When humanity returns to nature, we will be given the cosmic code, the original blueprint to health and vitality. Nature contains the original blueprint from the stars and once activated our 5d infrastructure will switch on, the human race will reach a higher state of consciousness and magic will flow through the lives of every soul on Earth. Unleash the cosmic code now.
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“You are your own prison guards, oh yes, you are your own prison guards, but the question is how do you stop being your own prison guard?”
Beautiful soul, I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, this message is very important because the reason that most people are stuck in this reality and stuck in this life is because they’re holding up the very infrastructure that is controlling them. Yes, you are your own worst enemy. You’re also your own saving grace but you’ve got to choose. Do I want to be my own worst enemy or do I want to be my own saving grace? Do I want to support the structure that is manipulating and controlling me, or do I want to pull the rug out and the foundation from underneath it so it collapses and tumbles around me so I can go and create a new life. These are the choices that you have as a high vibrational being.
How do I know that you are a high vibrational being? You might be on a low vibration. No, the reason I know that you’re on a high vibration, beautiful soul, is because you’re listening to me right now. Okay, you wouldn’t be tuned into this information if you weren’t on a high vibrational frequency. You’d skim past these videos; they wouldn’t show up in your feed, but they do and you’re engaging in them, so I know that you’re a high vibrational being wanting to expand further and go deeper into your own cosmic heart. Now you are like a prison guard and what you’ve got to do is take the keys out of your pocket reach through the bars undo your own cage and let yourself out of your own prison cell. That is the truth okay. It sounds a little bit crazy.
You’re probably thinking, well why I am supporting and holding up the infrastructure but is keeping me in slavery. Well, first if you don’t know you’re a slave and then you’re screwed to start with it’s like an alcoholic that won’t admit they’re an alcoholic. They got no hope. First, you’ve got to accept that you are where you are and take responsibility for your own situation and then you can start making moves that once you accept that you’ve been in a world of slavery by default because this was chosen for you by your parents when you incarnated on this planet. Now what you can do right now is make some choices. Okay no one can make these choices for you. This is the thing beautiful soul, I’m here to tell you that there are many people wanting to take these choices right now. So, the choices are you can stay in this system. you can keep using the banks you can keep using the governments, you can keep going and claiming your benefits. If you go and claim your benefits you can engage in the tax system. If you want to engage in the tax system, you can do all these things that slaves do or you can choose a different road and you can start to get together with your sisters and your brothers and you can start to create communities.
You can go out into this world, and you can go and buy a piece of land somewhere, wherever you want in the world, because the world’s massive and we have this thing called the internet these days which is beautiful because it helps us connect, So it’s easy to find people that share the same vision as you, that share the same mission as you, who have great big open cosmic hearts like you do and we’re on a high vibrational
frequency like you do. What you can do is you can start living in these new communities, you can build houses on them. If you can’t afford to build houses go and put tents on them to start with. Just make that step and start working with the skill set of your community. You can start to heal each other. You can start to grow fruits and vegetables, you can start to work the lands, you can start to create something within your community that you could sell to another community, or not necessarily sell it for money but you can barter and exchange with another community that offers different services. Maybe you want to exchange healing for potatoes or some apples for some bananas or maybe you want to exchange a meditation for some celery. I don’t know okay I’m just throwing this out there.
What I’m saying is this. If you continue to feed the system that is enslaving you, then don’t expect the system to go away. If you’re going to continue to use mobile phones and buy the latest iPhone each time it comes out and keep falling into the slavery that is offered as opportunities for you to engage with. If you keep engaging, the system is never going to fall apart. If you keep paying for things, if you keep using the banking system, if you keep doing all the things that support the system: paying your council tax, paying your taxes, if you keep doing all this stuff then don’t expect anything to change. If you want the world to change you got to change first. I’m doing it, I’m in the process now of bringing people together. We’re buying parcels of land, with designing communities, were in the process okay and I’m sure some of you watching these videos will be coming to spend time with our tribe inside our communities.
