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How to Open the Third Eye through Guided Meditations

Humankind has been preoccupied with perfecting a way to open the Third Eye (also known as the pineal gland) for thousands of years – if not more.

Ancient esoteric schools knew long before us what its function is: To create an ethereal bridge between the physical and the spirit worlds. 

After all, it is known as the “Seat of the Soul”, and it’s what makes us as humans unique and strong, as it’s the key to unlocking higher knowledge.

The Third Eye also works in conjunction with the hypothalamus gland. Thus, it influences some of our most important biological functions:

  • Thirst
  • Hunger
  • Sexual desire
  • The ageing process

Now, I’ve had many people ask me: “Jerry, what’s the secret? How can I open the Third Eye with ease?”

Well, there are numerous practices that will help you open a doorway to the inner wisdom of your soul:

  • Meditation
  • Visualisation yoga
  • Out-of-body travel

And they all have one thing in common: Having the right spiritual guide.

energy healingI’ve experienced powerful spiritual awakenings, and I feel grateful to be able to show you the path to a higher plane of existence.

I’ve actually perfected the art of guided meditation to help people open the Third Eye. Here is some general advice I can offer:

  • Try to sun gaze. The Third Eye activates when you expose it to light, and what better light source is there than that of the Sun? Try to catch the first and last sunrays of the day. Stare at them just for five seconds – at first. The next day, build up to ten seconds, and so on.
  • Massage your Third Eye in a dark room. This helps you get the pineal gland vibrating with energy. Be sure to massage the area between your eyebrows. As you do that, relax your breathing and focus on how you are feeling. When you commit to this regularly, you’ll start being able to visit different places, galaxies, and even realities.
  • Always chant when you meditate. It will make your Third Eye vibrate, thus drawing focus on it and speeding up the activation process. Some of my favourite chants include “OM” (say it like “AUM”), or even “Allah” (say it like “AAA LA”).

You don’t have to do this alone, though. Guided meditation is teamwork, and I want to meditate alongside you to help you open your Third Eye.

open the third eye

I’ve put together many guided meditation sessions – just for you. You can listen to them whenever you want, wherever you want. The point is this: I’ll always be by your side to help guide you along your ethereal, self-discovery journey.

Just be sure to meditate regularly. Avoid fast food, sugary drinks and food, and tap water too. Otherwise, your pineal gland will be calcified. That means your judgment will get clouded, and your link to the spiritual world will be severed.

Clear Signs You’ve Managed to Open the Third Eye

“How do I know my journey has been successful?” – it’s not a question you’ll ask yourself. Self-doubt is the first thing to go once you manage to open the Third Eye.

Here are some other signs you’ve activated your pineal gland:

  • You desire to research and learn more
  • You start to question everything you’ve been taught
  • You stop watching regular TV shows
  • You stop listening to mainstream music
  • You start sensing or even seeing spirits
  • You start learning from your mistakes – you grow wiser
  • You experience a boost in creativity
  • You feel touched by divine inspiration

I Can Show You the Path to Endless Knowledge and Cosmic Energy

You are special. You are a unique astral being – not just a physical creation. You are the Universe. You are light.

And I want to help you realise that so you can achieve your true potential – enlightenment. 

Together, we can become so much more. All it takes is your willingness, eagerness, and Star Magic – the key to a lifetime of happiness.

I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.

Check out this awesome 3rd Eye Activating Meditation