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How to Inject the 10% Into Your Life & Rise Above the Average to Become a Legend


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“The problem with this world right now is people have forgotten how to grind. No, that’s not the way it works. Yes, the brain is powerful. Yes, our electromagnetic fields are supersonic but unless we take action, we’re never going to be successful. Success greatness achievement. It doesn’t happen on the easy road, and what gets you through is the extra 10%. It’s those extra reps. It’s the extra little bit of grind.”

So, I wanted to talk to you and share with you about building your armour. So many people want to take the easy road in life and let me tell you this. Success greatness achievement. It doesn’t happen on the easy road. I don’t care who you are. The road to success is not paved with prettiness and elegance, and all of the things that are just rosy and kind and loving. The road to success is tough. It’s challenging. You’ve got to overcome, you’ve got to navigate people situations, events, circumstances, and what gets you through is that extra little bit. It’s that extra 10%. It’s those extra reps. It’s the extra little bit of grind.

The problem with this world right now is people have forgotten how to grind and there’s all this like passiveness. Oh, just sit there and meditate. Sit there and just manifest, your whole life is just going to fall into your lap. No, that’s not the way it works. Yes, the brain is powerful. Yes, our electromagnetic fields are supersonic. Yes, our emotions when we engage them with our electrical energy, we can start to create stuff. We can start to pull things into our path but unless we take action, we’re never going to be successful, and the thing is this. Even when you’re great at manifesting and things fall onto your path, there are challenges and what people aren’t ready for are the challenges.

When I go to the gym, I set myself whatever it is I’m going to do for that day. I never know what I’m going to do until I get to the gym that day because I don’t want to let my body adjust because your body adjusts to its environment whether it’s hot, cold, whether it’s a gym routine, whatever your body adjusts to. So, the best thing is to shock the body. But whatever happens when I do my workout, when I get to the end of my workout, I’m going to chuck in a finisher. That finisher could be 100 burpees, and I could be absolutely completely smashed. But I’m going to do the 100 burpees. That extra finisher could be a 1 mile on the treadmill as fast as I can. That finisher could be 100 sit-ups. That finisher could be a war squat for 5 minutes. The finisher, it doesn’t really matter what the finisher is. The finisher is always going to be hard.

When you do it at the end of an intense workout what is awesome is the strength that it builds mentally. When you’re absolutely completely smashed, your hearts inside your head, your legs are dead, you’re sweating, puking sometimes, who knows how much intensity you’ve put into the workout that day. But when you get to the end of it, and you drop down and you do your finisher, you’re building mental strength because the body doesn’t want to do it. You, the human being wants to go and have a shower. You want to lie down for a bit. You want to get go and get a protein drink, whatever it is. The last thing you really want to do is to drop down and do that finisher. No one really enjoys diving into the finisher but when you put yourself into that space, you start to grow. You start to realize that you’ve got more capacity than you thought.

You were operating at 100%. You now realize that really, you’re operating at 75 or 80%, and then soon the finisher becomes easy and then you chuck in something else on top of the finisher or you make your original workout more intense and so you’re always striving and always pushing and then you realize that your original 100% was probably your 20% after 2 months or 3 months of chucking in a finisher. Most people operate well below par. Most people operate way below their maximum levels because they’ve never even pushed themselves. But the world tells you to be passive. The world tells you to meditate. The world tells you to be peaceful. The world tells you that it’s not good to fight. The world tells you that it’s not good to have competition in your blood, to be competitive. Me, I’m super competitive. But you know my greatest competition is me. It’s me that I beat up. It’s me that I’m competitive against. It’s me that I’m always trying to raise the bar on.

