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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
Today I wanted to share a message about consistency, the law of consistency, and the mission that you chose to be a part of the transition team and how that affects consistency in our future generations. For many years our species has been manipulated and shifted and changed. As generations have stepped forwards, they’ve been even more subservient, and this is by design. Just take the pineal gland for example. The pineal gland stops developing when a male or a female reaches puberty. Now if puberty can be brought forwards it means the pineal gland develops less and with all the chemicals in the atmosphere all the chemicals in our foods, meat for example, being pumped full of testosterone, boys and girls hit puberty earlier. Sometimes girls are coming on their periods, seven, eight, nine years old; boys hitting puberty much earlier and so the pineal gland stops developing.
You know how important the pineal gland is to our human evolution. Our spiritual development, the biology of our physical system, the pineal gland is mission critical. Serotonin and melatonin are important hormones which are produced by the pineal gland. It has so many benefits. It’s like an antenna, picks up information. We’re conditioned to rely on these physical eyes as part of our five senses, but we have hundreds of senses. We’re just not tapped into them, but they don’t want us to discover them. So, they bring puberty on a lot faster.
Now we as a human species generally live to be 70, 80, 90 years old. Like 100 is kind of a top whack. You know you get some people 120-130 but they’re very few and far between. A lot of our galactic sisters and brothers live for much longer, hundreds of years and thousands of years. They have a completely different planetary environment. They’re putting good stuff into their bodies; they’re looking after it. It’s not that they’re not smashed with chemicals and frequencies to disrupt their energy field and reharmonize the balance within their energetics.
We as humans on this planet, we get bombarded left right and centre, you know. You, me, we, being here on this planet right now. To still be here with the level of corruption and manipulation we deserve, like a cosmic medal of honour or a cosmic purple hat for being here in the trenches working through all this stuff. It takes a brave soul to do that. It takes a courageous soul to do that. It’s not for everyone but we are part of the transition team we came here to help earth transition through these times from this old corrupt world into this new free sovereign world. If you look at some of the so-called men and women beings’ malevolent forces whatever you want to call them that are kind of in control of this planet. Human hybrid extra-terrestrial and humans that are controlled by hybrids or extra-terrestrials keep coming back through the same bloodlines, they retain their memory, and that is why it’s easy for them to accumulate so much wealth and so much power and control a whole planet.
We as humans that have been unaware for so very long and a lot of people still are very unaware have been manipulated and brought back down into this game with their memories blank, so they’ve got to start all the way back to zero. It’s like Groundhog Day each time they incarnate and come out of their mother’s womb and into the world. It’s a whole different experience and they can’t remember the previous experiences. Now because consciousness is expanding and a lot of us are doing the inner work and we’re diving into our hearts and exploring our DNA and those past life future life parallel life memories that are held within our very fabric we’re starting to remember a lot of past lives, future lives, otherworldly experiences.
At the start of my journey, I had a very incredible guide and this human being regressed me into several past lives and this is how my kind of spiritual journey all started. I’ve been into hundreds of quantum experiences that my soul is experiencing right now in other dimensional spaces. So, I’ve had first-hand experience with this, but a lot of people are starting to remember and we’re starting to bring those elements of our soul in other realities back into this new space. I call it soul absorption. It helps you bring powerful aspects of you back home into this now space so you can use the tools, skills, knowledge, wisdom right now instead of having to go out and wait.
Now because we’re part of the transition team it’s our responsibility. We took this on board to pass on the wisdom and pass on the knowledge and pass on what we’ve remembered or learnt depending on how you look at it. What we’ve remembered on to future generations so as they come through the ranks, and they come into this world they can rise and grow and expand and we can share with them the knowledge and the wisdom of how to be prosperous how to be abundant how to live in a world where you’re co-creating what it is that you want and not what it is. Not what it is that you don’t want because we share the knowledge. From the start we teach them about sovereignty and freedom and love and compassion and how by caring about other human beings by loving yourself you naturally put out these good harmonious vibrations and it ripples through the cosmic fabric.
If we start to share this with children now as they grow the world is going to be a better place, we need to let our kids know. Stop eating GMO foods, get away from the chocolate and the poisoned meats and the GMO vegetables and fruits and start putting goodness into your body. Stop putting chemicals on your body that are in shampoo and deodorant and perfume and aftershave and fluoride riddled toothpaste and all these things. Let’s cleanse our system and pass this through generation after generation. This is our responsibility. We are the transition team, and we came here for this and if we’re going to help the world become a much more stable environment, a place where we can love and care and share and all roam these lands playing with magic and energy then we’ve got to start now and we’ve got to be consistent.
If we don’t do the inner work now and then leave these physical bodies and then get blank and come back into another body again and have no memory and recall, we’ve got to start all over again. Now if that’s the case how can we be consistent? We are going to move into an era and a time and a space where we can live for much longer. I wrote about this years ago in one of my first books, Into the Light. Rays in the global vibration, I said I’m going to live to at least 250 years old and I truly know that to be. It’s true I know this in every cell of me, every fibre of me. I’m not going down at 60 70 80 90 100. I’m still in my infancy at 100. I’m just starting to remember the truth.
