We are experiencing new energy and new light encoded frequency streams entering our local planetary environment. This new energy is changing us physically as a species. Electromagnetic star frequencies are coming from the Central Sun, other celestial beings and our Star Sisters and Brothers. These new energies are producing many different symptoms in our physical body, some of which are uncomfortable. Its important to know how to handle these shifts and what you can expect. Remember, you choose this Earthly mission. You knew what you were in for before you incarnated into human form. It’s a beautiful time to be alive on Planet earth. We are blessed to be witnessing this evolutionary process first hand.
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“The energies on the planet are so high at the moment but how do you handle them?”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right there, beautiful soul? So, I wanted to share with you today about the energy on the planet and how you can handle this because if you’re like me and a lot of other star seeds on the planet right now you’re feeling these amped up energies and I’m talking about Sirius amplification of the energy, it is skyrocket high at the moment and it’s only going to get intense. It’s going to intensify and intensify and build and build.
We are going to get recalibration periods where things even out and then another wave is going to come and it’s a beautiful thing because this energy is helping us evolve as a species. We get lots of messages and people come to us through star magic that want healing now and they’re saying I’m getting pain in my throat, I’m getting pain in my heart, pain in my back. These different manifestations of physical pain are appearing in the body and a lot of people think they’re being attacked, it’s this, is that I’m ill, I’ve got some kind of injury, illness, disease, or it’s a psychic attack, some kind of heavier low vibrational energy is coming into their space and attacking. Now all the above are possible potentials and things that could be happening.
Most of the time it’s not there’s not actually really anything wrong with the human being, it’s just they’re going through a metamorphosis. These energies that are coming in from the central sun, through our sun, from other celestial beings, through some of these Lyran and Alcyon stargates. there’s Andromedan stargates that are opening and closing. There are portals opening and closing sending in high frequency energy into our local environment so we as a species can expand raise our levels of consciousness, unlock the DNA inside of us which contains lots of amazing incredible knowledge and wisdom you know that we’ve carried from the stars to this magical green and blue ball. We are expanding and evolving as a species. Now a lot of people are waking up in the nighttime, Jerry I woke up at 3:30 this morning in a ball of sweat, I’m waking up at 4:00 a.m. every single day in a ball of sweat, Jerry I can’t breathe properly, my heart is tied my chest is tights it seems like there’s a blockage in my central system, energy can’t flow up and down properly. These are symptoms if you are expanding.
Now it’s not easy I understand this, I completely totally feel where you’re at if you’re going through this because I’m not exempt from this. I’m going through this stuff – we all are. Some of us more than others depending on where you’re at and what kind of work you’ve done will kind of determine how you’re handling this now. So, now is a time for you to kind of dig deep. You know you signed up for this mission. This isn’t something that is happening to you that you didn’t choose before you incarnated onto planet Earth. You look better than you thought, I think I’m going to go down and have a crack at that, yeah, I’m looking at this timeline and these guys are going to go through some in a few years. I want to be down there for that, and I want to help them, that process. You had these kinds of thoughts, and you know you observe this experience in the so-called future. Back in the so-called past before you incarnated into this human form and now, you’re probably thinking why the heck did I do that. I understand that. Okay it’s not an easy process of being here but at the same time you got all the minerals, you got the juice, you got the skills, you got the wisdom to ride this wave baby.
So, let’s ride it together. We’re starseeds on planet Earth, we’re magical titans from the stars that came here to go through this ascension process. So, whatever it is that you’re going through, know that it’s okay make sure that you’re moving your body, make sure that you’re getting plenty of rest. I’m having an hour to an hour and 20 minutes sleep every afternoon now. I wake up early, I’m getting up at 5:00 or 6:00 every day which is late for me because normally it’s like a four or five o’clock. But recently I’ve been getting up a little bit later but by twelve o’clock I’m feeling tired so come one o’clock or two o’clock I’m crashing out for an hour, a little bit more sometimes, and rejuvenate in rest, in recalibrating. Then I’m off again for the rest of the day and then and then crashing out in that time and when I’m having my sleep in the day and when I’m asleep at nighttime I’m working non-stop anyway off in other parts of the galaxy, in other frequency bands doing other things. I’m sure you’re the same too.
