How to thrive in a world of haters is mission-critical. It does not matter who you are or what you do, there are always going to be haters. So, knowing how to thrive in a world of haters is of the utmost importance. The tips in this video will help you thrive.
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“So, beautiful soul, how do you thrive in a world full of haters?”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul. So, how do you thrive in a world full of haters. Well first, the whole world doesn’t hate you and the whole world aren’t haters but as you start to open your heart and shine your light, you start to shine lights into the lives of many other people and sometimes your light is too flipping bright and other people can’t handle it because you’re shining light onto their darkness. Trust me. They really don’t want to look at that stuff but as you move through time and space, as you travel these earthly lands on this green and blue ball that we call home.
You’re naturally going to interact with other human beings. People are going to see you on YouTube, people are going to see you on the television, maybe people are going to see you in the street, maybe people see you at events. I don’t know what you do but even if you’re not doing anything public people are going to still see your light shining, maybe in a grocery store, maybe in the supermarket, and your light, whether you realize it or not, is going to open them up. It’s going to start to crack through that robust layer of darkness and anger and resentment that clouds the lives of many of our sisters and brothers, and people are going to look at you and they’re naturally going to judge you. The best way to handle this situation, I’ll be completely honest with you, is to not give a seriously don’t give a because when you give about what other people think of you. you’re setting yourself up for judgment – what if I do this and they think that what happens if I do this, and they don’t like me.
What happens if my family doesn’t approve that okay big time because you’re the most important human being in your reality and if you are happy for as long as your vibration is high, and you are enjoying what you’re doing and who you’re becoming and what you are. Then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It doesn’t matter how anyone else behaves. It doesn’t matter if people hate you, like you, love you, want to kick you in the ass, it really doesn’t matter because you are a high vibrational being. Some people are going to moan at Christmas. Many people will moan on their birthday. There are people that will moan if they win the lottery. There are people that will moan in any given situation. You could send some people into a florist full of beautiful flowers. There could be thousands of different species and they’ll moan because there’s not the one, they want.
Okay, some people are never going to be satisfied and never going to be happy and always find reason to blame or judge or hate and regardless of what you do on this magical planet some people just aren’t going to like you. You’re going to piss them off, you’re going to upset them in some way, shape, or form but you know what I say, beautiful soul, the more people that dislike you and ridicule you and hate you and despise you and judge you, the better job you’re doing but the more you’re raising your levels of consciousness and expanding your awareness and taking that positive action opening your heart following your life compass and moving in the direction of your dreams that light is going to get brighter and brighter and the brighter it gets. You’re going to shine more light into the darkness of other people because you’re going to reach more people and it’s a numbers game. You might have a million people that love you and a hundred thousand people that don’t. It really doesn’t matter.
What you’ve got to do is make that conscious choice as a high frequency being that what other people think doesn’t matter. It’s that simple and then you can just do what you want and however people want to react and say whatever they want to say. It’s just not going to affect you. It’s going to be like water off a duck’s back, or you’re going to be like an armoured tank just rolling through the desert with bullets just ricocheting off you because you just don’t give a **** with capital letters okay. That’s it, it’s that simple. So, start enjoying your life, start being happy. Feel your life full of joy so joy is your natural default state. So, when you wake up in the morning you’re bouncing around, bouncing around, bouncing around, because you’re just loving life because you can’t wait to get out and start your day because you’re not working. You’re creating, you’re having fun, you’re just loving everything that you’re engaging in because it’s not work.
You’ve set yourself up for a life full of bliss, joy, and divinity, and everything you engage in just makes you happy because that’s what you choose and it doesn’t matter what you do, what you say, who you interact with. You’re going to stay the same because it’s all about you. You control your own vibration. No one else can control it for you. This is the key. So, you know what to do, you know who you are. You know where you’re traveling and if you don’t just look in here because this place, this space, will give you all the answers and direct you in the direction of your dreams, of the greatest version of you. It might take you through a few fears on the way but that’s okay. They’re just going to make you stronger.
Mine the gold from every situation, beautiful soul, and remember wherever you are on this planet go out and hug tightly. Tightly, baby, and never, ever, ever, be the first to let go, and never leave home without your bags of life okay. You can do the same, the best drug on the planet and it’s everywhere. It raises your vibration. You have no side effects. There’s no come down. You just get higher and higher and higher, and you just float away. Beautiful soul, go out and love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.
Remember to check out our website for some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Shine your light, open your heart, and dampen your sparkle for no one, and I’ll see you again real soon. One love. one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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