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Hi, my name is Lauren Grace and I’m from Queensland in Australia. I first heard about Jerry and star magic healing two years ago on a podcast that I was listening to called ‘The Almost 30 Podcast’. I was going through the darkest period of my life. I was borderline suicidal and so depressed, so anxious, and yeah, I just felt like an absolute victim to my life. I was homeless living out of my car, so overweight, so unhealthy, so broke. I remember not having enough money to feed myself and miserable to be waking up each morning feeling so depressed and just hating my life. I was hating myself like it was so hard to just wake up in the morning and to be excited about life because I just wasn’t enjoying my experience and really felt like I didn’t have a purpose. Yeah, that was something that I really felt like I’d been struggling with for years like knowing that there had to be a reason why I was here and alive but just had no idea what that was. Yeah, that played into this depression massively and I just found it so hard to just get through the day.
When I first found star magic healing, I delved straight into the meditations and the light language transmissions and I just I was so emotional, and it hit me like right in my heart and I just felt like this overwhelming sense of home and my purpose like I just stumbled upon the answer to life. To go through that experience of transforming from such a depressed dark state into this lightness and yeah feeling into the goodness of life like I don’t even have words for that experience like gave me so much hope and so much like reason to continue on and yeah I really like opened up my vision for my future and yeah it just gave me that purpose to keep living and to keep transforming and elevating my whole reality.
Like a few months later I made the choice to move across the country and within two weeks of moving to my new home I met my new current partner who is honestly just the most beautiful human being and yeah, I that has just been like one of the most incredible things I think that I’ve experienced. Since first finding star magic and going on this journey of really elevating my life and my reality and the people that I have magnetized into my life. Since then, it just it blows my mind the tools that Jerry has given me to shift out of my darkness. Oh, my goodness, everything like the meditation library and the light language Transmissions is the perfect place to begin and to just really be utilizing all the resources that are there within Infinity. Like that is that is the best place to start, and you’ll notice so quickly the results and the things that start really shifting like within your reality and your personality your whole entire being and experience of this life.
The interactives like the lab calls are amazing as well for gaining these incredible tools and learning so much that you can Implement and to work through yourself to really elevate your reality. For me like that’s not to say that sometimes these things don’t still arise, but I find that if I feel a bit sad now like I can bring myself out of that space so much quicker and more efficiently than I ever could before. It doesn’t feel like this overwhelming hole and like pit of depression that I am trapped in and yeah, I feel like the best thing that anyone can do that is feeling that way is just to know that you are in control of your reality and your life. You’re not a victim to it and yeah surround yourself with people that feel expansive and are living a life that you want to be living. To allow yourself to have that support whilst you’re going through that experience and just know that it does get so much better, and you can transform from that state into a life that is more incredible more magical than you could ever even imagine.
Right now, my plans now for my life and my vision within the star magic team and working my way up through the academy is a massive part of that having moved through the level one and level two facilitated training was the most incredible experiences of my entire life and yeah I’m so excited to keep going keep transforming thank you so much Jerry Mike here we go I’m crying thank you so much Jerry thank you star magic and everything that you have created and shared has been the absolute catalyst to me transforming the out of my life and really like feeling me with so much purpose and my life was like way more incredible than I could have ever imagined would be just two years ago and I’m just so excited to see like what comes from here and to just keep expanding and keep moving through this journey and working within star magic I’m just so grateful for the opportunities that you’ve given me and to be on this journey and to be in connection with the star magic tribe like it really feels like home.
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