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How to Connect with Your Spiritual Self and Live the Life You Deserve

Have you ever wondered who or what is your spiritual self? Have you ever questioned yourself what would your higher self do in certain situations? How would you, as a higher being, approach your problems?

Your inner energy spark is always there, guiding your each step towards fulfilling your destiny. Connecting with it can speed up the process, show you a clearer path and empower yourself to overcome any obstacles with ease.

So, in the following lines, we’ll guide you through the journey you’ll have to take to connect with your spiritual self in order to grasp the life you deserve, in all its beauty and perfection.

What Is Your Higher Self?

Do you ever feel like you know the solution to your current problems? Like it’s hidden somewhere and you can’t get a hold of it?

Your inner energy is your spiritual self who has access to all the knowledge and wisdom it has gathered in all its existence – it is forever, atemporal. Some call it a soul, others a divine spark. All in all, your higher self is energy in its purest, universal form.

Getting disconnected from it can have physical repercussions and it surely affects your lifestyle and your body’s self-healing capabilities.

What Does Your Spiritual Self Do

Imagine a purer you residing in the background, constantly offering yourself wisdom and directions about where to go now. Your higher self knows everything, it has the solutions and it’s the secret to achieving your full potential.

That knowledge can be hard to reach your mind’s consciousness, especially if the connection between the physical you and the spiritual self is broken or disrupted.

I know there are ways to access the wisdom of your higher self directly by bypassing the mind. To live the life you deserve, you need to take control of every aspect of your being, including the you who has walked on the highest of paths and has already achieved the most ambitious destinies.

Never ever forget you’re a pure, beautiful and powerful being capable of achieving greatness.

How to Reconnect with Your Spiritual Self

You need to remember you’re a child of the Universe who possesses the power to create your own world. You’re only incarnated in the physical. Realizing you’re only pure energy in a physical body will empower your very existence.

You won’t need intuition to connect to your spiritual self because you’re ultimately connecting to yourself. Once the connection is established your physical intuition will be greatly boosted.

Achieving such a connection can be done through meditation. It will enable you to listen to your deepest and purest desires. It will allow your body to activate its self-healing properties and it will ultimately bring you to achieving your true potential and changing the world the way you want it to be.

You’ll feel, see and know you are light, binary code, geometry, an electromagnetic light source beyond anything remotely physical. This guided healing meditation is extremely powerful and will heal you on a cellular level, at the core of your being.

Are you ready to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency and bask in unconditional love as you journey deep into your own cosmic heart?

I am Jerry and I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. Together we can make this world a much more harmonious place.