Activate your Kundalini Energy. Experience a great awakening of new energy and higher consciousness as you shift your frequency ready for a New Earth and the Golden Age. Atlantis is being re-birthed. Follow these basic principles, listen to this transmission and activate your kundalini now. This is the most powerful kundalini activation meditation.
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Beautiful soul, you are about to activate your Kundalini energy. I hope you’re ready. I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, today I’m going to share a transmission with you to activate your Kundalini energy. This sacred energy is something that has been a focal point since the dawn of time. Human beings for many, many years have wanted to activate this sacred energy. If you go back to Atlantis Egypt ancient Greece, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, these ancient civilizations, the Mayans, they’ve known about this Kundalini energy and the power that this Kundalini energy can bring through your own physical vessel to activate your Kundalini. It requires a series of breathing exercises combined with light codes and energy.
What I’m going to do today is I’m going to take you through a guided meditation and a transmission of codes and what I want you to do once we’ve gone through this process is to simply close your eyes listen. Whilst you’re going through the process, I want you to squeeze your perineum your genitals and your buttocks and all you to squeeze and hold for as long as it’s comfortable and then let it go and then after 5, 10, 15 seconds, whatever feels comfortable for a breath. I want you to squeeze again and then let it go and repeat this process. Just squeeze and let it go, squeeze, and let it go. You might hold it for 10 seconds. You might hold it for a minute. It doesn’t matter you are where you are right now and as you keep coming back and doing this meditation and experiencing this transmission which I’m going to suggest for the next 33 days because each time we come back we’re going to work on each one of your vertebrae working your way up through the magic one, through the spinal column, from your sacrum to your cranium.
We’re going to bring that energy up through your body and activate these vertebrae on a quantum and physical level in a very specific fashion. You don’t need to be concerned with that. This is something that’s naturally going to happen over the 33 days, this being day number one. As you go through the process and download these codes this will be an extremely powerful transmission. So, I invite you as my sister or brother to be in this space with me, to close your eyes, and start taking some nice long deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out through your mouth, long slow deep breaths in and out of your body, and centre yourself. Be in this space right here right now, the present moment, the only moment that truly matters. Everything else outside of it is a choice, it’s a potential. Right now, in the present moment you’re bringing all the potential, all that energy into this now moment.
Breathe deeper and longer and slower and be here right now. Feel your body, beautiful soul. You are incredible, a sovereign being from the stars that came to Planet Earth to shine their light ever so bright. Be in this space, breathe deeper and longer and slower and bring your awareness down into your body and feel your hands, feel yourself, feel your body the home of your soul in this reality. If you haven’t already done so, only squeeze your genitals, your perineum, and your buttocks. Squeeze them in as tightly as possible and keep breathing. Through the process as you squeeze, as you breathe, I want you to place the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth and keep that there for the remainder of this transmission. I’m going to open my heart and connect with you in this space, light to light, soul to soul, consciousness to consciousness.
As you breathe deeper and longer and slower, you’ll become aware that spinning up above your crown chakra, 90 centimetres above, is an inverted diamonds spinning clockwise, getting faster and faster. As it spins, it starts to draw in starlight from Sirius, from Alpha Centauri, and Lyra. These three extraterrestrial streams of information carrying cosmic data flow from these stars through the fabric of the cosmos, through our galaxy, down through mother earth’s atmosphere, down through the skies, through the roof of your space and into the base of that inverted pyramid. These three streams of data, they start to merge. The pyramid up above you spin faster and faster as you continue to squeeze and breathe with the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth. When you feel like letting go of the squeeze you can hold that space and then squeeze when you’re ready.
As this pyramid spins up above your head faster and faster in a clockwise direction you can feel the energy up above your crown, we’re going to count from three back to zero. When we get to zero the apex of that pyramid is going to open, and that starlight is going to flow down for your crown through your physical body and into your perineum three two one zero the apex of that pyramid opens, that starlight flows down through your crown, through your pineal gland, throat, solar plexus, sacral, down into your root. Boom, it explodes, and high vibrational energy pours down through your physical body, your root chakra, your perineum. They start to vibrate. You feel the energy pumping into this space. As you squeeze and release, breathing deeper and slower and longer into that powerful body you become aware that your heart is expanding. A powerful golden light filling up your chest and expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body as the apex of the pyramid opens a little wider and the starlight pours down into your crown, down into perineum, down into your root chakra. This energy centre fires up.
