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“This third dimensional space, this fourth dimensional space is home to this inverted matrix. Everything in this world is inverted. Have you not seen it because not everything that you see is what it seems, but you know this already. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be watching this video.”
So, how do we override the inverted matrix? What is it that’s going to switch our frequency and hold our frequency and enable us to maintain a potent field an extremely strong energetic field that stops us getting pulled back into anything that no longer serves us. Our intention is very important. The choices we make are very important. There are certain activations that we can take part in and initiate that will help us start a process that cleanses us as individual humans and as a collective into a new operational matrix. There are different levels to this kundalini activation.
One thing that’s really important to know is when you see these two spirals moving up, through and around the spinal column, that’s not correct. That’s false. There should be one spiral of light. There should be a flowering of a 1,000-petal electron magnetic lotus flower down in the perineum, down in the root which holds the magnetic frequency, the magnetic flow, which supports the electrical spiral moving up through the central column into the pineal gland of the crown and further up through those upper gateways, those upper energy centres, what we call transmission centres in Star Magic. There is a spiral flow all the way up outside of those 12 dimensions up through the primary light and sound fields all the way to the god worlds and what happens? The frequency gets pulled all the way back down back down through your body, back down into the Earth and from the Earth the energy flows back up. It goes up and down through your body, electrical energy coming down, magnetic energy coming up, the magnetic energy supporting that Kundalini spiral from your Genesis cells up into your brain. This is mission critical.
Now how do you get this going? How do you get this fired up? Well, we have what are known as the blue flame letters and they are like key locators. They are programmed to hunt out, to seek out, to move through your energetics on a physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, multi-dimensional level to lock into certain points in your own energetic framework, and once they’re unlocked you can activate this electric blue spiral, this crystalline spiral that flows up and down through your central column. It creates a cylinder around your body. Well first of all it creates a cylinder through your body. But then it expands out past the boundaries of your body and to get these flame letters to work you’ve got to use the Infinity sign, that never ending loop and you’ve got to loop it through your energy centres in a very specific way and you link them up through your central column. Once it’s fired up and everything’s switched on, the energy starts to flow. It’s a natural process but you’ve got to initiate that natural process by using certain crystalline keys and these blue flame letters are what sets everything in action.
This inverted matrix that we live and play the game of life is this third dimensional space. This fourth dimensional space is home to this inverted matrix. Everything in this world is inverted. Have you not seen it when they tell you to stay away from something. Use it because you should move towards it. When they tell you to focus on something really you should be turning away from it. Nothing is what it seems. Everything is back to front. The words that we use in this inverted matrix are spelling us in a negative capacity 24/7/365. You got to be really selective of the words that you choose the words that you think, the emotions that you feel, the words that you speak. You’re always spelling because this physical reality is supported by the building blocks in the quantum field and so when you’re spelling and you’re putting out these frequencies because words are frequencies. Thoughts are frequencies, emotions are frequencies. When you’re putting these frequencies out into the world, you’re running these frequencies and codes through the multi-dimensional playing fields, through the building blocks, through the cosmic fabric, through the energetic templates so it’s getting sucked up and it’s getting filtered and moved and alchemized through these fields and the fields are like invisible earth.
You start planting seeds in this invisible Earth. These seeds start to grow so the frequencies and thoughts and everything you put out into the field, it carries a charge, and that charge will manifest. You’ve got to take responsibility for everything that you’re putting out and everything that you’re drawing back in. You’ve got to have high levels of self-awareness because not everything that you see is what it seems. But you know this already. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be watching this video. You wouldn’t be listening to me right now because I’m on a certain frequency and only beings, people, humans that are on a similar frequency match are going to be attracted to videos like this. It’s not for everybody. Not everybody’s ready for this kind of information and that’s okay. But you are and so you know what you must do on the 20th of July. I’m going to hold a mystery school teaching to take you and whoever is interested through this activation to initiate this crystalline electric blue crystalline cylinder, to plug you into those god-world mathematics, those new earth mathematics, those crystalline codes to allow the 1,000-petalled lotus flower to activate in your perineum and support that one electrical spiral.
Once you do this it catalyses a whole frequency shift. Your whole life is going to elevate and expand in ways that I have no words for. This is a process that all of us need to go through. As humans we’re all going to be ready at different times. So, get yourself over to Go and check out Infinity, join, and get access to this mystery school teaching. 20th of July is going to be next level, a potent activation. We all deserve to be free, beautiful soul. We came to planet earth to be sovereign. We came to planet Earth to be free and to experience what it’s like to be human, to fully experience all of these potentials that we get, to experience inside these avatars. We get to interface with other human beings on so many different levels and there’s so many material things in this human world that we get to enjoy and play with not because they’re going to make us happy but because they’re fun and we came to Earth to have some fun. We didn’t come here to take it too seriously and be boring. We came here to be a little bit crazy and to let go and to have some fun and to let our wild sides out.
But at the same time get the balance and do the work to find our way back home to our hearts, to love, to recreate humanity, to rebirth that golden age, that diamond age, that platinum age, to raise the energy levels, expand consciousness, and step fully into our superhuman potential. But the thing is this I can’t do this for you. No one can. You got to make that choice man. You’ve got to make that choice, beautiful soul, to decide. ‘Do I want to harmonize with the frequencies at the next level of the game, or do I want to stay plugged in to the inverted matrix and stay small, controlled, manipulated, and enslaved because there your two choices. Which one are you going to choose? I know where I’m going because where I’m going there’s nowhere to go. I’m already there. I’m here. This is the key. This is the stargate. This is the gateway, the opening that you’ve been looking for all along. All of those questions to all of your answers are in here. You don’t really need me. You don’t need anyone else on planet Earth to guide you because you’ve got all the answers to all of your questions and you’re powerful. Don’t ever put anyone else above you. Don’t put anyone on a pedestal. You’re a spiritual gangsta, you’re a sovereign soldier, you’re a lion, you’re a lioness, and you’ve got so much firepower locked away in every cell in your body. Dive in here and access it. Know your power. Know your truth. Know who you are and love your love.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet earth, hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, breath work, high frequency nutrition, mystery school teachings, private telegram groups, so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you 24/7/365. Remember to like, comment, and share this video. Remember to hit the button so you get notified when new videos come up. Let’s boost the algorithms guys. Let’s boost the algorithms. Your likes, your comments, your shares, they’re much needed. Remember to love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. I’ll see you again real soon. You’re amazing. You truly are. I hope you know this. I trust you know this. I don’t hope. Hoping is for gamblers. I trust, I trust, I trust that you know who you are. I’ll see you soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul. I love you.
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