So, you got to move your body and exercise but don’t push yourself too hard. I’m one of these people that loves fierce exercise, I love my circuits, my boxing, this sort of stuff. But right now, I’m tapering it all down because my body needs the rest. I’m not stopping because my body needs to move and assimilate and push this energy through but I’m not going as fearsome as hard as I was because my body can’t handle it. So, I just cheer with my exercise but still exercising and me chilling with my exercise is probably still tough for a lot of people but that’s just the way that I exercise but I’m taking it easier I’m working with my body through this process.
I’m putting loads of water into my system. You got to be drinking at least minimum three litres, but I would say four five six litres of water a day. You know you got to be hammering that water into your body. It’s the conductor of these frequencies. So, the more crystalline, the more frequency enhances you. Know it’s like a delivery mechanism into your cells. The more water you’ve got, it’s a good conductor. We’re electromagnetic beings. Some these electromagnetic frequencies flowing through the atmosphere drink the water and allow them to absorb and flow through you in a in a much more efficient fashion. So, water, sleep, exercise. Make sure you’re putting lots of good food into your body, high fibre nutritional foods, but at the same time you want some ground in foods, you know carrots, root vegetables, this sort of stuff. I’m not a big fan of potatoes but now maybe add a few potatoes into your diet. Use sweet potatoes not normal potatoes, things that grow out of the ground. Ground yourself, get your shoes and socks and get your feet onto the earth.
Hug those trees baby and talk to those trees because you have much better conversations with trees than you think. I do anyway and I’m sure you would that will do if you surrender and just allow the trees to communicate with you. But what I’m saying is just take it a bit easier and know that all the things that you’re going through, they’re just a part of the process. There are some people I know now that are finding it difficult to sleep. They’re like the opposite of me. I’m eating more, to sleep more. There are other people that are kind of like totally alert and none of this right or wrong. It’s just what’s happening to you ,what biology is changing on the inside. We’re evolving. We’re becoming superhumans. These abilities that we used to have when we incarnated in Lemuria, Atlantis: telekinesis, teleportation, bilocation, healing at distance, telepathy. These are so natural for us, but we’ve just been on a bit of a roller coaster.
In the narrative we have fought with these tiny little humans, the only beings in the entire galaxy, universe. Okay, we’re just small and we’re supposed to be here, to kind of work our days 9:00 to 5:00, pay some taxes, have enough money to retire and live out our days just about getting by. That is so far from the truth. It’s unreal. We are amazing eternal beings of light and we’re remembering this stuff and these energies coming into our space. They’re like little cosmic keys and they’re coming into our cells, into our DNA, and we’re remembering. When a caterpillar goes into a chrysalis it sits in the darkness for a little while, and that little caterpillar doesn’t know how long it’s going to be in the darkness. But he just kicks back, puts his feet up like it’s on a sunbed and goes through the process or maybe not a sunbed but a sun lounger kicking back in the sun but inside the darkness. It doesn’t know how long it’s going to be in there for, but it just rides it out, okay, and it enjoys the process as much as it can.
What we’re doing right now is we’re going through our own metamorphosis, and we’ve got to enjoy our process as much as we can, and we’ve got to just come together and support each other. It’s a ride baby. We’re lucky to be alive, we are blessed to be on this planet right now and go through this experience. Look at all the chaos on the planet right there. Wow it’s like it’s crazy okay but this is the game being dismantled, this is consciousness erupting like a wild volcano. Stuff is just spinning. Those that have tried to take over this planet and rule us, their purging big-time because they’re on their last legs, baby. The light is shining, you are part of that mission. You are a warrior, and you came here to shine and to be powerful for them to have this experience. So, kick back and enjoy it, okay.
You’re amazing. I love you so much, beautiful soul as my sister or brother. Wherever you are on this planet, go out and hug tightly. Hug so tight and remember the golden rule of hugging is don’t be the first to let go. So, if you’ve got a stand there and hug for 74 days that’s what you’re going to do. Just don’t let go. It’s not a battle of ego, it’s a battle of love, and love doesn’t battle love. Love just is. It is what it is and that is it, just is so. Just be the love and be what it is and just kick back like they can tap it or in the chrysalis and enjoy that hug for as long as it takes.
Love fiercely and ferociously, beautiful soul, fiercely and ferociously, because with the chaos at the moment, fierce love and ferocious love is needed to bust through and keep on loving when life is showing you many other things. I love you, you’re amazing. Go and be your authentic power, shine brighter than the brightest star in the galaxy, dampen your sparkle for no one, and I’ll see you again very soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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