To be free and exit the matrix is a choice. Many are scared to make that choice or simply do not recognise that they have the ability to make that choice. A higher state of consciousness and an evolved vibrational rate is necessary for any human being to rise and exit. Many are focused on the external world and that in itself offers only sign posts to engage in the inward journey. Watch, listen and exit the matrix now.
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“If humanity is to truly thrive, if you, beautiful soul, are to truly thrive, then you’ve got to engage with the cosmic code.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul? So, I want to share a message with you about the cosmic code and how you as a high vibrational being can elevate your frequency even more and how you can connect to the true blueprint that is going to help you thrive in every single way.
I’m out here in nature right now. There are trees all around, there’s bushes, there’s birds, there’s bees, there’s insects. It’s magical, there’s a little bit of wind and there’s no one around a few people walking past on the path over there from time to time but it’s just me it’s just me and the trees. Now when a human being comes into nature a lot of the time, they think that they’re coming into nature because they’re coming from the environment that they were in, maybe a city or a street, some town, whatever it is, out from their home, their office, building, and they’ve come into nature where there’s trees and stuff.
Now it might seem to you like you’re entering a different environment and that you’re lifting yourself out of one environment and go into another one. The reason this is, is because most of us are completely disconnected from our cosmic codes. We actually truly believe that we as human beings are different from our environment, we’re separate from our environment, and nothing could be further from the truth, nothing whatsoever. I mean having a conversation with a tree is like having a conversation with your friends. When you truly drop into your heart and engage you can have the most magical dialogue, it’s unreal. Now when we come into nature we’re not really coming into nature, we’re reconnecting with our cosmic codes, with our original blueprint. Now why do I say that I say that because you are nature. You are not muscles, bones, organs, wrapped in a bag of skin, and separate from everything else. No, you are mother nature.
You are a continuation of the one stream of frequency, the one stream of source energy, that flows through the trees, the plants, the animals, the flowers, the sun, the moon, and the stars, every single human: men women, and children. There is no separation, we are all one and when you come into nature, and something special happens. You start to connect with the soil, you start to connect with the earth, and if you take off your shoes and socks and you walk on the bare earth, oh my god you start to connect with the soil, and the soil is rich in nutrition, especially when you come out into the woods and into the forests where people aren’t farming the soil. Soil in the fields around a lot of planet earth has been depleted of potassium, selenium, magnesium, lots of different minerals that the earth needs to supply our fruits and our vegetables but also what we need as humans to supply our own system.
Now, flowing through good soil you have white gold, yellow gold, plus all of these different minerals that we need to sustain ourselves and when you walk with your bare feet on the earth you start to reconnect with the code of nature, the cosmic codes, the code of the stars because the stars are in the trees, the stars are in the bushes, the stars are everywhere you are stardust, I am stardust. We’re magical mythical beings, beautiful soul, but we put ourselves down. We lower our own levels, we lower our own standards, we poison our bodies with things that aren’t mother nature, and this completely messes up our system. But when we take time out, when we go back into nature and we hug the trees and we connect with the soil, we start to reconnect with what we truly are. Nature is so special.
If you have some land where you’re growing carrots or tomatoes or whatever it is, any kind of fruit, if you stand with your bare feet in and amongst the food that you’re growing the soil is going to take the blueprints from your physical body and transmit it down into the soil and into the roots of the vegetables or the trees, the fruits, whatever it is that you’re growing and those vegetables, those fruit trees, they’re going to download those codes. They’re going to download the blueprints; they’re going to download the information from your physical body, through the soil and then they’re going to start to grow producing the same nutrients that your own physical body is deficient on. This is how magical nature is.
The only liquid in the entire world, in the entire universe, that contains all the information on your own body is your urine. When you pee onto your fruits and your vegetables, on the soil around them, not directly onto them, but the soil around them, they’re going to start to again read the information from your body and they’re going to start to grow and produce the vitamins, the minerals, that you’re deficient in, and you are going to become a healthier human being when you eat them. That’s why we should never really go out and just buy fruits and vegetables from the shops because they’re grown in an environment that isn’t personal to us. So, this is why we should all be growing our own fruits and vegetables. So, when you come back into nature and you start to connect with the ground, you start to connect with the truth. The soil is amazing, the soil has things in it that you need to replenish, to revitalize.
