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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now Beautiful Soul? So, the man that moved the mountain, he started by moving away small stones. I’ll say that again. The man that moved the mountain started by carrying away small stones and I bet you that that man who moved a man’s and when he started carrying away small stones, he didn’t think that he would move the whole mountain. He probably just started carrying small stones maybe to collect a few, maybe to just start doing something and the stones in this new pile of stones grew and grew and eventually he took all of them, and he moved the whole mountain. This is life.
So many people get overwhelmed, and they very rarely start and the reason they don’t start is because they think about this great big picture of where they want to be and how much work is involved and how much effort is going to take, and all the challenges that may or may not come into their path and this puts a lot of people off. So, most people don’t even start, and the moral of the story today is just get going. Just take one step and then tomorrow take another step and then the day after taking another step. Maybe one day you might want to take two or three steps and then you slide back to taking one or two steps, but you still moving and then there might be a day when you take nine or ten steps and then you start getting accustomed to taking nine or ten steps. It becomes easy and then you start taking 11, 12, 13 steps and before you know it, you’ve run a mile, then 10ks, then 20ks before you know it, those bricks you’re laying day by day have turned into a wall and then a home and then a castle, and then a kingdom.
You’ve just got to start stepping Beautiful Soul. Don’t listen to those thoughts inside of your head, when you get that inspiration when you get that feeling just decide. Make your move. Pick up one stone, carry it, place it somewhere else. It doesn’t matter what your goals and your dreams. It doesn’t matter what your intention is. It doesn’t matter whether you’re scared or excited. Just keep moving. The mind always plays tricks because the mind, the ego minds, it gets scared about you changing your identity and moving into a space where you’ve become more whole. When you’ve become a more extraordinary version of yourself. The ego doesn’t like that because you’ve got a name. You’ve got a marital status you’ve got; you’re this human being has a job and a certain circle of friends and has these habits and belief systems.
The ego wants you to stay locked into that because it’s safe. But when your heart starts to vibrate and it turns and spins and opens and becomes your life compass and you start to listen to it, the mind goes crazy. So, you’ve got to be disciplined in your approach and not listen to your head but listen to your heart and follow your life compass. It will lead you in the direction of your dreams. It might not be easy, but if you keep stepping, you will move mountains and you will succeed. You have magic locked inside of you. Most people on this planet they want to be liked they want to be loved so they conform. But you’re different. You wouldn’t be listening to me right now if you were the same as everyone else. You’ve got uniqueness in your DNA. You’ve got magic in your soul. You’ve got light and fire in every cell of your body and you came to this world to do something special, magical to light up the world to blaze trails that no man or woman has walked down before.
Right now, you might not be able to see those trails or even know where those trails start, but it doesn’t matter. If you just decide today, right now that you’re going to draw a line in the sand and you’re going to step forward things will start to change. The psychology will change, your energetic field will change. Your emotional and mental bodies will change. You’ll change on a cellular level from the inside out and there’ll be no turning back and you will step into your greatest version and light up this world.
Only you can do it, though Beautiful Soul. It’s something that I can’t make you do no one can make you do it. You’ve got to decide. This is my time. I’m on this planet for a short period of time. I’m going to make the most of it. I’m going to do the inner work, rearrange my geometry, my mathematics, raise my frequency, expand my consciousness and inner-stand full capacity, experience my potential get to know the game that we’re playing and start playing by my own rules and not the rules and regulations that have been laid down before me. I’m going to burn them up and do something crazy and brand new. The world is waiting for you beautiful soul, so go out and seize this opportunity. Wherever you are on this planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go.
Go and shine that light blaze that trail, climb that mountain top and once you reach the top don’t stay stagnant. Look for the next thing, and then navigate your way through up and around that one and keep climbing never settle. Because once you start to settle, you’re going to slide backwards back down the mountain that’s not an option. Remember, Beautiful Soul to check out our website We have some of the best ascension tools on the planet for expanding your consciousness, raising your vibration.
We run four levels of energy healing trainings we call them facilitator trainings, level one, two, three and four. They will change your world in the most magical way. Go to the website. Check out the tools. There’re loads of free stuff to download right now, meditations, different tools that you can plug into today. I’ll see you again real soon Beautiful Soul. Keep smiling, keep loving. Keep hugging.
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