We’re going to live and thrive in these human bodies. You’ve got those medical beds coming out from our sisters and brothers soon. They’re going tore-sync our frequency, our mathematics, our geometry, our energetics back 10, 20, 30 years, who knows. We’re going to be much healthier human beings with incredible technical advancements that our sisters and brothers from the stars are giving to us. We’re the only race on the planet that lives on a planet that has to pay to live on the planet that it was born on. If you ever ask yourself that question, why do I have to pay to live on this planet? Am I not a part of this planet? Was I not born a free sovereign soul? Why is there this system that is designed to crush us and take from us and drain us? You know that you’ve come into a system that is stacked against you.
From the start you need to give yourself a massive pat on the back and speak. You’ve done an amazing job Jerry, Sarah, whatever your name is, give yourself a pat on the back sister brother you’ve done an incredible job. You’re breathing, you’re thriving, you’re fit, you’re healthy and you’re going to get fitter and healthier if you follow the right protocols. You start imparting this knowledge to your children and your children’s children so we can pass it down the line. Get your kids off the iPhone, get your kids off the laptops, get them out into nature, get them running around in these physical avatars like monkeys we’re supposed to run and jump and climb in the trees. We’re supposed to be playing out in ponds and streams and having fun in fields kicking balls about not glued to these screens. It’s not doing us any favours.
We’ve got to change now. We got to start instilling these powerful ways of being in this world. Food, nutrition, Qigong meditation breathwork, all these tools that we have at our disposal to stimulate DMT in our brains to amplify those dimethyltryptamine levels to really switch on and activate our pineal glands to start operating from our right hemisphere. That gives us access to so much more knowledge and information. We got to start living from our hearts. These are basic things but not all parents are sharing this with their children. We must show our children that they’re powerful. We must give them protocols to exercise their power and their sovereignty to educate them in the right way, not to send them into a mainstream school to get taught a false history. No, we’ve got to share the right knowledge, the galactic knowledge. Get them to live from their hearts.
We need to operate from the heart the rest are unnecessary that we have on a higher vibrational level are transmission centres which control the ebb and flow of data from the from the grids up there to the grids down here and from the grids down here to the grids up there through our physical body we’re like connectors conductors but this this old 3d chakra system is holding you back we need to expand our heart and dissolve the others. We must pass on the real knowledge our DNA carries so much knowledge and information. All the data in our DNA, it’s like a receiver, it’s holographic. Our bodies are holographic. We’re light, we’re frequency, we’re sound when you go out and walk through the park and look at a tree beyond the physical form you realize it’s holographic.
Everything’s energy, particles, waves, vortexes, geometry code, mathematics. We must tap this knowledge, we must be consistent, and we must pass on this information now. We must encourage and inspire our children and our children’s children to be free instead of putting them into these things. There’s lots of children that don’t know what it’s like to look at another child’s face. Allow them to be free and sovereign. Slaves wear masks not free sovereign divine children of the stars. We have the tools, we have the access, we have the knowledge. We’ve got to put it into practice what are you waiting for, beautiful soul. What are you waiting for?
Share this with your friends, your family, with your loved ones, share this with your children, your nieces, and your nephews. We must show them the way of the force and give our children the foundation and the platform to be free and then they will show us their natural galactic abilities because soon it’s the star children that are going to come down here on this planet and they’re going to be sharing the information with us classrooms are going to be full of adults and the children are going to be at the front with holographic screens showing us the way of the universe. This is the truth. We’re operating in all these different frequency bands at the same time so it’s not really a transition from 3d to 4d to 5d because we’re bouncing around in every vibrational space, every dimensional space at the same time because we’re holographic beings, multi-dimensional avatar souls.
We are the grand crew, the transition team. We came here there’s extra-terrestrials amongst us we are hybrid extra-terrestrial beings and the more we go into here and into our right brain and into the stargate of our pioneer plan we get to access this formidable knowledge, but it doesn’t come to you unless you ask unless you command unless you demand unless you take that brave courageous step into your inner world. Your amazing, beautiful soul.
I love you so much wherever you are on this magical planet go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously like a lion and a lioness loves their cubs. Hug them tightly hug them so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging a beautiful soul. Never be the first to let go laugh smile dance jump play this magical game. Have fun with it. It’s not very often you come to a planet and get to influence it in the way that we’re having the opportunity to influence this planet. We’re co-creators, quantum architects. We’re very powerful so exercise that power. Go and take some ayahuasca, smoke some DMT, dive into your hearts. Whatever you’ve got to do to open those channels and experience the oneness and the wholeness and the divinity, the truth, that we are connected by source at the zero point through our hearts.
Be brave, be courageous, be you. Live authentically, beautiful soul and I will see you again very soon. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, some of the best meditations, nutrition, yoga. We got all the tools rolled into one neat little bundle waiting for you to go and get stuck into. It’s called infinity. Check it out on and remember we’ve got a new telegram channel spiritual gangsta one and gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one go and check it out. Every day we’re uploading video content, sharing the truth. You’re amazing. Go and shine that light, beautiful soul.