Access to Lemurian and Atlantean Tablets is being made available by the light codes entering our planetary environment from the central sun and the galactic core. The Schumann resonance is amplifying and our DNA is switching on.
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Can you feel the energy is it ramping up or what? I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul? The energy coming on to this planet, these highly charged photonic rays coming from the galactic core, are just crazily amplifying the vibration on this planet. I just want to say to you anyone that’s listening to all our sisters and brothers on this planet, I love you because we are going through the mill and some people are handling it better than others, but everyone is going through this process.
Sometimes it’s not easy, sometimes you’re sailing but wherever you are, whatever you’re going through, I just want you to know I respect you. I take my cosmic hat off to you as my sister and brother for choosing to be on this planet right now and go through this stuff, to be on this ascension process, for choosing to come down onto this planet to hold the space to do the grid work, to open your heart and to love through the most challenging and testing times.
So, I wanted to just share a message about what is happening right now and why we’re feeling these shifts. I mean everyone sees in the external world you know the madness and chaos that’s happening on planet earth right now. It’s completely bonkers but at the same time it’s so beautiful because we’re going through a cleansing process. Now one of the major triggers that is creating this change is the central sun, the galactic core, in our milky way in the constellation of Sagittarius. You have massive, massive, streams of data, light, information pouring out from the galactic core through the cosmic fabric down into earth’s planetary local environment and we’re downloading this information. We’re downloading this light, this full tectonic plasma energy, and it’s rocking us to the core of our beings. What it’s doing is it’s amplifying and speeding up the process of unfoldment the process of human and planetary evolution.
Things are ramping and amplifying big time and this light is hitting our DNA and it’s helping us remember. It’s helping us remember who and what we truly are. We’re spiritual beings, we’re galactic beings, we’re cosmic beings from the stars having a human experience and remembering this is amazing. For some people it’s terrifying, for others they’re just completely unaware of it and that’s all cool. Wherever everyone is on this journey of remembering is completely okay but everyone that’s here right now on this planet came from up there and they came down here to ride this wave, but some people have forgotten that they came down here to ride this wave. They just think they’re caught up in this kind of chaotic jungle reality and that’s cool too. What we’ve got to do as the ones that know, not the ones that believe but the ones that know.
We’ve just got to keep our great big cosmic hearts open, and we’ve got to love our sisters and brothers. These waves of energy , you’ve probably seen the Schumann resonance recently. It’s been spiking to 40 plus. You know when we hit those 40 hertz frequencies, we’re in that kind of lower 5D levels of consciousness and you know we can go between 40 and 100 hertz which is on that kind of wave spectrum of us becoming the beginning of our superhuman abilities up to fully unloaded superhuman abilities when we’re rocking those hundred hertz frequencies. They are flying down onto this planet right now this photonic light, information streams coming from the central sun from the galactic core and they’re waking us up. They’re forcing us to go in here and remember because things on the outside you know we realize that they’re just completely bonkers. It’s an illusion. We’re being shown heaps of **** to try and keep us locked into this external reality but the crazier it gets the more we realize how crazy it is and that catapults us back in.
These awesome beings and these beautiful dark beings and you know our government officials that are you know trying to cause this chaos in mayhem. They’re doing us a massive favour. I know in the process there can be casualties and harm done to some of our sisters and brothers but in the grand scheme of things everything’s working out perfectly and we all chose this mission. We all knew this timeline was going to unfold like this. Out from chaos comes order, beauty, and magic, and you are one magical being on this planet, and I love you dearly, I love you unconditionally. I just love you for being here, for being here on this planet and choosing to show up and serve like the galactic titan that you are. It’s phenomenal.
I mentioned this in a video yesterday before, but something is happening because these high-powered plasma rays are hitting our planet. They’re opening a connection that’s inside of us because everything’s internal. The memory in ourselves it contains data, information from when we were in Atlantis when we were in Lemuria, when we were in these spaces when we lived on the islands of Atlantis and the island of Lemuria. We wrote into crystal skulls, we wrote into crystal tablets deep wisdom and deep knowledge and those tablets, those skulls, that etched into the memory that’s contained in the cells of our physical body as these high potent cosmic rays are hitting our system.