As you vibrate in this space you become aware of an electric blue crystal and white stream of light flowing in through the walls, down through the ceiling, up through the floor. This electric blue crystal and white frequency, a Lyran and Oraphim frequency, flows through the walls towards your physical body. It gets closer and closer and starts to swirl around the outside of it in a clockwise direction getting faster and faster like a crystal white and electric blue tornado. It gets brighter and stronger. You start to breathe this frequency in. You breathe it in through your mouth, up into your mind. It flows into your left brain, into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull, down through your head, your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders, your chest, and back. It flows through your spinal column, middle back, lower back, down into your buttocks. Each one of those vertebrae they start to light up. The top one is crystal white, the next one there is electric blue and so on down the chain. Then Jacob’s Ladder down into your sacrum.
This crystalline frequency flows into your buttocks, it flows through your heart, your lungs, your ribcage, and through every vital organ, through your tissue, your bloodstream, your bones. It flows into your hips, your groin, down through your thighs your hamstrings. It swirls through your knees, your calves, past your shins, into your ankles it flows through your feet all the way to the tips of your toes. As you breathe deeper and longer and slower, it flows through your shoulders, down your arms, through your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers, and thumbs. Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your ground. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing. Feel the energy flowing through your body.
As you continue to breathe, you become aware of a pink calcite pyramid eight meters below your root chakra spinning in a clockwise direction. It starts to draw energy from Mother Earth’s ley lines, from her diamond grid, from her golden grid, from her emerald grid. These frequencies flow from planet earth up through the base of this pink calcite pyramid. The frequencies, masculine and feminine, flow inside this pink calcite pyramid and merge together swirling, mixing, flowing, exchanging frequencies, codes, with each other. We’re going to count from three back to zero. When we get to zero the apex of this pink calcite pyramid is going to open, and that energy is going to flow up through the space into your perineum merging with the frequencies from the stars. Three, two, one, zero, the apex of that pyramid opens and those powerful magnetic and electromagnetic frequencies flow up from the earth, up into your perineum, into your root chakra. It starts to vibrate like crazy as the star light as the earth light frequencies merge together in your root.
You become aware of a powerful vortex. It starts to vibrate as you continue to squeeze and release this energy starts to flow from your root chakra up into your sacrum. It flows into your genitals, it flows up into your sacral chakra, it moves from your sacral up into your solar plexus, from your solar plexus into your heart, from your heart to your throat, from your throat to your pineal gland, from your pineal gland to your crown. This energy starts to flow up through your crown up and over the top of your body and down around and back underneath. It flows back up through your root creating a toroidal field around the outside of you.
As you continue to breathe with the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth, this energy gets stronger and stronger, the frequency flowing from your root chakra to your sacral flowing also into your sacrum. Your sacrum starts to vibrate and that frequency starts to flow up into your spinal cord and as we go through this process over the next 32 days, 33 including this one, this energy will travel further and further up your spinal column until it reaches the base of your cranium where it connects with your throat, your spine, your pineal gland, your pituitary gland, your hypothalamus, and your medulla oblongata. It will bring you online in the most incredible way. As you vibrate in this space, continue to breathe in this crystal white and electric blue frequency, the energy pouring down from the diamond pyramid flowing up from the pink calcite pyramid.
You vibrate faster and faster, the energy gets stronger and stronger, your heart expands out past the boundaries of your physical body into the empty space. Love pours out from your soul. The pyramid up above you, it starts to spin even faster, the one below spins even faster drawing in more data, more light codes, more information. Energy now starts to flow from the central Sun then through the cosmic fabric down through the roof of your space, then into the base of that inverted diamond pyramid stargate around the planet. Start to open geometrical energy centres, start to open and these frequencies flow through the planetary grids, up into this pink calcite pyramid. These codes are collective. They start to flow up through the pink calcite stream down through the diamond stream. They flow down from your crown, up from your root. They continue through your body until they meet in your heart space. Boom, they explode.
As you download frequencies from these sacred sites around the planet, from the central Sun, your whole frequency shifts into intergalactic overdrive. That energy still flowing from your root, up to your crown, up through the top of your crown, down and around in the ‘Dolman shaped’ fashion, that toroidal field getting stronger and stronger. Your own Merkaba switches on, your own octahedron switches on, your own icosahedron. These elements of your extended light body they start to glow and vibrate around your physicalness. As this energy continually and slowly moves up through your spinal column working its way slowly but surely up through the magic wand up through your spinal column, up for your central nervous system switching it on. As you go through this process you may experience this energy flows up through your spinal column at a different rate to others and that’s okay. Allow it to flow in its own good time and its own good measure.