All these people around me that I seeing doing wonderful things in the world, I’m grateful for them because they inspire me to do more. I don’t look at them and think how the f*** did he get there, how the f*** did she get there? Oh, they must have been delivered on a silver spoon. No, I’m like wow you’ve really done a good job, beautiful soul, and I’m like ‘how can I put more into my life so I can raise my levels of my energy? How can I get to the next level?’ When you see these people around you as inspiration, don’t judge them and ridicule them and put them down. Let them add fire to your life. Let them inspire you until you don’t need anyone around you to inspire you because you wake up every day super motivated. You wake up every day super jacked, pumped, ready to go and attack the workout. Go and attack the script that you’re writing. Go and attack the meeting that you have to deliver to your staff. Go and attack the business plan for your next venture. Lean into the process.

People in life if they say well you need a backup plan, you want to go and get this education, so you’ve got something to fall back on to. Why would you want to put a safety net in place. if you put a safety net in place it means you don’t trust yourself. It means that you’re not 100% convinced that what you’re doing is what you should be doing. It means you don’t trust yourself. It means you don’t value yourself. It means that you’re weak. You don’t need a plan B when you commit to plan A. Plan A is going to work and if plan A doesn’t work it’s going to furnish you with the tools to start the next plan. A plan B is for weak people. When you know what you should be doing, when you feel it deep in your soul, deep in your heart, nothing’s going to stop you becoming unstoppable. You become unshakable. You become un-fuck-with-able, and I guarantee you the higher you climb, you’re going to have more people at the top of that mountain throwing sticks and stones, trying to break your bones and trying to drag you back down because they’re the weak people that never had the determination.

They’re the weak people that couldn’t handle the discipline. They’re the weak people that didn’t stay committed and focused to their goals and dreams. They’d rather try and tear other people down because they’re weak, because it takes strength of character to climb the mountain under massive stress and keep going. The road to success, the road to greatness is an uphill road. Anyone that tells you differently has never tried to walk in it. They have never tried to crawl it, never tried to run it, climb it, whatever. Some people will say, ‘oh well Jerry, you’re just manifesting an uphill road’. No, I’m just being truthful. The road to success is paved with challenges. Now it doesn’t mean that that uphill road is hard because you can still enjoy that uphill road. I’m not saying because it’s not easy that it’s hard because I don’t see anything as hard. I just see as an experience that I’m having and all those challenges and trials and tribulations, they’re just part of the process.

Once you engage in the process you’ve got to maintain those levels of energy, those levels of commitment, those levels of courage, those levels of Integrity, those good values that help you wake up every morning at 500 a.m. and crush your day and whatever stands in your way, you mine the gold from it. You don’t get sucked into it. You mine the gold from it you don’t get distracted by it. You mind the gold from it. You take it, you stick it in your pocket, and you keep going. It’s money in the bank, money in the bank. All of these trials and tribulations and money in the bank helping you, growing you, serving you ready for the next part of the process, the next part on your incredible journey of life.

Remember to ask yourself this question, ‘am I operating at full capacity?’. If you are going to stick an extra 36 reps, go and stick a finisher on your workout, go and do an extra minute in the ice, under the cold shower, go and stick an extra five minutes on your silent meditation. When you’re completely still, when your body’s starting to scream because it wants to move because you’ve been there for 45 minutes, your mind is kicking in trying to get you to go and do something, anything to distract you from the silence because that’s where you’re powerful and alchemical and magical. Stay there. stay in the fire. enjoy the fire. until you become the fire. That’s alchemy.

Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging, and it’s a beautiful medicine. Remember to laugh, have fun, play be like a little kid on this human ride. Don’t take it so seriously because so many people take it seriously and they lose themselves in it. Be the jester, be the joker, be the fool, be crazy. They’re the ones that have cracked the code, beautiful soul, just like you. You know the score.

Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, high frequency nutrition, breath work, mystery school teachings on all different spiritual subjects. Mind evolving subjects and topics, things to make you a superhuman. You can access private groups with ascension soldiers just like you who want to make this world a better place.

We meet online every Monday, Wednesday, and second Sunday for meditations and activations to amplify your life, to switch your abundance frequency into turbocharge mode. So, go and check it out. You get 7 days free for all of that right now, best tools on the planet. I will see you again real soon. Remember to be crazy, be wild, and make up your own rules of this human game and find your capacity. I’ll see you again, real soon.