Try to remember a beautiful day wherein nature was showcasing its splendors all around. Now, is it true that sometimes not even this kind of contexts can enliven our day?
We’re offered all the means to feel deep enchantment, but we can’t seem to access those feelings.
It’s those kinds of situations that may indicate you need cosmic energy meditation.
Why would that be the case for you? Let me explain.
There are loads of experiences we are not able to experience at their fullest, for various reasons.
But the underlying one is this: we carry with ourselves some loads and burdens we’re not even conscious of. And they block our sensors from perceiving the enormous surrounding greatness.
Cosmic energy meditation waives these perceptive barriers and prepares our being for celestial wholeness.
But how do you make sure you experience the best possible way?
First, it’s about understanding.
Cosmic energy – called shakti in Hindu – is the force which inhabits and animates all forms of existence.
Or, in other words, is the invisible thread that links our souls to the whole Cosmos. That’s why our hearts are stargates to the Universe – they are fueled by cosmic rays resembling light wavelengths.
If it weren’t for the cosmic energy, the Cosmos wouldn’t acquire balance.
Now, let me tell you that your being is another kind of cosmic environment – which obviously needs balance as well.
This notion is known as cosmometry – all cosmic structures, including human organisms, are powered by the same inner dynamics. This happens because the Universe is:
But this balance is quite hard to attain if you don’t cultivate it by cosmic energy healing, which aligns all your energetic fields and clears all the pathways that have been blocked.
I can tell you – opening your heart to this deep understanding could be an arduous endeavor.
But I’m here to guide you throughout your journey, so here are a few tips to help you prepare for the best cosmic energy meditation outcome:
So remember: if you’re reading these lines, it means you’ve already made the first steps towards a profound change within.
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place. Just try out one of my healing meditation sessions and get ready for the deep transformative powers of your being to resurface.
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