As you vibrate in this space, you become aware of two crystal white orca whales that move into your space carrying Sirian frequencies, a Sirian consciousness. They move into your space, one moves behind you, one moves around in front of you. The one behind you then moves around to your left the one in front of you moves around to your right. These two powerful crystallite orca whales open their hearts to high vibrational streams of Syrian consciousness. DNA activating, third eye activating, Kundalini activating flow out from their hearts through the empty space towards yours. They get within a meter, half a meter, they flow into your heart and boom, they explode in your heart space. You start to download high vibrational streams of Sirian energy, light codes pour into your heart, they race up into your crown, down into your root. They flow into your sacrum, your solar plexus, your throat, your pineal gland. They flow into your higher heart activating that sacred blue crystal Rose frequency as it opens and expands. You vibrate faster and faster as you are in this space and feel these frequencies.
Light language transmission
Keep squeezing and releasing with the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth. As you breathe in these frequencies the energy flowing down from the pyramid gets stronger, up from the pink calcite pyramid getting stronger. These crystal white orca whales open their hearts even wider bathing you with this Sirian consciousness, bathing you in this divine motherly nurturing energy, holding space for you as you download, as you upgrade, as that energy fires from your root chakra up through your body, up through your spinal column. You vibrate faster and faster. Be in in this space.
Light language transmission
These frequencies flow into your body. Absorb them into your consciousness. They flow into your heart then through your solar plexus, your sacral, into your root igniting that Kundalini energy as it splits into two and flows up and around your spinal cord like two serpents weaving their way up all the way up into your cranium, up into your pineal gland, up through to your ground. These magical energies flow through your body. Be in this space and vibrate as you continue to squeeze and surrender, squeeze and remember that you are a high vibrational cosmic being from the stars and you have so much potential locked inside of you and now you’re unleashing your inner wizard your inner white which allowing this magic to rise, this energy, the most powerful energy that you can muster as a human being. Allow this energy to flow, feel it inside of you.
Remember this is day number one. You have thirty-two more days to go. Please don’t miss a day. If you do, start again. It’s mission-critical that you come back, and you do this every day 33 days in a row. It’s going to send you into hyperdrive. Your whole energy system is going to switch on in ways that I have no words to describe. Continue to breathe into your body and feel this energy as you vibrate. You become aware that the pink calcite crystal starts to move up towards your root, the diamond the inverted pyramid starts to flow down towards your crown. They get smaller and smaller, getting closer and closer until the inverted diamond pyramid fits neatly inside your crown chakra. It moves down around your pineal gland in your brain and then stops, continuing to spin in the clockwise direction. The pink calcite pyramid flows up your legs, up into your root chakra, into your perineum where it stops, continuing to spin in a clockwise direction.
The two orca whales, these crystalline beings are going to stay with you for the next 33 days holding space for you because you’re going to go through a process of expansion and recalibration. Allow them to be there at the end of all of this. They’ll stay for a few more days and then disappear. You can communicate with them during this time. Start to become aware of your body, your arms, your legs, your hands, your feet, your fingers, your thumbs, your toes, the vibration in your bones, the tingling your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero, we’ll open our eyes and come back into this space. Take your time. There’s no hurry. Five, four, three, two, one, zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space, and just feel your body, feel your energy, feel your space.
You are amazing, beautiful soul. I want to thank you for being in this space with me here today and I look forward to joining with you for another 32 days. Every day is going to be a new experience for you because you’re going to expand more, you’re going to go to greater depths and higher heights. Your frequency is going to change your consciousness, is going to expand, so allow yourself to go through this process. If you get old emotions coming up, any fear-based emotions, guilt, anger, sadness, allow them to be there. Befriend them, hug them. You’ll transcend them. Don’t run from them, they’ll hunt you. Don’t suppress them because they’ll erupt later. Honour your emotions. Your human, it’s okay. If you’re sad, cry, if your angry, shout and scream, if you’re happy, dance on the table. Express yourself, it’s okay. Give yourself the permission.
I love you so much and I thank you for being here on planet Earth. It’s an honour to have been in this space with you. I love you dearly as my sister or brother. We really are a human family, beautiful soul. Please stay hydrated through this process, and from day four to five that liquid crystal put it into your system. These frequencies they’ll work faster, stronger, more efficiently, the more liquid crystal you put into your body. Go out into this world and shine your light, go out into this world and be your power, speak your truth and be your own lion or lioness. I love you beyond all measure.
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