When you take your shoes and socks off and connect with the earth, you start to draw that magnetic energy from the planet up in a much more efficient fashion. Yes, you can draw it up when you’ve got your shoes and socks on because you can do it if you’re at the top of a 25-story high-rise building that is completely away from nature. If you know how to connect, and I’m sure you do because you’re a high vibrational 5D being, you wouldn’t be watching this video and connecting with me now in this space if you weren’t a high vibrational being. So, take your own cosmic hat off and salute yourself, beautiful soul, because you’re one magical mythical being and I love you so much. Now just coming back to this urine thing. Drink your own pee in the mornings, urine therapy, okay. It’s the only liquid on the planet that contains all the information on your own body.
When the rubbish comes out of your system it either comes out through the rear end or it comes out through your mouth. A lot of toxicity comes out in your mouth. This is another reason why it’s no good to be wearing these masks during this coronavirus plandemic but that’s a whole other story. We are not going there today but you know you’re breathing in all that toxicity, all that carbon dioxide, it’s no good for you. But when you drink your urine in the morning and some people loop it. It’s a technique where they just pee it into a cup or a bottle and drink it. They loop it back through their system. It raises your energy levels, it puts all those vitamins, creatines, minerals, all that goodness back into your body because all the good stuff comes out in your urine in your wee, in your pee. Yeah, it’s amazing like we are just amazing beings and nature is amazing. Nature it just grows, nature just nurtures itself. You don’t need to control nature but what we do as human beings is we try and control nature. It’s so flipping backwards.
When we realize that we’re nature and we start to connect with nature like we are it, we roll around in the mud, we hug the trees we play with the soil, we take our shoes and socks off. Maybe you want to take all your clothes off because these clothes don’t really serve us. They might keep us a little bit warm when it’s cold, but we don’t really need to be wearing so many clothes all the time. The reason that we’ve got shoes, the reason that they brought shoes into place, wasn’t to protect people’s feet. It was to stop our connection with the magnetics of the grounds. The reason they put roads down was to stop our connection with mother earth. What we got to do, beautiful soul, if you want to really be a high vibrational being and moving into these higher vibrational spaces, raise your frequency, you’ve got to connect with the cosmic code. You’ve got to go back to mother nature. It’s that simple. You’ve just got to get out into the woods, and you’ve got to roll around ‘stark bollock’ naked and roll and play with the trees.
It’s that simple. Take your shoes and socks off get back to the earth. Start growing your own fruits and vegetables. Create your own little community and start being happy. You know when you go into nature you become happier. Nature naturally heals you, nature naturally does what it’s supposed to do, and when you realize that you are nature itself, you too will naturally self-heal and if you get yourself out of these high-rise buildings, out from these towns and cities, a little more often and go and connect with nature, the real nature deep in the middle of nowhere, not these parks in the middle of cities with crappy soil. I mean get out where the forest is natural, where it’s overgrown, where it’s not maintained, when nature is thriving, okay. You are one magical being, a crystalline avatar from the stars. So, start behaving like one. Start being who you truly are. Be authentic, love yourself, be in nature, connect with the truth, the trees. Hug tightly, never be the first to let go, love fiercely and ferociously, and have a magical life.
Wherever you are on the planet okay, I want you to know that you came to this planet to be extraordinary and not to play small. So, open this great big, massive cosmic heart that you’ve got in the centre of your chest, ignite your higher hearts okay and connect to those cosmic frequencies above. Take your shoes and socks off and connect to the magnetic frequencies of the earth, the electromagnetic and the magnetic, the feminine, the masculine, bring it all into equilibrium in the centre of your heart, and your whole life is going to change. I love you. Please check out our website If you’re watching this on YouTube subscribe and share, if you’re watching it anywhere on the social media share these positive messages with your friends and family. Let’s wake up our sisters and brothers together. We really can make this world a much more harmonious place, beautiful soul.
Go out into this world. As I said before, hug tightly and never be the first to let go. Hug so tightly like you’re hugging a planet, you’re hugging Mars and Venus and planet Earth all at once inside your arms and squeezing so tight. This is how much you’ve got to hug your sisters and brothers and never be the first to let go never be the first to let go. That is the golden rule of hugging. Love fiercely and ferociously, beautiful soul, because there is so much chaos and confusion and temptation to be distracted and you’ve got to love fiercely and ferociously through that. Otherwise, you’re going to crumble and your light’s going to diminish. So be strong be solid, stay focused, and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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