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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I wanted to share a little video in light of some of the things that are taking place around the planet right now. People often think that humans are up there with other humans. It’s very rarely the case. Actually, if you look deep into the inner workings of every human, if you go back through all of these books that have been split into multiple books from the one book, the ultimate message in everything is love and love is the energy that created us. Love is our most powerful weapon, love is what drives us, love is at the centre, the core of the stargate in our heart, and most human beings just want to love. You can look on the news, you can look on the TV, and you see all of this crazy stuff, but I’ve travelled all over the world and whenever I go to another country all the local people just want to love you. They want to offer you a cup of tea, some food. They want to bring you into their home, they want to show you around.
People are kind when there’s a war going on. It’s not always human beings fighting human beings. It’s entities or demonic forces working through human beings to create chaos and mayhem and it looks like human beings battling against each other. They always have entities working on both sides of the game, you know, whoever controls the war controls both parties and whoever is selling the arms is often selling the arms to both parties in the war. Wars make money when people are battling on a human level and they need to buy guns and tanks and weapons to have a war, to fight a war, then some people get rich off the back of that war but that’s only on a human level why people really go to war. People are never really fighting over money or oil or land or religion or any of these things that most people think that we’re fighting over, or we’re led to believe that we’re fighting over.
What is actually happening is there’s a war over energy, there’s a war over ley lines, Stargates, grid points, where beings can travel multi-dimensionally, inter-dimensionally. They can harvest huge resources of energy because ultimately energy is the greatest commodity, much more important than money or oil or any physical commodity that somebody can sell. Energy is where it’s at and so when you see human beings at war with other human beings. It’s not really human beings fighting each other. The human beings have been manipulated. Their consciousness has been taken over by other malevolent forces. There are some people who will sit there, and they will say well this isn’t true Jerry. Actually, we’re our own demons. Our demons live within us and it’s us having battles with our own thoughts and our own kind of programming and that’s true to a certain extent. Yes, we do have programs running through our systems and some of us more than others.
Some of us have managed to deprogram ourselves from centuries, millions, billions of years sometimes if you go back through you know the galactic wars and stuff. But we’re all running programs on some level but some of us know how to observe the program and make different choices. A lot of people are running programs and listening to the voices in their head which could be from other forces, other entities, demonic forces, or the thoughts could be from the human being’s cyclical thoughts that are repetitive going over and over inside of the mind. So, both of these things can be true but ultimately there is a war over human consciousness and that war is being fought by lower frequency forces that are very clever and very cunning and we as a human species, once you’re aware of the game, have the opportunity to step outside of that. Yes, they can still try and manipulate us and they’re very cunning and they always try for period of time, but it takes a lot of energy to try and sustain the attack in a low frequency state. When they start to elevate and raise their vibration to keep bringing them back down takes a certain level of energy.
If you’re aware of the game that’s going on then you cannot listen to the thoughts, you cannot buy into the temptations from the other side, and you can say no and you can keep your heart open. You can start on the vibration of love, high humour, laughter, kindness, where these other beings find it very difficult to operate. You’re a powerful being. You don’t have to fall down into the depths of despair. Most human beings that are in mental institutions they’re not mental. They’re just seeing the truth. When people say oh, I’m seeing this this being walking down the road, I’m seeing a ghost, I’m seeing a spirit, they’re actually seeing the truth. But in this 3D reality it’s deemed wrong, weird, strange. People go into fear over these topics and so they call these people crazy and mental but actually this is just reality.
You are amazing, beautiful soul, and the thing is this. Unless you decide to live from your heart, unless you decide to live in a state of presence where you’re observing your thoughts, your emotions, what’s happening internally, you have high levels of self-awareness about how you’re operating in the world, about the decisions that you make and the thought processes that make you make certain decisions. Unless you’re having these levels of awareness, you’re going to fall prey to the game and these beings on some level, are going to be able to manipulate you. So, this is why meditation is important, this is why exercise is important, its why deep breathing is important. Breath work, conscious breathing. It’s why it’s important to we eat clean foods. You know we have a specific product where we remove entities, shatter parasites. We do military programming. all sorts of different things within this kind of field of the darker side of life.
It’s really important whenever someone has been deprogrammed or they’ve had entities or whatever it is removed from their system inside them physically or in their energetic fields or working remotely and tapping them from a gazillion miles away. Whenever those things have been removed the human being has to keep their brain chemicals stable. If you’re going out having a sugar rush, a sugar spike in in your body and then you dip again when you have that up and that dip. During that dip, the brain chemicals change, and these beings are going to slide the thoughts into your head and try and re-contract with you. They’re going to try and worm their way back in. If you remove an entity properly from a human being that entity will never come back but these entities have a hierarchal system and so what they’ll do is they’ll send other beings in to try and worm their way back into that human being’s field because that human being is the food source. Remember, energy is the commodity, and that human being was serving large amounts of low frequency energy which these beings feed off. You take that away and they want it back.
If you have coffee, alcohol, drugs, any kind of stimulant, green tea, your mood goes up, boom, you dip. During that dip is when they slide their thoughts back in. So, for you to have these high levels of awareness and stay very balanced and focused if this has been an issue in your world, make sure you’re eating clean and follow these basic protocols. Take your time, be patient, there’s no hurry. Life’s not going anywhere. Patience is a super-skill, patience is a superhuman ability. Most people are impatient. Patience is something I’ve had to really work. I’m one of the most impatient human beings on planet Earth but over time I’ve learned patience and I’m still going deeper into patience. I always want everything done yesterday but I realize that being in harmonious flow is much more productive and your energy levels stay higher.
Remember, beautiful soul, that you are a supersonic superhuman. You’re amazing in so many ways, phenomenal beyond measure. So go out into this world, love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Be kind, be compassionate. Walk around in a space of stillness in the is-ness of your own presence and observe life and miracles will take place, healing will happen, expansion will be an everyday occurrence, and you will be the master alchemist that you came to planet Earth to be.
Remember to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet, meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, master classes on hundreds of different topics just like this one so you can expand your knowledge base and really, truly, understand the way this world and this universe works.
We have private telegram groups so you can connect to human beings on this mission just like you 24/7/365 and you can access it right now free for 7 days. So, go and check it out and keep yourself in a high vibrational state, a high frequency vibration. You’re amazing. I love you so much as my sister or brother. Go ahead and shine your light, live your truth, speak your truth, play this game of life by your own rules, and enjoy it every single second on this planet. Reality is a blessing. Even amongst the chaos and the Mayhem there’s magic everywhere but you got to choose to see it. No one can do that for you.
I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family, and just remember when a human being is being a bit different, a bit angry, no it’s not really them. There’s something behind them working through them most of the time so be gracious, be humble, and love them back. See you soon. Peace out.
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