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Jerry: “When I was in New Zealand in my friend’s pyramid I was meditating in my friend’s pyramid in the garden with my eyes open because he taught me to meditate with my eyes open and I see this little space pod several meters away and there’s a blue being inside of it. So, I brought my light out of my body which I’d been trained to do by the spiritual teacher that I had that worked for Scotland Yard. So, it was like everything was divine because I’d have never met her, I wouldn’t have known how to bring my light out of my body.
So, I brought my light out of my body and went and got in the spacecraft and we flew through a tunnel and ended up on a beach. I walked up the beach and there were like 200 of them like massive, like you know 6 and a half, 7t tall. They had no gender. They were androgynous. They had no clothes on. They had like eight packs like they were all fit and healthy and I was like, “wow these guys must be in my mind I say these guys must go to the gym. Like they’re so athletic.”
Interviewer: “You said they were from Alpha Centauri.”
Jerry: “No, they were Lyrans but they were on Alpha Centauri. I don’t know how I knew that I was on Alpha Centauri. I don’t know how I knew that they were Lyrans but I just started to know information.
Now after connecting with these guys there, they’ve been with me all the time and they’ve taken me on so many little journeys. They took me back to Avion in the Cradle of Lyra. Avion was a planet and Avion had the first Garden of Eden and I remember being there in these sacred emerald pyramids where we were doing multi-dimensional grid work and they were showing me how to open portals, and bend space-time but opening a portal with your intention connecting it to another point in space-time and merging the two points in space-time together by using these 26 crystals, and so they bring the 26 crystals into a –“
Interviewer: “Two times two so you keep going back”
Jerry: “Yes. specific formation. It would kind of draw in on itself and create this field and you just step into it and end up somewhere else. There was nowhere that you were really going but time and space became the same in two different locations.
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