled and present and still. You start to tune into those mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. You start to tune into the different faculties and elements of your multi-dimensional light body not by trying to find them and discover them but by simply being present and extremely still.
By being in that present and still space you are going to tap the subtleties of the energy of the energy field housing your physical body and you will become aware of what’s happening. Now it can be a bit of a slower process going around it this way, but it is much less effort if you’ve just got to open your heart. You haven’t got to get caught up in all the complexities, you haven’t got to get caught up in which codes in which streams of data or go into these transmission centres. That is all irrelevant; you can simply open your heart, be in that present state of awareness and allow your body to do what it naturally does. It is like healing. I can never heal you. All I can do is trigger an internal process within you. I can facilitate a process to send biophotons, light data, into your energetic field so you can shift and transmute certain elements of stuck energy so your body can naturally self-heal. I cannot heal you. Anyone that tells you a healer is full of bs. It is that simple.
When we train people, we train people to be facilitators to facilitate a process to help the other person step into the space so they can self-heal. The same thing applies to light body activation. All you have got to do is be in this space. Be present, open your heart and get out of the way and it is a natural process giving birth just like giving birth to doctors and nurses. They ruin the process. They give the human being the mother, they give them drugs which go through to the baby. The baby comes out whilst the woman’s lying down, legs up in the air. That is not how a woman should give birth. A woman should give birth standing up. It is a much more natural process. We interfere with everything as humans. Our light body process is no different.
So, let us get out of the way, open our hearts, be very centred and still. Now it is very important what I am saying. Be centred and still because by being centred and still you allow that magnetic frequency of the heart to flow through your mental body, and then what happens is the mental body starts to pull that electrical energy into shape too. Remember at the start your thoughts that they’re magnetic so your emotions are magnetic, and your thoughts are electrical okay the magnetic frequency of the emulsions of the heart will start to pull the thoughts the electrical pulses into alignment and the mind becomes even stiller. All that energy goes towards helping your light body evolve and activate instead of having those chaotic thoughts in your head.
Those electrical impulses. which a lot of the time are not very positive. We can catalyse a whole instruction set to bring online and reassemble and reactivate our original divine cosmic crystal blueprint by simply opening our hearts. Let us get away from all the complications okay. We make life far too complicated giving birth. We make health far too complicated for all these different diets. Things like eating and nutrition are not complicated, giving birth is not complicated, activating your light body is not complicated, breathing is not complicated. But we make all these things complicated. It’s crazy.
Okay, so my point is this. Let us not be complicated, let’s go for simple easy effective smooth. The choice is yours, beautiful soul. Activate your light body, bring these receiver crystals online especially this chromium crystal, and just so you know this. The chromium crystal is an Arcturian crystal. It comes from the planet Bevricon in the constellation of Bootes. It’s very powerful, we’re a makeup of lots of different genetic encoding from many different species. You know people say “I from the Pleiades, I am from Lyra, I am from this planet or this star or whatever. It is all a load of madness. We all come from different multiple planetary homes, and we have had multiple experiences of souls incarnating on different planets and we have picked up different streams of data. Our DNA has been shifted and changed and we’re a mixture of many different components.
So, this Arcturian crystal, that’s a part of you. It does not mean that you are Arcturian. It doesn’t mean that all the other crystals come from this same planetary home. The different crystals in your multi-dimensional light body all have different data streams, instruction sets. They all communicate with different parts and components of your light body. They all perform different functions just like a liver does something different from a kidney, a kidney does something different from a spleen, the spleen does something different from the intestines. All together they make this beautiful human body that functions immaculately and can self-feel and does not need big pharma to pump some drugs down your throat. You can go out and eat mother nature, you can go on fruits and vegetables. We don’t even need to go there.
Your amazing, beautiful soul. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously and hug them tightly and you know the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. You are amazing. Go and shine that beautiful powerful magical light. Illuminate the world, beautiful soul, and I will see you again real soon.
Remember to check out our website – go and check out infinity you get seven days free access to the best high vibrational ascension tools for activating all different components of what you are to raise your vibration, elevate your frequency and expand your consciousness. Go and check it out and remember to join our new telegram group spiritual gangster one, and gangster is g a n g s t a numerical number one.
I will see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep dancing. Have fun. Be like a little kid.
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