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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, this transmission is to activate your inner alchemy. You are an alchemist, a quantum architect, a sovereign soldier, and you have so much potential. So come into this space with me and undergo this 33-day process to wake up and connect you with those avatar elements that lie in your DNA.
Breathe deeply, be present, and feel your body as an incredible crystal white and electric blue sphere vibrates up above your crown. It starts to stream codes, multidimensional activation codes, that stream from the sphere down through the empty space through your crown and into your pineal gland.
Light language transmission
Breathe these frequencies into your body, absorb them into your soul, as these crystal white and electric blue codes float down into your heart activating your inner alchemist, waking up that inner quantum architect.
Come back and do this every day for 33 days and watch and feel your life transform.
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