I’m sure some of you will come and join our communities because this is how it’s going to work. We’re going to bring together like-minded open-hearted high frequency beings that share the same vision, that have hearts like we do, who want to see a world where the planet’s resources are shared equally between all women men and children, a place where everybody cares and shares and lives with love and compassion, a place where nobody’s ill okay. We have all these resources on this planet man, and they’re not being shared so what we’ve got to do as sovereign beings. as highly intelligent. highly evolved beings, that take a stance that we must take responsibility for our own actions and the position were in now as a species. When we understand this, when we start to make these moves, life starts to change. Why does life start to change? Because we start to make the moves and create the emotions within our own bodies, in the bodies of our friends and our family and our loved ones. As we make these moves and travel through time and space in this physical world showing people the way then other people can join this and say hey man this thing’s cool, what you’re doing, can we join in we got these skills. we can bring this to the party. I’m a gardener, I’m a roofer, I’m a chippy, I’m an electrician, I’m this, I’m that.
I know all about sustainability people are going to come to the party and just grow. These communities are going to expand, and these communities are going to trade with communities and we’re going to create this infrastructure on planet Earth which is different from the current manipulating infrastructure that the cabal or the Illuminati or whatever, their whatever name you want to give them. They’re just like a tumour on planet Earth, okay, and to heal a tumour you’ve got to love that tumour and to love that tumour you can’t give it any attention. You’ve just got to love the energy in the space and get all the cells around the tumour to start recalibrating the tumour itself. This is how frequency and energy works, okay. We’re electromagnetic beings living in an electromagnetic universe and when we start to open our hearts, energy starts to flow freely and when that energy starts to spread and ripple through communities and new communities, the elevation of all these communities rises as one and then those communities start to join and they become like one gigantic organism all the way around the planet, through the planet, and the old system starts to heal and it heals by dissolving and integrating with the new system.
If the old system doesn’t do that it’s just going to disappear off the face of the planet for us high vibrational beings anyway because our frequency is going to be so high that we’re not even going to notice it. This is how we create the change; this is how you and me and all of us come together on this planet and make it a better world. This is how we birth the golden age, beautiful soul. Are you in or are you in, or are you in, okay because I’m not out. I’m not even going to offer you there, but you need to be out because there is no way. This is one road, and that road isn’t forwards, it’s not right, it’s not left, it’s not up, it’s not bad. It’s into our own cosmic hearts. When you go into your cosmic heart, you’re going to see me and I’m going to see you and we’re all going to see each other and then the magic is really going to start to happen.
Wherever you are on this planet beautiful soul, please go out and hug your sisters and brothers so tightly. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever, be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. We have life-changing meditations to heal illness and disease, enhance business performance and heal relationships. You can access them all at home or on the move. Your vibration will rise as you connect deeply. You have access to short yoga routines to activate you in different ways, cosmic yoga to activate your third eye, open your hearts and your crown chakra, help you sleep better and much more. The instruction is easy to follow and carefully explains that your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. There are a large variety of high vibrational recipes that are quick to prepare, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, dessert, shakes, and smoothies you can make for yourself or the whole family. The food is healthy, tasty, and fun to create. You can choose from a selection of light codes and light language transmissions. Light language is the language of the soul, and our super-powerful transmissions will expand your consciousness and turbocharge your vibration. At the same time the visual light codes will activate your pineal gland and switch on your body’s natural potential.
There are complementary healing sessions uploaded regularly. As a valued member you can access them 24/7 to heal. There are private healings geared towards different mental, physical, and emotional issues. Any deep pain will be brought to the surface and healed so you can live a happy life. There are also monthly interactive master classes where you’ll discover the latest information on healing and transformation and top tips for the month. New codes and frequencies are shared that you can apply in your life to go deeper on your journey. This is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. If you want to be a highly vibrational human and happy, full of joy, totally healthy, full of vibrancy and vitality, then infinity is a must. You get seven days free with unlimited access. See you on the inside, beautiful soul.
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