If we take the time to be still and go internal, we can access these crystal tablets. I’ve been seeing them in the empty space and they’re not external in the empty space, they’re inside of me. But they’re projecting out of me into the to the empty space so I can read them like an esoteric computer screen. They’re everywhere. You can read the information, the glyphs, the light language, the scrolls. These scrolls just by simply looking at them, even if we can’t intellectually and logically remember what is on them because it’s in a different language, it’s in light language, it’s the language of the soul, the language of vibration. It’s in ancient scripts ancient hieroglyphs and geometrical codes but when we just stare at them, we just download the internal knowing and we know this information. It’s wild baby.
You’re got the new Mayan calendar year coming up on the 26th of July. That’s next week the Sirian portals are opening. I mentioned that in a video yesterday many things are happening. These cosmic waves hitting our planet are helping us remember so much. At the same time many of us are purging. Something that’s happening is a lot of old pain is coming up a lot, of old injuries. If you’re experiencing the pain from broken bones from childhood, the torn ligaments, the injuries that happened earlier in your life or maybe not so long ago but they’re just resurfacing, maybe you’re feeling injuries that you’ve never had, maybe they’re from past lives, parallel realities, where you may have been stabbed or wounded or you’ve fallen and broken something. This stuff is coming up because we’re purging massively and as these high frequency streams hit us there’s no room for the madness and the chaos inside of us. The toxicity it’s being pushed to the surface to heal. So, enjoy the purge.
I know it’s not always pleasant but just kick back, breathe deeply into your body, stay hydrated, get out into nature, exercise, do your qigong, your deep breath work and ride this wave. Eat the clean foods, put those photons into your body through those sun-drenched foods again. You’re eating sunshine, you’re eating the central sun baby. Every time you bite into an organic orange or an organic apple that’s been grown locally and not shipped from the other side of the world, you’re eating those local photons baby. It’s amazing. We’ve got all these tools at our disposal to help us on this spiritual journey to work out how it is to be a galactic titan in a human body. It’s phenomenal. It’s these gamma photons that are helping us elevate our frequency, this gamma consciousness which is at the kind of higher hertz range. Meditate deeply, do the inner work.
I want you just to close your eyes for a second, beautiful soul, and just connect with me in this space, and I want to share some light codes with you, a very short transmission. Just close your eyes and breathe into your body and just be in this space with me. Just feel this energy for a moment, breathe into your body deeper and longer and slower and I’m going to connect with you heart to heart in this space, and I’m going to transmit some electric pink codes from one of these Lemurian crystal tablets directly into your hearts. Just breathe and feel this. They’re flowing through the empty space. There are three crystal tablets transmitting electric pink codes. They’re entering your heart right now flowing up into your throat down into your sacral up into your crown, these three energy centres specifically. Just allow this transmission to take place. Just breathe into your body and feel this as these electric pink codes flow around the inside of your body. Remember the truth, remember who and what you are. You are extraordinary and you are loved. Just breathe into your body for another minute and feel these codes, allow these codes to work their magic. They work ever so fast. Just feel this beautiful soul, and when you’re ready you can open your eyes and just come back into this space. Feel that calmness in your body.
These codes are going to keep working now there’s no going back. Just allow them to bring this wisdom to the surface. You can just close your eyes again. Later, today, tomorrow, you can reconnect with this video, on these codes. They’re inside of you. You have around six foot of DNA in every single cell of your human body. You have 75 to 100 trillion cells. If you stuck all that DNA together and unfolded it, it goes on for billions of miles, about 10 billion miles. It can wrap around the earth many times and your DNA is like computer codes, binary codes. You are a biological computer. So am I. We all are, and these photon streams coming down from the galactic core are rewriting our genetic coding on a multi-dimensional level as well as a physical level. It’s incredible. You are amazing, beautiful soul, you truly are.
When you look into the mirror see the magic in your own soul, feel the magic in your own soul, because you are just one big, beautiful bouncing bubbling ball of tetrahedrons. You’re a mathematical equation way beyond this physical form and you are just truly extraordinary. So go out into this world, love yourself, hug yourself and hug your sisters and brothers and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously.
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